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Happy New Year!
2024 will be a decisive year.
Together, let us strive for a strong Europe in the world, bolstered by free and fair elections.
For a just and lasting peace in Ukraine and stability in the Middle East.
And for a clean economy that works for people and the planet.


[2023-12-31 23:11 UTC]

O zi de mare mândrie pentru România și Bulgaria.
Decizia de a elimina controalele la frontierele interne aeriene și maritime cu 🇷🇴🇧🇬 reprezintă un pas major înainte, pentru ele și pentru spațiul Schengen.
🇷🇴🇧🇬 au muncit din greu.
🇷🇴🇧🇬 o merită.
Vor face Schengen și mai puternic.


[2023-12-30 20:51 UTC]

We have stood by Ukraine since day one of Russia's war of aggression.
With almost €85 billion in financial, humanitarian and military support.
We will keep supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes.
And now we are opening the door to the EU to our friend and neighbour.


[2023-12-29 09:42 UTC]

Jacques Delors était un visionnaire qui a rendu notre Europe plus forte.
L’œuvre de sa vie est une Union européenne unie, dynamique et prospère.
Elle a façonné des générations entières d’Européens, dont la mienne.
Honorons son héritage en renouvelant sans cesse notre Europe.


[2023-12-27 18:06 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Nicht nur Wolfgang Schäubles Intellekt und seine Disziplin waren herausragend, sondern auch sein tiefer Respekt vor dem demokratischen Diskurs und seine Fähigkeit, sich immer wieder auf Neues einzulassen.

Ich werde seinen weisen Rat vermissen.


[2023-12-27 11:08 UTC]

Сьогодні ми виплачуємо Україні останні 1,5 мільярда євро з нашого 18-мільярдного пакету підтримки на 2023 рік.
Ми повинні знайти угоду, щоб й надалі надавати Україні підтримку, необхідну їй для відновлення, відбудови та реформ.
Ми стоїмо на боці нашого сусіда, друга і майбутнього члена.


[2023-12-21 10:22 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Thanks to @eu2023es we managed to bring a several key files past the finish line.

Some, like the AI and Critical Raw Materials Acts, will help us build our future economic competitiveness.

So that we can keep our global tech edge while staying true to our values.


[2023-12-15 14:33 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission proposed to reinforce our EU budget.

To support Ukraine, work on migration, boost our competitiveness, deal with humanitarian crises.

26 Member States confirmed these priorities and agreed to provide more financing.

I thank them.

There is a new rendez-vous early next year.


[2023-12-15 15:06 UTC]

We need decisive action, right now, to bring Western Balkan partners closer to us.
This is what the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is all about.
It has the potential to double the size of the region’s economy, within a decade ↓


[2023-12-13 19:39 UTC]

In an increasingly fragmented world, we need an even stronger & united community of values.
Enlargement is key to achieve that.
This is why it has been a priority since day one of my mandate.
And why I remain committed to a future with all Western Balkan partners in our Union


[2023-12-13 19:55 UTC]

Good meeting with
I very much welcome the decrease in tensions in the north of Kosovo.
For both Kosovo and Serbia, the way ahead lies in living up to their commitments under the EU Dialogue.
I hope that both sides continue to fulfil their commitments.


[2023-12-13 17:30 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: The new loss and damage fund is an important signal for more fairness in the fight against climate change:

The most vulnerable countries need our support in the clean transition.

The EU and our Member States have contributed over 2/3 of the initial funding.


[2023-12-13 08:26 UTC]

In Beijing for the EU-China Summit.
It’s my 2nd visit to China this year and an opportunity to have open, frank discussions.
Ours is a significant but complex economic and geopolitical relationship.
The result of our talks will impact the prosperity & security of our people.


[2023-12-07 01:58 UTC]

Thank you 🇯🇵
, Fumio Kishida, for a very successful
You provided strategic steer to preserve
unity on two major geopolitical challenges: Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East.


[2023-12-06 16:53 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Your presidency reaffirmed G7 leadership to fight climate change and set the direction for a global approach on generative AI, through the Hiroshima Process.

Looking forward to continue this important work with Giorgia Meloni under the Italian G7 Presidency.


[2023-12-06 16:53 UTC]

Shocked and saddened by the senseless terror attack in Paris last night.
My thoughts are with the families of the victims.


[2023-12-03 03:47 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: In the next two years, the EU will invest €2.3 billion to support a global clean energy transition.
And put the world back on track towards 1.5°C.


[2023-12-02 13:13 UTC]

Good to touch base with
on progress at
We also discussed our support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Finally, we discussed the upcoming G7 Leaders VTC.


[2023-12-02 09:36 UTC]

Good to see our Climate Club growing to 36 members.
We represent over 30% of global emissions, so whatever we decide together will be a powerful vector of change.
Let’s keep working together and sharing experiences and expertise on the decarbonisation of our industries.


[2023-12-01 15:53 UTC]

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