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The first 10 ships from Ukraine carrying agricultural goods have now safely reached their final destinations.

This is a good start. Many more must follow.

Sea routes have to remain open so that Ukrainian food exports can arrive where they are needed.


is the largest donor of humanitarian aid in the world.

For 30 years, EU aid workers have helped alleviate the suffering of millions.

They brought food when it was scarce.
They brought hope when it was dim.

I'm proud of each of them.


The Ukrainian people are fighting for our values.

We will stand by them as much as we can, for as long as it takes.

The @EU_Commission will continue to provide wide-ranging support to address the humanitarian consequences of Russia's war in 🇺🇦


🇺🇦 10 million tons of cereals and oilseeds have now been transported out of Ukraine.

The fast implementation of our Solidarity Lanes has helped boost these exports.

Ukraine is the granary of the world. We are doing all we can to get precious grain to where it is most needed.


The @EU_Commission is saving energy too, under its Greening Strategy.

For example, we are switching off heating and cooling in most buildings 1h earlier than before, saving 3% of our annual energy use.

We also close some buildings for the summer and facilitate remote working.


Lowering the heating temperature at home by just 1°C can save around 7% in energy use over a year.

I’m encouraged to see that several 🇪🇺 Member States – like 🇪🇸🇨🇿🇮🇹 or 🇳🇱 – are introducing measures to optimise heating.

This will help us meet our joint target of 15%, together.


Across the EU smart ways to save energy are being introduced.

Slightly higher temperatures for air conditioning, for example, bring impressive results.

Good that Member States like 🇪🇸🇨🇿🇸🇮 are including such measures in their plans.

Together, we save energy for a safe winter.


I welcome the signature of the Inflation Reduction Act by @POTUS
With it, our 🇺🇸 partners are laying the ground for a clean energy economy in the US.
🇪🇺🇺🇸 will keep on investing in climate action.

Because global warming requires global action, in this decade. @Cop27P
RT @POTUS: Tune in as I deliver remarks and sign into law the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic bill that will lower costs for American families, combat the cli…


I’m relieved that @SalmanRushdie is progressing with his recovery.

The world needs this fearless fighter for freedom of speech.
Voices like his make our democracies vibrant.

The cowardly, hateful attack on his life reminds us that we must protect those who defend our values.


Thousands of heroic firefighters are working tirelessly against wildfires raging across our continent.

🇪🇺 has mobilised help for Portugal, Slovenia, Czechia, Albania & France via .

I am grateful to 🇬🇷🇸🇪🇮🇹🇩🇪🇵🇱🇦🇹🇷🇴 who currently support France.


Our Union will be stronger if it is more like our youth.

Showing empathy and compassion towards others.
Caring about the future of our planet.
Determined to build a better world.

Today I want to thank the young generation: you inspire me, every day.


Thousands of heroic firefighters are working tirelessly against wildfires raging across our continent.

🇪🇺 has mobilised help for Portugal, Slovenia, Czechia, Albania & France via .

I am grateful to 🇬🇷🇸🇪🇮🇹🇩🇪🇵🇱🇦🇹🇷🇴 who currently support France.


RT @EU_Commission: The EU has so far coordinated the delivery of 60,000 tonnes of life-saving assistance to 🇺🇦Ukraine via the Mechanism.

The assistance includes 180 ambulances, 125 fire-fighting vehicles, 300 power generators, 35 heavy machinery vehicles, among others.


Our emergency plan to reduce gas demand across the EU is now in force.

Several Member States have already taken valuable, voluntary measures towards our target:

Together, we aim to reduce gas usage by at least 15%.

Saving energy is vital to Europe's energy security.


🇺🇦 Ми надали Україні додаткові 500 мільйонів євро макрофінансової допомоги.

Ще 500 мільйонів євро надійдуть завтра.

Цей 1 мільярд євро допоможе Україні задовольнити нагальні фінансові потреби та зміцнити країну в цей важливий період.


🇺🇦 We have disbursed an additional €500 million in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

Another €500 million will follow tomorrow.

This €1 billion will help Ukraine address its immediate financial needs and strengthen the country in a crucial phase.


🇪🇸 Hoy entregamos a España el segundo pago de por valor de 12.000 millones de €, por el avance de las reformas e inversiones en economía digital, salud, educación, mercado laboral y saneamiento de las finanzas públicas, entre otras.

¡Enhorabuena a España!


Blahoželáme Slovensku, ktoré dnes obdrží 400 miliónov EUR v rámci .

Je to najmä výsledok úsilia o reformy a investície do vysokoškolského vzdelávania, súdneho systému, energetického systému a čistej mobility v krajine.

Ďalšie čoskoro pribudnú!


Labas ziņas Latvijai!

🇱🇻 ir izdarījusi pietiekami, lai saņemtu pirmo maksājumu.

Kad citas ES valstis dos savu zaļo gaismu, Latvija saņems 201 miljonu eiro. Tā turpināt!


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