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We warn again against new laws that make food production more difficult by forcing farmers to abandon parts of their farmland.

After two Parliamentary Committees rejected the proposal, it is time for the @EU_Commission to withdraw it❗


The EPP Group wants to protect biodiversity, but the current proposals on and pesticides are not fit for purpose.

We want to postpone new laws that make food more expensive or endanger renewable energy!


RT @strankaSLS: Recesija v Nemčiji napoveduje višja tveganja v evropskem gospodarstvu v prihodnosti, zaradi česar strokovnjaki priporočajo več preudarnosti. Slovenski proračun je prenapihnjen, kar pomeni, da imamo ob morebitnih težavah malo manevrskega prostora.


RT @strankaSLS: Na pobudo predsednika SLS @BalazicMarko se organi stranke sedaj sestajajo po Sloveniji. Tokrat nas je gostil OO SLS Škofja Loka, ki je pripravil čudovito srečanje v prostorih gledališča. Na seji smo tudi odprli postopek evidentiranja kanidatov za volitve v EU parlament. 🇪🇺


Agriculture and nature protection must work hand in hand!

🐝 We were glad to welcome Boštjan Noč, President of Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association, to celebrate .

He praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.

Watch more ⬇️


RT @jedrskasi: @AndrejaLoncar Tega izpada v petek nismo želeli komentirati, je pa treba povedati:

Okoljske in jedrske zahteve so obstajale tudi v 70-ih letih. Pri gradnji NEK pa se je upoštevala celo ameriška, ki je bila takrat strožja od jugoslovanske. Ni bilo tako, kot govori državna sekretarka.


RT @IntergroupRUMRA: We warmly welcome the Kiruna declaration, which calls for the EU 2 take account of the specific situation of remote areas in the EU budget & highlights the role of cohesion policy in ensuring sustainable place-based development in all corners of Europe


Odlična reportaža📷@vaskanal o odmevni energetski konferenci: "Prehod v nizkoogljično družbo - kako pri prižganih lučeh zmanjšati emisije ogljika?", ki smo jo v organizaciji @IKorosca in @MartensCentre na mojo pobudo organizirali prejšnji petek v Krškem.


RT @COPACOGECA: 🐝🐝At the event organised by MEPs @juozas_olekas @Franc_Bogovic on the difficult situation of beekeepers , Etienne Bruneau, vice chair of @COPACOGECA WP honey, underlined the alarming situation of 🇪🇺 beekeepers and their agricooperatives. If market will not change, we will…


🚨 Reject laws which are bad for European agriculture!

This afternoon, on the initiative of the EPP Group, the @EP_Agriculture rejected the planned legislation.

Read @AnneSanderElue and @HerbertDorfmann’s statement⬇️


Imeli smo odlične predstavitve finskega in češkega energetskega koncepta.
Gospod Paravan je predstavil načrte GEN Energije, @H2Europe je predstavil vodikovo strategijo, sledila sta dva odlična panela: gospodarski in energetski, potem pa pride na sceno državna sekretarka...
RT @BojanPozar: ➡️➡️ ➡️➡️ Cvetober izjav ter vidno afektivnost državne sekretarke za energijo na nedavni konferenci na temo prehoda v nizkoogljično družbo si lahko pogledate tukaj … https…


🐝 "Bees Know No Borders" is the motto of our MEPs’ exhibition to celebrate !

Agriculture & nature protection must work hand in hand.

Our Slovenian 🇸🇮 beekeeper guest praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.


RT @EPPGroup: 🚨 Reject laws which are bad for European agriculture!

This afternoon, on the initiative of the EPP Group, the @EP_Agriculture rejected the planned legislation.

Read @AnneSanderElue and @HerbertDorfmann’s statement⬇️


Odličen prispevek bruseljskega dopisnika @RTV_Slovenija @IgorYuric o razstavi 🐝 "Čebele ne poznajo meja" 🐝, ki jo na pobudo @CzsNoc v @europarl_en te dni gostimo z @LjudmilaNovak in @KarloRessler. Vabljeni k ogledu!
@EPPGroup @strankaSLS


S podporo poslanskih kolegov @LjudmilaNovak in @KarloRessler smo sinoči v @europarl_en otvorili razstavo 🐝"Čebele ne poznajo meja" 🐝, ki je pripravljena na pobudo @CzsNoc 🇸🇮 & 🇭🇷 čebelarjev ter poudarja pomen sodelovanja med čebelarji in ohranjanja čebel. @EPPGroup


RT @IliasGrampas: “ Know No Borders”, so let’s celebrate their vital role in our & promote international for their stronger protection! 🙏🏻 to @Franc_Bogovic, @LjudmilaNovak & @KarloRessler for hosting such a unique exhibition 📍 @europarl_en‼️ 🐝 🐝


RT @KarloRessler: Značaj pčela u održanju bioraznolikosti, proizvodnji hrane i održivosti je teško precijeniti. Drago mi je u @Europarl_HR u Bruxellesu ugostiti predsjednika i članove 🇭🇷 pčelarskog saveza te zajedno s @Franc_Bogovic, @LjudmilaNovak i Slovenskim pčelarskim savezom suorganizirati…


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