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I strongly welcome the endorsement by Council of the regulation to reduce gas demand and prepare for the winter.

It is a decisive step to face down the threat of a full gas disruption.

Thanks to today’s decision, Europe is now ready to address its energy security, as a Union.


🇺🇦 @EIB за бюджетної підтримки ЄС схвалив 1,59 млрд євро фінансування для України, з яких 1 млрд буде надано негайно.

Це допоможе відбудувати інфраструктуру, відновити надання послуг і підтримати майбутні енергетичні, транспортні та освітні проекти.

Ми з Україною!


🇺🇦 The @EIB, with EU budget support, approved €1.59 billion of financing for Ukraine, with €1 billion to be released immediately.

It will help rebuild infrastructure and resume services. And support energy, transport and education projects for the future.



Thank you dear @antonioguterres for your tireless efforts in securing the agreements with @UN and Turkey on 🇺🇦 grain exports.

Millions of tonnes of desperately-needed grain blocked by Russia’s war will finally leave through the Black Sea to help feed people across the world.
RT @antonioguterres: The agreement signed today by Ukraine, the Russian Federation & Türkiye under UN auspices opens a path for commercial food exports from U…


Member States have agreed to our reinforced, prolonged EU sanctions against the Kremlin.

I welcome that.

It sends a strong signal to Moscow: we will keep the pressure high for as long as it takes.
RT @vonderleyen: Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine continues unabated.

Therefore we propose today to tighten our hard-hitting EU sanctions against the Kremlin, enforce them more effectively and extend them until January 2023.



Once more we have testing times ahead of us.

I am confident that we can master this energy crisis, together.

Russia’s attempt to blackmail us this winter will fail.

We will come out stronger.


Some Member States are more vulnerable to disruptions.

But we would all suffer the consequences of such a disruption through the Single Market.
This is why all need to be ready to share gas with Member States in need.


EU countries should do their best now to save 15% of annual gas consumption.
We are providing guidance to do that, in a smart way.

Right now the goal is aspirational.
In case of a European alert, the 15% are binding.

The quicker we act, the more we save, the safer we are.


For the first time, we have to address our energy security at EU level.

For this, we have to reduce our gas consumption and put the saved gas into storage.
This is a big ask for the whole of the EU – but it is necessary to protect us.


We have already done a lot to prepare, with .
Gas storage is at 64%.

Gas supply from other sources has increased by 75% compared to last year.
And since the beginning of the year an estimated additional 20 GW of renewable energy capacity have been added.


Russia is using gas as a weapon.

We have to address our energy security at EU level.

We learnt from the pandemic that if we act in unity, we can address any crisis.

So let's act together to reduce gas use and provide a safety net for all EU countries.


Dear @ediramaal and @DKovachevski, you have shown patience, vision and leadership.
And you have proven time and again your attachment to European values, as friends and reliable partners.
We will all stand to gain, when one day we welcome 🇦🇱🇲🇰 in the EU.


We will now start the screening of the EU acquis – and proceed very quickly.
Dear @P_Fiala, @EU2022_CZ will also play an important role in advancing this negotiations process.
The people of 🇦🇱🇲🇰 deserve it.


🇦🇱🇲🇰 Today, Albania and North Macedonia open accession negotiations with the EU.

This historic moment is your success. The result of your hard work.

The @EU_Commission has supported you all the way. We will continue to do so.


The EU is turning to trustworthy energy suppliers.

Azerbaijan is one of them.

With today's agreement, we commit to expanding the Southern Gas Corridor, to double gas supplies from Azerbaijan to the EU.

This is good news for our supplies of gas this winter and beyond.


Azerbaijan has a tremendous potential in renewable energy.

Today we are laying the ground for a new partnership in this area.

And we commit to reducing methane emissions through the entire gas supply chain.


Good meeting with @azpresident on energy and the state of 🇪🇺🇦🇿 relations.

Let's strengthen our economic relationship and bring our people closer together.

Connectivity will be crucial here.

🇪🇺 wants to work with 🇦🇿 and build connections with Central Asia and beyond.


The EU is turning to more reliable energy suppliers.

Today I’m in Azerbaijan to sign a new agreement.

Our goal: double the gas delivery from Azerbaijan to the EU in a few years.

🇦🇿 will be a crucial partner for our security of supply and on our way to climate neutrality.


🇲🇰 Congratulations to North Macedonia on the vote that now paves the way for opening the accession negotiations rapidly.
It was a historic opportunity.
And you seized it.
A big step on your path towards a European future. Your future.


There can be no doubt that the Macedonian language is your language. We fully respect that.
RT @vonderleyen: 🇲🇰 Иднината на вашата земја е во Европската Унија, а Европа не е цела без Северна Македонија.

Ве сакаме во ЕУ!

Ви благодарам.


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