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Being unemployed for a long period can have negative effects on your self-esteem.

One project in 🇭🇷, supported by , proved to be a lifeline for long-term unemployed people and helped them find their confidence back and their way into the labour market.


Here for the survey's results ↓!krchdY
RT @defis_eu:

Our new study on equality, , and inclusion in the aeronautics, defence and space sectors, is shedding new light on the state of

Many people with a are facing challenges at their workplace 👨‍🦽

More at 🔗


Citizens on low incomes are among the most vulnerable people and their social exclusion risk is considerably higher.

A project in 🇱🇹, powered by , spent two years reaching out to those in need to provide food and personalised support.


Education and training systems are not the same across the 🇪🇺.

That's why we created our European Qualifications Framework, a tool that lets you understand what a qualification obtained in another country means.

But how can we further improve it?


👩🏽‍💻 Ready to test your skills? 👨🏼‍💻

RT @EuropassEurope: According to the Digital Economy and Society Index, every third person working in Europe lacks basic skills. Test your skills with ' digital skills test, it’s free and available in 30 languages! 🖥


RT @RegioInterreg: Vibrant cross-border labour markets? Absolutely!🤩

In the 🇪🇺, more than 1.5 million citizens live in one country & work in a neighbouring one.

How to better support , strengthen cooperation & facilitate development?

Follow the webstreaming to find out!🔴


📣 Your feedback is needed!

Share your experience in the on and help further improve its services for all!

Reply until 28 February 👇


Europe's got talent 🇪🇺

But talent needs to be nurtured. Ensuring that regions facing a talent development trap become more resilient & attractive is crucial in our commitment of leaving nobody and no place behind.

See how 👇


With a huge growth in new technologies, we will need a huge growth in skills and skilled workers.

RT @vonderleyen: Our Green Deal Industrial Plan will cover 4 pillars:

→ Ambition and acceleration with a Net-Zero Industry Act and a Raw Material Act

→ Boosted investment for the net zero industry

→ Skills to make the transition happen

→ Global trade with benefits for all


Would you like to receive exclusive updates, event invitations and shares of best practices? 📩

By becoming a Pact member 🤝, you are subscribed to its mailing list.

Join the Pact today!



In 2021, the median disposable income was 18 019 PPS (purchasing power standard) per inhabitant in 🇪🇺.

🇱🇺 Luxembourg (32 132 PPS)
🇳🇱 The Netherlands (24 560 PPS)

🇷🇴 Romania (8 703 PPS)
🇧🇬 Bulgaria (9 375 PPS)



How much do you know about the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU?
We want to hear from you!

Take our survey - you can do it in all 🇪🇺 official languages - and test your knowledge.


If you do not speak the language, finding a job can be quite hard.

Thanks to the ‘Coach4Work’ project, supported by , migrants in 🇱🇺 are getting free access to French classes and employment coaching.


From 2010 until the Q3 2022, rents in the EU 🇪🇺 increased by 18% and house prices by 49%.

🏡 House prices increases:
🇪🇪 Estonia +199%
🇭🇺 Hungary +174%
🇬🇷 Greece -22%

🏘️ Rent prices increases:
🇪🇪 Estonia +233%
🇱🇹 Lithuania +151%
🇬🇷 Greece -24%


RT @EuropassEurope: It is never too late to acquire a new . A new skill can open the door for new opportunities. These are just a few of the fields in which offers . There are courses available all over .


RT @EuropeanYouthEU: 🏆 Are you a young EU resident working on a project that helps to change Europe?

Then Apply for with prizes awarded up to €7500 in prize money for winning projects.

🇪🇺 Apply now! Deadline 2 February ⚠➡


The green and digital transitions are opening new opportunities for our economy but we need a skilled workforce to sustain these changes.

With the we want to step up skills development and boost competitiveness & talents 👩‍💻👨‍💻


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