RT @pekka_pesonen: About the time that someone says this! EU farmers are committed to work hard on better, more sustainable future. But this must be realistic. @EU_Commission proposals are far from this. @COPACOGECA https://t.co/XK8pHxbZZO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1668235162742562819
RT @jedrskasi: Odločnost Francije 🇫🇷, da bo jedrsko energijo vključila v prizadevanja za opuščanje fosilnih goriv, je vredna pohvale. 👏🏽
Nemčija še vedno zanemarja rezultate in daje prednost oznakam, kot so obnovljivi ali zeleni viri. Ogroža prehod na čisto energijo.
https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/france-says-nuclear-power-is-non-negotiable/ https://t.co/VQCp4fyrBg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667261187501838337
Francozi morajo vztrajati do konca, da se konča s to nemško ideologijo na področju energetike Sedaj bi Francozom prepovedali proizvodnjo vodika, ker imajo nizkoogljično elektriko iz nukleark. Francoska elektrika pa ima 10 X nižji CO2 odtis od nemške. Bolano in nevarno tudi za nas
RT @jedrskasi: Odločnost Francije 🇫🇷, da bo jedrsko energijo vključila v prizadevanja za opuščanje fosilnih goriv, je vredna pohvale. 👏🏽
Nemčija še vedno zanemarja rezultate in daje pred…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667247578084171776
RT @strankaSLS: Vsaka od enajstih vlog za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja vključuje po dve vetrnici. Skupna nazivna moč dveh vetrnic znaša 7 megavatov oziroma ravno toliko, da projekta "ni treba" voditi v državnem prostorskem načrtu | Preberite si celoten članek ⬇
https://t.co/nFu8pwM13L https://t.co/KSiZ2QJt4h
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667142880727580672
RT @strankaSLS: Na podbudo župana Občine Puconci Uroša Kamenška je nastal klub goričkih županov | Preberite si več o novoustanovljenem klubu ⬇️
https://vestnik.svet24.si/clanek/aktualno/nastal-je-klub-gorickih-zupanov-na-mesecnih-srecanjih-o-aktualnih-zadevah-in-tezavah-1065122 https://t.co/JPCGSnST8X
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667133574229680129
RT @EPPGroup: The proposed law will bring the EU back to the 1950s.
Here is how ⤵️
Art 11.2.a.iii specifies to “take into account the documented losses over at least the last 70 years” when calculating the imposed renaturation measures. In other words, the 1950s. https://t.co/n1GJSaqz3t
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667131091361185793
RT @EPPGroup: If, for example, certain plant protection products cannot be used in certain areas, then this adds obligations for farmers and restricts the way they use their own land. https://t.co/A3fCbbKxZz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666913370220511232
RT @EPPGroup: If Mr Timmermans and Mr Sinkevičius claim this is not an obligation for the Member States, why do they include it in the law? https://t.co/6I8K24Jx4L
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666690503537049600
RT @EPPGroup: 👎Two Parliamentary Committees have already said NO to the badly drafted #NatureRestoration proposal, Mr @TimmermansEU.
➡️It´s not fit for purpose.
➡️It just adds #RegulatoryBurden.
➡️It harms farmers, fishers, consumers and Europe's food security.
🚨Withdraw this law, now! https://t.co/qpX1p0W77q
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666548268686356486
RT @EPPGroup: Transition to renewable energy will be hampered.
There are already 23 other laws that set rules for #NatureRestoration.
What is the added value of yet another law when we already have 23 for the same purpose?
This is a bureaucratic and regulatory nightmare! https://t.co/xvdE0VCV1g
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666506219391950858
Moji zaključki s posveta @EDPomurje v Puconcih: Trajnostno kmetovanje je cilj predvsem kmetov samih, saj so ti najbolj povezani z naravo. Paziti pa moramo, da nepremišljeni ukrepi 🇪🇺 in 🇸🇮 ne bodo najbolj prizadeli ravno družinskih kmetij. Te so temelj pridelave zdrave hrane!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666374107921895425
Congratulations @GabrielMariya
RT @ManfredWeber: Great news from Bulgaria. After months of political uncertainty, Bulgaria has a coalition government. Congratulations @GabrielMariya for taking responsibility of bringing stability to the country, for a stronger, pro-European future. Good luck to all members of the coalition. https://t.co/3KM8LhlyqG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666176326049452034
RT @IDFEuropeBXL: Opening the panel discussion, Erik Werson, #diabetes advocate living with #T2D discussed the difficult transition from initial diagnosis and treatment to self diabetes management. https://t.co/F6Xlz5CEAP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666161125908533249
RT @erika_widegren: Really looking forward to be discussing the future of #SustainableAgriculture with European #farmers and young #scientists next week in Strasbourg.
Please come along and visit our exhibition! #EUFarmersMarket @europarl_en @vrecionova @Franc_Bogovic @HerbertDorfmann @peter_jahr https://t.co/cVvYWacotD https://t.co/uhi6kO7jmd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666120759713087490
A ste pozabili, da je hidroenergija tudi OVE. Kaj pa zanesljivost oskrbe, cenovna konkurenčnost elektrike. Zame je francoski elektro sistem z majnšim deležem OVE in 40 g CO2/KWh boljši, kot nemški z višjim deležov OVE in 380g CO2/KWh, pa še cenejša elektrika je v Franciji.
RT @mope_rs: https://t.co/Pz58iJa1h0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666107370542358529
Podpiram prizadevanje Francije, ki se bori za to, da bo nuklearna energija obravnavana enakovredno kot OVE.
V EU uredbah je važno kolikšen je delež OVE elektrike, ne pa kakšni so CO2 izpusti😢😢. Slovenija se bo brez drugega bloka NEK znašla v energetski krizi.
RT @PeterZerjavicEU: Tudi Slovenija (potrjeno) v skupini držav, ki so site francoske blokade potrditve nove direktive o obnovljivih virih energije. Francija želi boljše spodbude za jedrsko ener…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666098471496192005
RT @ReImagineEuropa: Building a sustainable food system that puts farmers at the centre and faces today's multiple challenges needs comprehensive policies and multiple solutions.
Visit our #EUFarmersMarket at the @europarl_en (Strasbourg, June 13th-15th) to find out more!
https://re-imagine.eu/events/whats-new-in-the-farmers-market https://t.co/NQBEHL7lMl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666060468010532864
RT @SweetenersAndU: 🔴Type 2 #Diabetes: a preventable catastrophe?
"It’s not only about death but also about losing quality of life"
"The most important thing is to give access to early detection of #T2D"
@kamleshkhunti @EUDiabetesForum @Prof_K_Barnard @IDFEuropeBXL @Franc_Bogovic @EURACTIV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666052661613932547
RT @eaHealthEU: First time when I heard about diabetes was from an old lady in my neighborhood when I was a child. She lived with diabetes for 60-70 years and spoke a lot about it. Later, it was closer to me, my mother got diagnosed. Then my brother, highlights MEP @Franc_Bogovic, @EPP @EPPGroup https://t.co/yIhvRwHcgs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666049614473056259
RT @eaHealthEU: Tomorrow | Media Partnership: Type 2 Diabetes - A preventable catastrophe?
Join the discussion on the need to adjust 🇪🇺 healthcare systems to better manage preventable T2D-related complications.
More information: https://events.euractiv.com/event/info/media-partnership-type-2-diabetes-a-preventable-catastrophe
Register here: https://www.eventleaf.com/Attendee/Attendee/EventPage?eId=l96C%2B5i6VAqCiG6Wl2WCzA%3D%3D https://t.co/lPCOKEdQcA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1665628092176408576
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Evropski poslanec @strankaSLS / @EPP @EPPGroup / @IntergroupRUMRA / @ESVForum
Member of the European Parliament (SLS/EPP) / Tweets by me & my office