Signed. Sealed. Delivered.
We have an EU budget for 2025.
One that responds to people's concerns and priorities.
A flexible budget that invests in a competitive, safe and prosperous Europe.
And that prepares our continent for ongoing and future crises.

[2024-11-27 12:46 UTC]

Today's vote is one of trust, for stability in times of change.
gave mandate to
to address rising cost of living, make Europe more competitive, more autonomous on energy, security, defence.
Let's get down to work.

[2024-11-27 11:51 UTC]
For all women lost.
For all women beaten yet unbroken.
For all women abused, traumatised, bullied and brutalised.
. Now.

[2024-11-25 16:59 UTC]

Today we
and reiterate our resolve to protect women from abuse and murder.
Day, we call for stronger protection and further convictions of offenders.
Women must never be targeted simply for being women.

[2024-11-25 06:30 UTC]

Europe's best days must lie ahead of us.
At the Trilateral Business Forum in Paris, I underline what it takes for Europe to drive growth and ensure stability, that can serve families, factories and farmers.

[2024-11-21 12:58 UTC]

Très heureuse de retrouver le
français avec le président
Merci pour cette excellente discussion sur la manière dont nous pouvons renforcer le débat démocratique et la coopération interparlementaire, et rapprocher l'Europe des citoyens.

[2024-11-21 12:22 UTC]

Merci au Premier Ministre
pour cet accueil si chaleureux 🇪🇺🇫🇷
Votre expérience & votre vision sont essentielles pour une France plus forte dans une Europe plus forte.
C'est un plaisir de travailler à nouveau ensemble pour une Europe plus compétitive & plus sûre.

[2024-11-21 10:55 UTC]

Bonjour Paris! 🇪🇺🇫🇷
Ravie de commencer la journée avec la Présidente de l'
C'est toujours un plaisir de parler de l'actualité mondiale et européenne et de la manière dont nos parlements peuvent travailler plus étroitement pour apporter des solutions à nos citoyens.

[2024-11-21 08:57 UTC]

Glad to welcome hundreds of representatives from Europe's regions, cities, villages and towns to
To celebrate 30 years of
and look ahead towards a Europe closer to people, that builds solutions from the ground up.

[2024-11-20 16:13 UTC]

1000 days of bravery, defiance and courage.
1000 days of beating the odds.
1000 days of standing together, as brothers and sisters.
As one family that shares a common future.
We will continue to
For as long as it takes.

[2024-11-19 06:20 UTC]

In the darkest of nights, Ukraine has shone as a beacon of courage, resilience, and hope for all of us.
A light that tonight shines brightly as
illuminates with the blue and yellow of Ukraine's flag.
A symbol of resistance and unbreakable will of a brave nation.

[2024-11-18 18:46 UTC]

Mă bucur să îl întâmpin din nou pe Prim-ministrul României,
, la
Mulțumesc pentru discuțiile noastre de astăzi, care s-au concentrat pe modul în care putem continua să consolidăm securitatea europeană, să asigurăm competitivitatea și pe rolul critic al României în a face proiectul nostru european mai rezilient 🇪🇺🇷🇴

[2024-11-18 18:28 UTC]

Good to meet
, President of North Macedonia's
is firm in its support to North Macedonia's EU accession path.
Progress and reforms must continue to drive this process forward.
The EU is not complete without the Western Balkans.

[2024-11-18 15:54 UTC]

R to @EP_President: 24 лютого 2022 ми підняли прапор України перед Європейським Парламентом @europarl_en

Відтоді – протягом 1000 днів – він гордо майорить поруч із прапором ЄС.

Безперервно – так само, як і наша стійка та непохитна підтримка України.

Стільки, скільки потрібно 🇪🇺🇺🇦

[2024-11-18 15:19 UTC]

On 24 February 2022, we raised the flag of Ukraine at
Since then - for 1000 days - it has been flying proudly side by side the flag of the EU.
Continuously - just like our steadfast and unwavering support to Ukraine.
For as long as it takes 🇪🇺🇺🇦

[2024-11-18 15:13 UTC]

Whether facing an aggression, hybrid or military threat, or natural disasters, Europe must be ready.
Ready to anticipate, prevent, act, respond.
Thank you Sauli
for presenting your proposals to
on how we can build a more prepared, crisis-resistant Europe.

[2024-11-14 11:08 UTC]

El Parlamento Europeo sigue al lado de España en estos momentos difíciles 🇪🇺🇪🇸

[2024-11-13 15:47 UTC]

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month...
We remember the brave who have fallen, who sacrificed everything for freedom and peace.
Lest we forget.

[2024-11-11 10:26 UTC]

Enjoyed my visit to
headquarters and hangars in Malta today.
To remain competitive, Europe must continue to invest.
Invest in people, their skills and quality jobs.
This is how Europe's economy can continue to grow: by being innovative and tech-driven.

[2024-10-28 15:40 UTC]

With His Holiness Pope Francis during an audience at the Vatican this morning.
Grateful for our extensive talks today as we step up global efforts towards peace, justice and our shared humanity.

[2024-10-25 12:42 UTC]

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