No #war, no #gender, no #migration. We will never give up on these issues.
EP want to take away the #EUPresidency from #Hungary in 2024, when in this matter has no competence at all. This is #RuleofLaw by an EU institution, which never stops giving lessons to MSs.
@daniel_freund says not a single milestone has been achieved by HU, meanwhile even the Commission anounced good progress was made. It costs nothing to lie in their Parliament.
@SophieintVeld admitted the reason why EP is holding this debate is that #Hungary & COM are close to an agreement on conditions for getting the #EUfunds. So it was high time for EP to intervene, blackmail and try to impede this, where by EU law has no competence at all.
@petrisarvamaa said at today plenary HU debate the aim of the #conditionalitymechanism is NOT to bully any MS. In reality, this is exactly what is happening. This Parliament makes pressure on COM not to agree w/ HU, independently of agreement on milestones and targets.
The #Hungary debate provokes great attention with massive participation in the EP plenary room, as you see…
#SMEs cannot be further overburdened with non-realistic, unaccomplishable administrative and financial burdens that #CSDD would imply on them. Let's vote against the #CSDD tomorrow in @europarl_en!
We cannot make companies responsible – as #CSDD proposal requires - for things over which they have no control. Instead, @EU_Commission should focus on achieving its commitment to 25% reduction in reporting obligation and fulfil the "One in, One out" initiative.
#CSDD proposal to be voted tomorrow in @europarl_en is another blow to EU's competitiveness. I’m asking @EPPGroup and @RenewEurope to reject this dreadful piece of legislation that would make companies one another's policeman & it would give NGOs an absolute power over companies.
RT @FideszEP: ❌"We strongly reject the @europarl_en's group leaders' attempt to interfere & politically influence the @EU_Commission regarding 🇭🇺HU’s access to #RRF," more than 60 MEPs emphasized in their letter to @vonderleyen.
Read the full letter here:
Grazie ai @paoloborchia e altri amici italiani della Lega per averci portato eccellenti artisti a cantare bellissime arie italiane.
#HU submitted it's 2024 budget to #Parl. In times of war, stability&predictability are key factors requiring early adoption. #Govt keeps decreasing deficit to 2,9%&debt to 66,7% of GDP while mitigating inflation to 6%. Despite crisis, HU economy is expected to grow by 4% in 2024.
#HU leads fight against #VAT evasion. With 5,1% VAT gap, it has the best rate in #EU. Govt's online invoice system is an important element of this result. Beside helping the law-abiding businesses, it generates HUF hundreds of millions for the budget. Perfect example of #win-win.
Kissinger and his legacy is an example of that.
Excellent conference on Friday at @uni_nke by @VonFoundation . Values or realpolitik? There is no easy answer to this question. The latter doesn’t mean to act w/t any principle, but by acknowledging the situation. Decisions can’t be made, however, w/t considering values.
Although the COM said that it will re-activate safeguard measures from 5 June in case the circumstances persist, & will consider extending them to other products, the promises do not yet allay our concerns. We'll not give in to farmers' interests & will continue to protect them.
COM promised the setting up of a platform to ensure that the solidarity corridors function properly. I urge them to do it before the next harvest starts in a month.
I demand the same treatment for our #farmers as their Western counterparts would have received in similar situation.
The activation of the exceptional safeguard measures on 2 May was only a 1st, belated step in the right direction. We need to do more: the grains piled up in 5 MSs should be transferred via solidarity lanes to countries in need.
We need action, not promises, to protect farmers!
Today in @EP_Trade we discussed UA agri products causing market disruption in CEE. I emphasized: We must show solidarity with an attacked country, but it is unacceptable that the farmers of 5 bordering MSs bear the cost of war.
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🇪🇺 Member of the European Parliament