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Climate change is the challenge of our century.
Our ambitions must match that challenge.
The EU will push for key global emissions milestones:
→ Global emissions peaking by 2025
→ Phase out of fossil fuels
→ 2030 targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency


[2023-12-01 08:18 UTC]

Henry Kissinger's strategy and excellence in diplomacy has shaped global politics throughout the 20th century.
His influence and legacy will continue to reverberate well into the 21st century.


[2023-11-30 06:56 UTC]

, and congratulations on your appointment.
We exchanged on global and EU affairs, including upcoming crucial discussions on enlargement at EUCO.
We agreed on the need for continued strong support to Ukraine.


[2023-11-29 20:38 UTC]

We are here to build a Global Alliance against the smuggling of human beings.
We are here to fight this criminal business.


[2023-11-28 08:10 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Migrant smuggling is a global, common challenge.
We need to pull our weight together.

Start a new era of cooperation with a Global Alliance to fight smugglers.

Give a better chance to millions of people.
So we are launching a Call to Action, open to all who want to join us.


[2023-11-28 08:24 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: We will work together to:

• Update EU legislation and apply the Protocol against migrant smuggling

• Strengthen the role of Europol

• Upgrade the European centre against migrant smuggling

• Intensify cooperation with partner countries to tackle this issue globally


[2023-11-28 08:30 UTC]

I welcome the agreement reached on the extension of 2 days of the pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas.
My full statement:


[2023-11-27 20:45 UTC]

Good exchange with
ahead of crucial discussions at December’s EUCO.
Ukraine is focused on implementing the 7 steps and reforms linked to EU financial support.
stands firmly by Ukraine in the preparation of its EU future.


[2023-11-27 18:20 UTC]

Happy to be in exceptional Saint John’s with
for our Summit!
The EU and Canada are aligned in values and worldviews.
In a world rocked by multiple crises, our discussions tomorrow will be more important than ever.


[2023-11-23 23:26 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: ЄС фінансово підтримує економічну стабільність і надання державних послуг в Україні з самого початку війни Росії про неї.

Сьогодні ми надаємо нові 1,5 млрд євро.

Наша допомога Україні нині сягнула 85 млрд євро.
Буде більше.

Ми запропонували 50 млрд євро для України до 2027 року.


[2023-11-22 10:25 UTC]

Ten years of dignity.
Of pride.
Of striving for freedom.
The cold winter nights of Euromaidan have changed Europe forever.
Today, it is clearer than ever.
The future of Ukraine is in the European Union.
The future that the Maidan fought for has finally begun.


[2023-11-21 06:32 UTC]

Congratulations to President-elect
Argentina is an important, long-standing partner of the EU. We share deep historical ties and values.
Looking forward to continuing a good cooperation with Argentina on the many topics we have in common.
There is a lot we can achieve together.


[2023-11-20 19:30 UTC]

Glad to be in Berlin today. The
Compact with Africa has been instrumental to boost the role of private sector investments in Africa.
This is essential for development and economic growth.
And our
programme is contributing by supporting an enabling business environment and mobilising even more investments.


[2023-11-20 17:09 UTC]

Grateful to
for the exchange on the crisis in Gaza.
We will cooperate with Jordan on providing much needed humanitarian aid to Gaza.


[2023-11-19 09:45 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: We condemn the unacceptable violence by extremists in the West Bank.

We agree that the cycle of violence needs to be broken.

A two-state solution is the only way to achieve peace.


[2023-11-19 09:45 UTC]

Today I’m in Cairo to discuss with a key partner.
Egypt is playing a crucial role towards stability in these challenging times, for which we are thankful.
Beyond this, the EU aims to strengthen our important bilateral relationship.


[2023-11-18 08:18 UTC]

I had a call with PM
who informed me about the situation at the border with Russia.
Russia’s instrumentalisation of migrants is shameful.
I fully support the measures taken by Finland.
And I thank the Finnish Border Guards for protecting our European borders.


[2023-11-16 15:51 UTC]

Unsere Beziehungen zu China sind komplex, und von überragender Bedeutung.
Nur wer China in all seiner Komplexität und Vielschichtigkeit zu verstehen versucht, wird in Zukunft seine eigenen Interessen wahren können.
Darüber habe ich heute in Berlin mit


[2023-11-16 13:51 UTC]

The 🇪🇺🇨🇳 relationship is a determining factor for our economic prosperity & national security.
China is a trading partner & industrial powerhouse, but also:
• a technological competitor
• a military power
• a global player with a distinct, diverging idea of the global order


[2023-11-16 14:34 UTC]

Es war mir eine Freude!
ist ein starker Pfeiler der 🇩🇪 Wirtschaft.
Unser neuer 🇪🇺-KMU-Beauftragter wird genau darauf achten, dass Handwerksbetriebe nicht indirekt durch Regeln betroffen sind, die für Konzerne gedacht sind.


[2023-11-14 18:40 UTC]

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