EU research & innovation projects, like @Best4Soil, are promoting good practices to improve #soil health in line with the #MissionSoil objectives!🌱
And you can also contribute to make our soil healthier. How? By #composting! Ready to compost in 5 easy steps? 👇
We are on a Mission to save EU soils!
What can you do for #soil health?🌱
Discover inspiring citizens and stakeholders’ initiatives across Europe.
Join the #MissionSoil!
#WorldSoilDay #EUMissions
@EU_Commission @EUErasmusPlus @EuropeanYouthEU @GreeceMFA @BelgiumEU @HungaryintheEU @DKinEU @RPPortugalUE @FinlandinEU @HE_NCP_Portal Find out more here!
The @EU_Commission announced the first 5️⃣1️⃣ students selected to be Young Observers in #HorizonEU! Witness the evaluation of our flagship R&I funding programme & develop key skills for your career.
The call for applications of Young Observers is open until 21 December!
We are on a Mission to save EU soils!
What can you do for #soil health?🌱
Discover inspiring citizens and stakeholders’ initiatives across Europe.
Join the #MissionSoil!
#WorldSoilDay #EUMissions
RT @HorizonEU: 🇫🇮 Tomorrow is 6 of December! Happy National day, #Finland! Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää Suomi!
Did you know that 149 Finish organizations have already received #HorizonEU funding?
Want to learn more? Have a look at the Horizon Dashboard!
Today is #WorldSoilDay.
In Europe, in less than a decade, the area of land at risk of desertification has increased by the equivalent of the size of Greece and Slovakia combined.
🌱Our #MissionSoil leads the transition towards healthy soils and aims to reduce desertification ↓
Join the online #HorizonEU Info Days on Cluster 6️⃣ on 13-14 December!
You will discover everything you need to know about #funding opportunities in the upcoming 2023 calls! 👇
EU citizens help us shape the future of #HorizonEU research & innovation!
Green transition, digital & tech transformation, EU resilience & cohesion: we want to hear what your priorities are!
Discover more about our strategic plan!
The Coalition for Advancing #ResearchAssessment (CoARA) has been launched!
We are proud to be part of this journey that so far has brought together over 300 organisations.
As a CoARA member, the @EU_Commission will continue to support this initiative!
Yesterday, citizens got together to have their say on the future of 🇪🇺 #Research and #Innovation!
What are the priorities for the #HorizonEU Strategic Plan 2025-2027 going to be?
Find out more here!
@Energy4Europe @MICleanEnergyRD @EUAmbJP @ratsosi @HorizonEU Find out more here!
Tune in on Monday 5️⃣ December at 10:00 CET to discover the winner of the #artificialphotosynthesis #eicHorizonPrize.
Follow the online ceremony! 👇
RT @HorizonEU: The health effects of #micro and #nanoplastics are still largely unknown!
Today, on #WorldPollutionPreventionDay, we can look at R&I projects like @CuspResearch, which is producing evidence to inform #EU policies on chemicals, plastics, food and water.
The public consultation on the past, present, and future of #EUfunded #Research & #Innovation is live!
Don't miss the chance to share your experience with #H2020 & #HorizonEU, thus helping us shape the R&I priorities for 2025-2027.
RT @GabrielMariya: #COMPET @EUCouncil | 🔜meeting with🇪🇺Ministers of #research🔬
🔄 Research infrastructure
🔄 #EUInnovationAgenda
🔄 Knowledge valorisation
🔄 #PRIMA - R&I in the Mediterranean Area
🔄 New @EITCultCrea
📲LIVE ⏰10:15 & 12:50-press conference👉
RT @HorizonEU: EU citizens help us shape the future of #HorizonEU research & innovation!
Green transition, digital & tech transformation, EU resilience & cohesion: we want to hear what your priorities are!
Discover more about our strategic plan!
RT @EU_Commission: Great news for researchers on both sides of the Atlantic.
We are launching formal negotiations for Canada to join @HorizonEU.
Together, we will take our cooperation to a new level to benefit research and innovation communities, citizens of the EU and of the world.
@EU_Commission Find out more here!
RT @CDNScience: (1/2) Good news! Canada will be entering into formal negotiations with the European Union for closer collaboration in #research and #innovation under @HorizonEU.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Official account of DG Research & Innovation @EU_Commission, managing @HorizonEU & implementing Commissioner @GabrielMariya strategy. Follow also @lemaitre_eu