- Citizenship and residence by investment (CBI/RBI) schemes in 🇪🇺 : discussion with @EU_Commission Thu, focusing on Russian and Belarusian applicants
- The Commission’s 2022 🇪🇺 Rule of Law Report, Thu (rapp. @JFLopezAguilar)
- Hearing (Wed) of 3 candidates short-listed for @Frontex Executive Director: Terezija Gras (🇭🇷), Aija Kalnaja (🇱🇻), Hans Leijtens (🇳🇱)
This week in @EP_Justice (28/11 - 1/12):
Votes (Thu)
🗳 Establishing the 🇪🇺 Drugs Agency (rapp. @isabel_mep)
🗳Short-stay visa freedom for citizens of 🇰🇼 Kuwait and 🇶🇦 Qatar in the EU (TBC, rapp. @ErikMarquardt)
RT @europarlpress: Parliament insists that the EU must freeze funding to Hungary
Commission and Council should resist pressure from Hungary and go ahead with adopting the proposed rule of law conditionality measures to suspend EU cohesion funds.
Read more: https://eptwitter.eu/q9RB
🇺🇦🇬🇪 @europarl_en has endorsed a decision not to accept passports and other travel documents issued by Russia in illegally-occupied regions of Ukraine and Georgia.
Votes: + 531, - 7, o 34
🔴 This afternoon ca. 17.15 CET in the plenary:
@MarcAngel_lu & other MEPs ask @helenadalli about rainbow families' freedom of movement in light of the 🇧🇬 Baby Sara case and CJEU ruling.
📺 Tune in here: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/plenary-session_20221123-0900-PLENARY
🔴Tune in at 9.00 CET for the debate in #EPlenary on 🇪🇺 solutions for solidarity and responsibility in migration & asylum w/ @EU2022_CZ @YlvaJohansson @MargSchinas
🗳️ @europarl_en has rejected the proposal to ask for an @EUCourtPress #CJEU opinion on whether the 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, specifically provisions for disclosing subscriber information, is compatible with 🇪🇺 treaties.
Results: + 229, - 375, o 18
MEPs have given their final approval to rules on improving the protection of 🇪🇺 essential infrastructure (rapporteur: @MSimecka).
Vote results: + 595, - 17, o 24.
Recent sabotage shows urgent need to shield critical bodies in the EU against man-made (& natural) hazards
#EPlenary @EP_Justice @JFLopezAguilar @msimecka @lukasmandl @PetarVitanovMEP @DianaRibaGiner @TardinoAnnalisa @patrykjaki @pernandobarrena
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1594955841936965632
🔜@EP_Justice @Frontex Scrutiny Group meeting starts at 9:30
Follow live 👇
RT @EP_Justice: 🔴@EP_Justice Frontex Scrutiny Group MEPs meeting tomorrow 9:30-11:00 to discuss annual risk analysis report & human rights monitoring with @Frontex
🔴Live in the plenary from 9.00 CET:
MEPs, headed by @MSimecka, and @YlvaJohansson debate new rules to fortify 🇪🇺 essential infrastructure.
🎥Tune in here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🇭🇺🇪🇺⚖️💶 Tune in for the debate starting a little after 17.00 CET in #EPlenary w/ @dreynders
RT @europarlpress: 🚨Gender balance on company boards: press conference on Tuesday at 15.00 CET
MEPs @Evelyn_Regner and @larawoltersEU will brief journalists about new binding EU rules to increase gender balance in companies.
Details below ⤵️
🔴@EP_Justice Frontex Scrutiny Group MEPs meeting tomorrow 9:30-11:00 to discuss annual risk analysis report & human rights monitoring with @Frontex
- Not accepting travel documents issued by 🇷🇺 in occupied 🇺🇦🇬🇪 regions: final vote Thu (rapp. @JFLopezAguilar)
- Seeking CJEU opinion on the 2nd Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention: vote Tue
See the full agenda here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/agendas.html
- 🇪🇺 solution on asylum and migration (incl. search and rescue): debate with @EU_Commission, @EU2022_cz Wed
- Resilience of essential infrastructure: debate & final vote Tue (rapp. @MSimecka)
- Protecting rainbow families, free movement rights: oral Q to @EU_Commission Wed
Next week in #Eplenary:
- Conditionality mechanism and 🇭🇺: debate with @EU_Commission on remedial measures Mon, resolution Thu
- Eliminating violence against women: debate with @EU_Commission, @EU2022_cz Wed
RT @GDelbosCorfield: Thanks to @EU2022_CZ for inviting me to present @europarl_en report on the #RuleOfLaw situation of Hungary 🇮🇹 to the next 🇪🇺 Presidencies.
It is more urgent than ever for the Council to show courage & leadership, when one of their members do not stick to the same common values.
@EP_GenderEqual @kamila_ferenc @federapl @EPF_SRR ⏰ Almost time to tune in for the hearing on the de facto abortion ban in Poland!
🔴 Streaming link: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/femm-libe-committee-meeting_20221117-1430-COMMITTEE-FEMM-LIBE_vd
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