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Great exchange with students & youth at @EUOodi @oodihelsinki library in .

Always good to discuss aspirations, ambitions & achievements of 🇪🇺's future generations.

Hope & help for 🇺🇦, security, climate, energy remain important issues on which we will continue to lead.


Thank you 🇫🇮 Speaker @VanhanenMatti @SuomenEduskunta for your warm welcome in .

Parliamentary democracy is crucial for a stronger & reformed .

The future of Europe depends on the decisions we take today. On energy, on security, on our support to .


Ukraine is fighting for our values. For democracy, for sovereignty, for freedom.

This week we have a historic opportunity to strengthen and to strengthen by granting 🇺🇦 EU candidate status.

We should not close the door.



Excellent meeting with President @Niinisto @TPKanslia today in .

With war on our continent and the security, economic, food & energy challenges we face, 's leadership is crucial.

Finland’s @NATO membership will strengthen collective security architecture 🇪🇺🇫🇮


We also welcome the recommendation to give 🇲🇩 candidate status.

And to work towards giving the same opportunity to the people of 🇬🇪.

Our door must remain open. To strengthen , to protect our values, and to stand up for freedom.



Candidate status for sends a strong political signal. Against autocracy. For freedom.

On behalf of @europarl_en, I welcome @EU_Commission's recommendation.

Today's decision puts us on track for to grant Ukraine EU candidate status.

We 🇪🇺🇺🇦


Glad to end my day in with students at @CharlesUniPRG.

Happy to see that our priorities align: a safer, stronger and more open .

A Europe of opportunity, of freedom, of activism.

@EU2022_CZ 🇪🇺🇨🇿


Great to meet @Snemovna Speaker @Market_A, @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & Members of 🇨🇿 Parliament.

Parliamentary democracy key to ensure @EU2022_CZ & @europarl_en priorities translate into actions for benefit of 🇪🇺 citizens.

It is up to us to deliver.



Europe as a task.

🇨🇿 Václav Havel's vision for 🇪🇺 translated into @EU2022_CZ priorities.

Being pragmatic in what we do, never letting go of the vision & hope for a better world.

Our task is to be strong & effective addressing social & economic consequences of war & pandemic.


@EU2022_CZ 🇨🇿 comes at a crucial time.

Russian invasion of requires strong actions:
• continued military, financial, political support
• securing 🇺🇦 place in 🇪🇺 family with candidate status
• starting to plan for reconstruction


Europe's resolve will not waver. We must remain united & strong.

@europarl_en looks forward to working very closely with @EU2022_CZ.

The next months will define the future of our European project. I know will be in good hands with our Czech colleagues.

🇪🇺 🇨🇿


Delighted to be in 🇨🇿 with my friend PM @P_Fiala to discuss 's bid for 🇪🇺 candidate & aims of .

🇺🇦 needs further support & aid.

Food security & energy supply require action.

Climate targets & economic recovery priority for @europarl_en & 🇨🇿.


Pleasure to welcome 🇺🇦 Defence Minister @oleksiireznikov to @europarl_en.

Our support to 🇺🇦 will not fade. We cannot allow war fatigue to set in.

We will continue to provide military, financial & humanitarian aid, and to support 's 🇪🇺 candidacy.


Since Kremlin started its brutal war, thousands of Ukrainians - including children - have been deported to Russia. Families torn apart.

@europarl_en pays respect to those who were forcibly deported by Soviet regime.

We cannot allow history to repeat itself.


Les principes & valeurs représentés par & - espoir, dialogue & compréhension - nous guident encore aujourd'hui.

Heureuse d'avoir célébré les réalisations de 2 géants européens avec le Bureau d'@Europarl_FR à la en 🇫🇷.

Leur héritage perdure.


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