The whole European idea is built on peace.
Peace with dignity. Peace with freedom. Peace with justice.
That is why we continue to stand with those fighting for us.
Read my op-ed on the occasion of one year since Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine:
Ukraine is Europe.
Europe is Ukraine.
We belong together 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Ми й надалі стоятимемо поруч з Україною.
Стільки, скільки буде потрібно.
За мир. За свободу. За справедливість.
Слава Україні 🇪🇺🇺🇦
We will continue to #StandWithUkraine.
For as long as it takes.
For peace. For freedom. For justice.
#SlavaUkraini 🇪🇺🇺🇦
За останній рік синьо-жовтий прапор України підкорив усі наші серця.
Він символізує мужнісь, відвагу і героїзм українського народу, який незламно долає перешкоди.
Сьогодні ввечері ми з гордістю кажемо: Ми – Україна 🇪🇺🇺🇦
The blue and yellow flag of Ukraine has won all our hearts over the past year.
It symbolises the bravery, the courage and the strength of the impressive people of Ukraine who are beating the odds.
Tonight, we proudly say: We are Ukraine 🇪🇺🇺🇦
My office has remained in close contact with MEP Miranda throughout. Once all the facts are known and clarified, I will speak to @europarl_en Group Leaders to see how best we can prevent this from happening again.
Deeply disappointed at Israel's decision to deny entry to @anamirandapaz, who was due to form part of an official @europarl_en mission to West Bank & Gaza.
MEP Miranda is now back in Europe. I will be contacting Israel’s authorities to clarify what happened & convey our concern.
Pred piatimi rokmi Európu pobúrila vražda slovenského novinára Jána Kuciaka a jeho snúbenice Martiny Kušnírovej.
Naše pobúrenie sa spája s odhodlaním bojovať za spravodlivosť, slobodu médií a ochranu novinárov.
Spomíname na nich. Vzdávame im úctu. Bojujeme za nich. 🇪🇺🇸🇰
5 years ago, Europe was outraged at the murder of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak & his fiancée Martina Kušnírová.
Our outrage is matched by determination for justice, for media freedom & to protect journalists.
We remember them. We honour them. We fight for them. #AllForJan 🇪🇺🇸🇰
Dialogue, cooperation, unity.
My appeal to Eastern partners at Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Chișinău.
Together we can do much more.
In upholding democratic values & human rights.
In tackling hybrid threats & foreign interferences.
In addressing Russia's war on Ukraine.
Grazie Roma!
Questa è l'Europa: entusiasmo, speranza e determinazione per rendere la nostra società migliore, più sicura e più forte.
Alla prossima 🇪🇺🇮🇹
Tanti amici e amiche di David Sassoli si sono riuniti per inaugurare Europa Experience.
Uno spazio interattivo nel cuore di Roma per poter vivere l’Europa da vicino.
Continuate a credere nella promessa dell’Europa e nel potere che ha di cambiare in meglio la vita delle persone.
La cooperazione con i Parlamenti nazionali è essenziale per rafforzare la dimensione parlamentare dell’Unione.
L’ @europarl_it continuerà il suo costante lavoro con il @SenatoStampa e @Montecitorio.
Grazie @Ignazio_LaRussa e @Fontana3Lorenzo 🇪🇺🇮🇹
Con il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Sergio Mattarella ho ribadito che l’Italia sarà sempre una forza trainante e costruttiva in Europa.
Insieme siamo più forti 🇪🇺🇮🇹
È un piacere essere a Roma, la città eterna!
Grazie per il caloroso benvenuto.
Insieme con il Sindaco @gualtierieurope e @EUROCITIES per #GeneratorsofHope.
Good discussion with @ecb President @Lagarde on Europe's challenges today.
Inflation caused by energy crisis puts enormous pressures on families and businesses.
With common European decisions to boost growth and competitiveness, we will come out stronger.
Moldova's place is in the European family.
In this difficult geopolitical context, you can count on @europarl_en's trust & solidarity.
President @sandumaiamd, your leadership & courage in pursuing reforms towards EU membership have our full support.
We will walk together 🇪🇺🇲🇩
Europe has a legacy of freedom, democracy and peace.
This is our time to preserve it.
The EU must be the guarantee that the past can never be again the future.
@valstsgriba 🇪🇺🇱🇻
Latvia is a symbol of hope, of transformation, of a nation's ability to break free from authoritarianism.
Pleasure to welcome President @valstsgriba to @Europarl_LV.
To reiterate our unwavering support to Ukraine.
Europe counts on Latvia, just as Latvia can count on us 🇪🇺🇱🇻
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ President of @europarl_en 🇪🇺.