RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Today, one of our great heroes, Ksenia Lutskina, turns 40 behind bars. She has a brain tumor & her health is worsening. The brave journalist was sentenced to 8 years in prison for exposing the regime's lies. I wish with all my heart for her to be freed & reunited with her family.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Tsihanouskaya/status

[2024-02-14 08:03 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Le est un prérequis incontournable à la compétitivité de l’UE. Il donne à l’UE tous les outils nécessaires pour constituer une base économique solide.
Aujourd’hui, la @EU_Commission identifie ses points forts et oriente ses futurs progrès⬇️

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MamerEric2/status/17

[2024-02-14 12:26 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: 🌍 Strengthening international protection is not confined to 🇪🇺 borders

EUAA actively collaborates w/ partners outside the EU to assist them with capacity building, helping develop & align their protection systems w/ international standards.

Watch to learn how we work together.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EUAsylumAgency/statu

[2024-02-06 06:00 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Today, the @EUCouncil and @europarl_en reached a provisional agreement to set up the Ukraine Facility 🇪🇺🇺🇦

This new support mechanism will channel €50 billion to Ukraine to help it rebuild its country and carry out reforms as part of its accession path to the EU.

Read more 👇

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EUCouncilPress/statu

[2024-02-05 23:43 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: “La compétition qui stimule, la solidarité qui unit, la coopération qui renforce “ : that is what 🇪🇺 Jacques Delors learned us …. @BelgiumMFA

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Willem_vdVoorde/stat

[2024-02-03 16:26 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: La cooperación con los países de la región de Asia-Pacífico es fundamental para hacer frente a los grandes desafíos como la emergencia climática y alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo para 2030.

Hoy, en el Foro UE-Indopacífico en Bruselas .

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/jmalbares/status/175

[2024-02-02 14:55 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Today, the 10th Senior Official Meeting between @EU_Commission & @UNmigration representatives took place.

Discussions involved cooperation on & global migration issues impacting stability & mobility in the 🇪🇺’s Neighbourhood & globally, and key migration policy developments.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/eu_near/status/17534

[2024-02-02 13:28 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: As announced at Investors Forum for EU-Central Asia Transport Connectivity in ,
@EBRD could invest around €1.5 bn in Trans-Caspian Corridor related infrastructure & transport solutions over next 2-3 years.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Hargitaz/status/1751

[2024-01-29 15:00 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: From Georgian khachapuri to French baguette, Food Alliance, a frozen pastry producer supplies seven tonnes of pastry daily to restaurants, hotels and schools.

They're one of over 300 companies that, along with/ >@eu_near, we have supported under the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EBRD/status/17516201

[2024-01-28 14:56 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Madre solo hay una…

Se ha observado que las madres nutrias marinas lamen y esponjan a un recién nacido durante horas; Después del cepillado, el pelaje del cachorro retiene tanto aire que flota como un corcho y no puede sumergirse.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Arteymas_/status/175

[2024-01-26 18:52 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Today🇪🇺 launches with @EU2024BE the Ports Alliance Private Partnership⚓️to step up its fight against drug trafficking➡️europa.eu/!QXPXqr

70% drugs seizures happen in EU ports. 500 tones were seized in 2022.

Press conference today live 18:30 CET⬇️

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/anittahipper/status/

[2024-01-24 14:26 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: الممثل الأعلى جوزيب بوريل: فيما يتعلق ببناء السلام في الشرق الأوسط، فإن مصر ليست شريكا استراتيجيا فقط، وإنما فاعل استراتيجي بذاته. لا يمكن فعل أي شيء بدون مشاركة مصر وموافقتها في أي عملية يمكن أن نتخيلها من أجل بناء السلام.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EUinArabic/status/17

[2024-01-24 15:22 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: ❗ 23 January - EU-Egypt Association Council

📝 Check the indicative programme and the instructions to register to ask questions at the press conference 👇

Deadline for registration: 23 January 11.00

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EUCouncilPress/statu

[2024-01-23 08:00 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: Las 6 reglas de George Orwell para escribir:
1. Nunca uses una metáfora, símil u otra frase hecha que estés acostumbrado a ver por escrito.
2. Nunca uses una palabra larga si puedes usar una corta que signifique lo mismo.
3. Si es posible eliminar una palabra, hazlo siempre.
4. Nunca uses la voz pasiva cuando puedas usar la activa
5. Nunca uses una expresión extranjera, una palabra científica o un término de jerga si puedes pensar en una palabra equivalente en tu idioma que sea de uso común.
6. Incumple cualquier regla antes de escribir nada estúpido.

George Orwell falleció tal día como hoy de 1950.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/literlandweb1/status

[2024-01-21 10:08 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: 🇸🇳🇪🇺We are proud to support the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, a 100% electric bus network inaugurated on January 14, 2024 in .
Our €80m investment, accompanied by the guarantee, supports and employability in the country.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EIBGlobal/status/174

[2024-01-16 11:36 UTC]

RT by @APisoneroECSpox: 🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉

Cheers to new beginnings and fresh starts! 🥂

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/euneighbours/status/

[2024-01-01 15:10 UTC]

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