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Novinarjem @RevijaReporter se zahvaljujem,da ste končno objavili fotografije s podelitve 2018, ko sem prejel nagrado za najboljšega poslanca s področja inovovacij v @Europarl_SL Na tem mestu je vaše povezovanje s poslanko, ki so jo nedavno ujeli pri korupciji, neetično
RT @RevijaReporter: Kaj sta počela evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič in zaradi korupcije aretirana Grkinja na okrogli mizi Huawei?


RT @EP_ThinkTank: Over 80% of total EU territory is rural
These areas are often beautiful - but people live there too!
Can the EU help strengthen rural communities in the long term?
@EP_Agriculture @LinsNorbert @IECarvalhais @Franc_Bogovic @ESVForum


V Bruslju je 7. decembra potekal 8. Evropski kongres mladih kmetov @EUYoungFarmers. V imenu @podezelska_zspm in na moj predlog je bila na tekmovanje kongresa za EU nagrado mladih inovativnih kmetov kandidirana Martina Veršnik.


Letošnji prejmnik nagrade Saharova je ukrajinski narod, ki se pogumno upira ruski agresiji. V sredo bo na slovesna podelitev, na kateri bo @EP_President nagrado predala Ukrajincem. Pred podelitvijo prisluhni prejmnikom in njihovim zgodbam zadnjih nekaj mesecev.


The labour market is changing.

And there will be a struggle to get the younger generations engaged in certain professions.

One of these professions is , says @HerbertDorfmann MEP.

Tune in to our on the future of farming.



Čestitke 👏 Martina Veršnik @podezelska_zspm za odlično predstavitev in odlično zastopanje Slovenije na v Evropskem parlamentu.


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Prideluje odlično ekstra deviško oljčno olje, oljčno olje z zelišči, oljčno olje z agrumi. 👍


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Na EU 🇪🇺 Kongresu mladih kmetov v EP gostim delegacijo mladih kmetic in kmetov 👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾 @podezelska_zspm, med katerimi je tudi naša 🇸🇮 nominiranka za EU nagrado Martina Veršnik, mlada prevzemnica kmetije iz iz Izole, z Ekološke družinske kmetije Olea.



↗️Rising food prices.
↗️Fertiliser shortages.

Don't put an extra burden on farmers and consumers.

The planned new rules to reduce pesticide use in Europe require a new impact assessment that considers Russia's war in Ukraine.

🚨Our is at stake!


🌾"The aim of the congress is to promote a positive image of and to reveal farming activities characterized by innovation, sustainability and market orientation", says @HerbertDorfmann.



RT @CEMAagri: 📢Our joint press release with the winners of the 2022 is now available! 🐝

A special thanks to all the winners, to our partner @EULandownersOrg and our host @Franc_Bogovic

Let's keep protecting and together!


RT @CasopisSlovenec: STOJEČE EU NOVICE 🇪🇺 @krause_lara
Po daljšem premoru smo znova z vami. Kaj vse se je zgodilo v tem času?
Vabljeni k 👀 in 👂.
Veseli bomo tudi 👍, ✍️ in ⏩.
🎥 nastal v sodelovanju in podpori @IKorosca in @MartensCentre


RT @EULandownersOrg: Time to announce the winners of the celebrated at the EU Parliament. Congratulations to 🏆🐝:
- The Birr Castle Bee Project 🇮🇪
- IT Beekeeping by AmoHive🇵🇱
- Veitshöchheimer Hempmix 🇩🇪
Thanks to our partner @CEMAagri & MEP @Franc_Bogovic


V @europarl_en smo nocoj podelili Evropsko čebeljo nagrado za inovativne projekte na področju varstva biotske raznovrstnosti & trajnostnega kmetijstva. 🐝
@EULandownersOrg @CEMAagri


Ahead of the European Young Farmers Congress, we bring you a new episode of our .

🚜 What is the future of ?
🚜How can we make farming more attractive to younger generations?
🚜 Is our food security at risk?

Tune in! ▶️


I am looking forward to hosting the at the European Parliament this evening.

We have to all work together, in order to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for our bees.

No Bees no life.

you can register at


RT @CropLifeEU: @EUAgri @Franc_Bogovic @pekka_pesonen Interesting to hear how digital tools are benefiting @Franc_Bogovic's own farm by improving productivity, the quality of his product and sustainability. 


RT @eaAgriFood: “It is very important that we attract young people to stay on farms. There are many challenges. We need to support all farmers, small and big, so that they can use these tools which are essential for the future of agriculture”, remarks MEP @Franc_Bogovic


RT @eaAgriFood: @Franc_Bogovic emphasises that “we need to take care of small farms. They must have access to these (digital) tools. Otherwise we will have a problem because people will believe that small farms will not be competitive”.


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