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Bonne discussion avec @EmmanuelMacron aujourd'hui.

Nous avons partagé nos analyses sur les points clés à soulever avec le Président Xi, sur les sujets économiques européens, ainsi que sur nos efforts conjoints concernant la migration.


Another token of strong international support to Ukraine.

I welcome the approval by @IMFNews Board of a 4-year programme for 🇺🇦 with access to US$15.6 billion.

It will help keep Ukraine economically stable during the war, then support its recovery and progress on its 🇪🇺 path.


Good phone call with Prime Minister of Japan @kishida230.

We exchanged about the situation in Ukraine and East Asia and agreed to keep in close contact over developments.

We also discussed the upcoming @G7 Summit in Hiroshima in May.


We will continue to support efforts to make sure that Putin can be held accountable for the crime of aggression.

To that end, we continue to support the creation of a dedicated tribunal, if that’s what it takes.

We want justice for Ukraine and for Ukrainians.


What happened in Bucha one year ago was not an isolated episode.
Those executions in cold blood were part of a bigger plan.
The Kremlin's plan to eliminate Ukrainians.

Their national identity.

Their sense of being.

War criminals will be held accountable.


To date, we have disbursed €150 billion under .

This means hundreds of investments and reforms for a green, digital and just transition set in motion.

And more will come, across the EU. See the map ↓


Our story about our relationship to China is not fully written.

We must show that our system and values delivers prosperity and security.

And always be ready to talk and work with those who see the world differently.


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We are exploring an instrument on outbound investment.

To avoid enhancing the military and intelligence capabilities of those who are also systemic rivals with tech and knowledge transfers that comes with some investments.

We will present ideas later this year.


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1 – Making our own economy and industry, especially clean tech, more competitive

2 – Bolder, faster use of our trade instruments

3 – Develop new defensive tools for critical sectors, like sensitive high tech

4 – Aligning with partners around the world


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We must ensure diplomatic stability and open communication lines with China.

We also do not want to cut economic ties with a vital trading partner.

We need to focus on de-risking; not de-coupling. ↓


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China is changing:

→ We expect to see greater focus on security and control

→ The imperative for security and control now trumps the logic of free markets and open trade

→ China’s clear goal is a systemic change of the international order with China at its centre


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Our relationship with China is one of the most intricate and important.

How we manage it will be a determining factor for our future economic prosperity and national security ↓


I welcome the political agreement reached by the EP and Council on our new rules for more ambition and faster roll-out of renewables.

This will help us progress towards climate neutrality, strengthen our energy security and boost our competitiveness - all at once.


Equal work deserves equal pay.

And for equal pay, you need transparency.

Women must know whether their employers treat them fairly.

And when this is not the case, they must have the power to fight back and get what they deserve.


This second comes at the right time, as Putin's war still threaten the right of Ukraine to exist and determine its own future.

Ukrainians are defending our values, our democracy.

We will keep standing by them ↓


We promised to support Ukraine as long as it takes.

And we are keeping our promises.

€2 billion from the Peace Facility will ensure continued delivery of ammunition to Ukraine.

We will also support increased defence industrial production, including with the EU budget.


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European companies are leaders in net-zero innovation.

But manufacturing often moves outside Europe, China being the largest producer of all mass-manufactured clean tech.

Our Net Zero Industry Act aims to keep European companies in Europe.


Peace and prosperity must be re-won, day after day, generation after generation.

So today, we don’t just gather for a commemoration.

But for a new commitment.

To keep working for reconciliation in Northern Ireland.


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Today we celebrate the brave leaders and peace-loving people that made the impossible come true.

25 years ago, the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement brought peace to Northern Ireland.

Opening up a new era of cooperation. A new beginning.


Welcome to Brussels President @WilliamsRuto.

Let’s deepen our political and trade relations.

We’re partnering with Kenya on global issues - Russia’s war and climate change.

works for the clean transition, with today’s signing of the Nairobi clean bus project.


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