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Horrified by the deadly attacks committed in Saskatchewan today.

Dear @JustinTrudeau, dear Canadian people, Europe mourns with you.

I hope the perpetrators will soon be apprehended and brought to justice.

I will pay my tribute to the victims when I’m in Saskatoon in 2 weeks.


At EU level, we diversify sources, save energy and store it. Our gas storage is already filled at 80%.
But to cut our dependence on Russian fossil fuels, we need renewables. 
The commitments taken today would already deliver 1/3 of our 2030 target for offshore wind in the EU.


A wind of change is blowing across Europe.

The North and Baltic Seas Summits have set a target of 85 GW in additional offshore wind capacity by 2030.

This can power the equivalent of all households in 🇦🇹🇨🇿🇵🇱🇸🇰🇸🇮

Together we will make Europe a renewable energy powerhouse.


The targets set at the Baltic Sea Summit would cover the energy consumption of all households in 🇩🇰🇱🇻🇱🇹🇪🇪

And we can do much more.

Let’s make Europe a renewable powerhouse.


Mikhail Gorbachev was a trusted and respected leader. He played a crucial role to end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain. It opened the way for a free Europe.

This legacy is one we will not forget.

R.I.P Mikhail Gorbachev


The targets set at the Baltic Sea Summit would cover the energy consumption of all households in 🇩🇰🇱🇻🇱🇹🇪🇪

And we can do much more.

Let’s make Europe a renewable powerhouse.


The North Sea summit was already a success.

Today the Baltic Sea Summit shows once more that a wind of change is blowing in Europe.

The power of the wind helps us break free from Russian fossil fuels and become climate neutral.


To boost off-shore wind, the @EU_Commission:

• Supports hybrid projects which connect wind farms to more than one EU country 

• Provides guidance on grid network development plans

• Works to speed up permitting

• Invests €5.6 billion from


At EU level, we diversify sources, save energy and store it. Our gas storage is already filled at 80%.
But to cut our dependence on Russian fossil fuels, we need renewables. 
The commitments taken today would already deliver 1/3 of our 2030 target for offshore wind in the EU.


Thank you @Statsmin Mette Frederiksen for convening the Baltic Sea Summit.

Energy prices are breaking record after record.

The consequences for households and companies are not sustainable.

We need to address this - together and urgently.


Gutes Gespräch mit Vize-Kanzler Habeck im @bmwk zur Energiekrise.

Die Energiepreise sind eine große Belastung für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, und für die Wirtschaft.

Deshalb arbeiten wir an einem europäischen Notfallinstrument und einer strukturellen Reform des Strommarktes.


Die aktuelle Energiekrise, der Europäische Green Deal, der Weg hin zu einer digitaleren und nachhaltigeren Wirtschaft und die Zukunft Europas.

Drängende Themen für die Diskussion mit Vize-Kanzler Robert Habeck im @BMWK und live hier ↓


Beyond Europe, we must promote a global growth model fit for the challenges of this century.

It means developing the climate-friendly and digital infrastructure the world needs.

And to do so based on trust and transparency.

This is the spirit of .


We must bring those who believe in the power of the rules closer to us

Ukraine of course. And the Western Balkans

Balkan stability is European stability.
Their prosperity is our prosperity.
Best way to counter malign foreign influences is to strengthen democracy in Europe


Ending our dependency on Russian fossil fuels is step one.
Our increased need for other raw materials must not create new dependencies.
We must diversify supply and build ties with reliable partners.

I will be in 🇨🇦 in two weeks to advance our partnership.


The skyrocketing electricity prices are now exposing the limitations of our current market design.
It was developed for different circumstances.
That’s why we are now working on an emergency intervention and a structural reform of the electricity market.


We need a new strategic thinking to defend the rules-based order. We must:
• Neutralise Russia’s blackmail power, strengthen our ability to act

• Support the democracies most exposed to foreign threats
• Use our economic might to preserve and expand the rules-based order


Will the rule of power replace the power of rules?

It depends on the power of democracy.

On our capacity to uphold core principles.
Resist aggression.

Protect our values and our friends.

My address @BledStratForum ↓


🇸🇮 Very good exchanges with President @BorutPahor and Prime Minister Golob in the margins of the @BledStratForum

We discussed the importance of further strengthening ties with our Western Balkans partners and of tackling the situation on energy markets and security of supply.


In Taizé, I met young people living life to the fullest, with a strong sense of purpose, caring for others and for our planet.

I am confident that Europe will be in good hands with our youth.!MjbTP8


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