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RT @EUDepAmbAFG: The ban for women to work for national or international NGOs is shocking & has devastating impact on the delivery of assistance for Afghans in need and above all on our Afghan sisters. Anger, pain, despair is what you and us feel today.


@Cameron_Diver @CLechervy @sujiseam @SoniaBackes @francediplo @HC98800 @MarcAbensour @HadrienGhomi @ambassthebault @jeangene_vilmer @ambafrancefj @Laurence_Beau Bonjour tous les deux! Et Bonnes fêtes!


RT @JuttaUrpilainen: Timor-Leste and 🇪🇺 are strong partners. and 🇹🇱 @ASEAN perspective will present new opportunities for sustainable growth.

Our cooperation focuses on green transition, a major priority for the Indo-Pacific. It was great to receive @AdaljizaM in Brussels.


RT @enriquemora_: Excellent meeting with FM @AdeljizaM discussing how the EU can help Timor-Leste’s ASEAN accession process, our growing bilateral portfolio and EU's Indo-Pacific Strategy. Clear shared commitment to UN Charter and the rules-based international order to go forward. @EU_TimorLeste


RT @AlexTaylorNews: "Here I stand before you, a gay man, an elected PM of a European country on this the 70th anniversary of our European Parliament - this place of our shared values, proud of our diversity"

@Xavier_Bettel today in 🇪🇺 Parliament 🏳️‍🌈


70 years ago, the @europarl_en placed its first brick on History!

Ever since it has been the voice of all European citizens, through the greatest and most difficult moment of the 🇪🇺.

It is time to mark the last 7 decades, always looking ahead to new challenges.


RT @ValedeAlmeidaEU: My departing @FT interview 👇. “The mood music has changed” “We need now to focus on the landing zone”


RT @SanninoEU: Thank you João @ValedeAlmeidaEU for the wonderful job you have done as the EU’s first Ambassador to the UK. You have been a true asset for Europe. It has been a real pleasure to have worked together for so many years!


RT @EU_ENV: The time to act for our 🌏 is now!

Today, jointly with @eu_eeas, we launch our brand new campaign

This is our ambition to join forces all across the 🌍 to take action on the ground and the climate!

Because big changes often start small!


RT @JosepBorrellF: unequivocally rejected Russia’s illegal annexation of territories, another blatant violation of the @UN Charter.

143 votes in favour confirm Russia’s international isolation.

Russia will be held accountable. The EU will stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.


RT @PAMPALONIPAOLA: Good discussion this week in EEAS with Ambassador to the EU, H.E. Jorge Trinidade Neves de Camoes, with the intention to strengthen EU-Timor Leste bilateral relations .


RT @JosepBorrellF: Another heinous attack by Russia on civilians: this time a humanitarian convoy bringing vital help to people living in the non-government controlled areas of Zaporizhzhia
EU condemns this appalling attack in the strongest possible terms. Those responsible will be held accountable


RT @vonderleyen: The illegal annexation proclaimed by Putin won’t change anything.

All territories illegally occupied by Russian invaders are Ukrainian land and will always be part of this sovereign nation.


RT @NabilaEUspox: : State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has been sentenced to an additional three years’ imprisonment 👉 purely politically motivated and a clear attempt to exclude democratically elected leaders from the inclusive dialogue process called for by @ASEAN


RT @JosepBorrellF: Putin is doubling down on a failing strategy
The EU will stay its course. Our strategy is working & our sanctions are having a compelling effect

Today, we propose additional restrictive measures against those supporting, facilitating or benefiting from the invasion of


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