@diego_bxl Well this delay gives a huge advantage to Council so I don’t see how the ambition benefits
@diego_bxl Minus on all ID amendments, don’t worry
@diego_bxl Social climate fund and CBAM also back to committee….what a loss of time…
RT @RadtkeMdEP: Unfassbar! Sozis stimmen gemeinsam mit Nazis gegen das Klimapaket
Paket durchgefallen
RT @diego_bxl: Huge cross-party consensus from @EPPGroup to @Left_EU. But as @CHansenEU rightly notes, intra-group debate still going on and there's still work to do. Left says the same. Will be a tight one. But a possible next blow in the greater conflict between @vonderleyen and Parliament
Buzzz:#ETS reform rejected by an alliance between far right and the left of the hemicycle
🚫 Gas and nuclear don't belong in sustainable finance!
🗣️ Join today's press conference at 10:30, where @paultang, @BasEickhout, @emmawiesner and @silviamodig and myself present our arguments against labelling gas and nuclear as green.
Objectif «zéro déforestation» https://lequotidien.lu/a-la-une/objectif-zero-deforestation/ Merci à @le_quotidien_lu pour votre article sur mon rapport visant à combattre la déforestation au niveau global @EP_Environment
RT @EP_ThinkTank: What progress on EU legislation to limit agriculturally-driven #deforestation to produce
🌴palm oil
@EP_Environment @pcanfin @CHansenEU @delarabur @CZacharopoulou @marietouss1 @AnnaZalewskaMEP @Konecna_K
Wie @SWagenknecht bei @MarkusLanzTV die Greueltaten von #Boutcha banalisiert ist mehr als grenzwertig. « Dann kam Boutcha und das wurde als Grund genommen die Verhandlungen abzubrechen und ehrlich gesagt das finde ich nicht nachvollziehbar » Seriously @SWagenknecht ?
RT @EPPGroup: "Investment in sustainable technologies and infrastructure is needed more than ever. The climate urgency and the energy crisis in relation to the war in Ukraine are painfully highlighting EU weaknesses in this context," says @CHansenEU.
On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia we celebrate diversity and sexual/gender differences in 🇪🇺 and the 🌍🌏🌎. However, the 17th May is also about raising awareness about the work that still needs to be done. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️💪🏼
@MarcAngel_lu #IDAHOBIT
The @EPPGroup managed to secure the full taxonomy alignment, and by doing so, avoid a devastating market fragmentation which would have resulted from the cherry-picking to arbitrarily include or exclude certain activities. @EP_Economics #ECONcommittee
The European Green Bonds can be instrumental to finance the sustainable transition but we need to make sure that what we finance here is effectively in the interest of the next generation!
To guarantee the effective uptake by investors, it remains of utmost importance to design an attractive, trustworthy and voluntary green bonds instrument.
Investment into sustainable technologies and infrastructure is needed more than ever. The climate urgency and the energy crisis in relation with the war in Ukraine are painfully highlighting our weaknesses in this context.
Eis ambitiéis Klimaziler brauchen och déi néideg Investitiounen an nohalteg Aktivitéiten. Mat de European Green Bonds, déi haut am @EP_Economics ofgestëmmt goufen, setze mir deen Zuch op d’Schinnen. Next step -> #EPlanary
@EPPGroup https://www.eppgroup.eu/newsroom/news/turning-green-bonds-into-gold-standard
RT @EP_Trade: ❗️ Starting in five mins @EP_Trade:
➡️Suspension of import duties for 🇺🇦 @kalniete
➡️Rapp @berndlange presents his anti-coercion instrument draft report
➡️Debrief on foreign subsidies trilogues @CHansenEU
Live stream 👇
RT @Europarl_FMA: FMA VP @BaldiMonica was honoured to represent the FMA today at the funeral of former EP President and FMA Honorary President Lord Henry Plumb, together with @europarl_en representatives EP Vice-President @othmar_karas, EP Quaestor @CHansenEU and FMA Member @RichardGCorbett.