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Every generation has a responsibility to make Europe better.

For my generation, it’s about Europe’s contribution to peace, to our planet and to solidarity.

My exchange with the youth of Taizé ↓


Together, we can give the world confidence that a low carbon future is possible.

Keep leading by example and spreading the word!


Youth movements for the climate inspired me for the

Now, young people in Taizé have given me fresh motivation and strength to stay the course.


I was very moved by my encounter with refugees from Ukraine, Syria, Palestine and South Sudan.

Their stories are so inspiring and humbling.

I’m so grateful to Taizé for welcoming them and giving them shelter.

A wonderful example of humanity.


Very happy to be in the communauté of Taizé.

An enriching moment of reflection and dialogue about peace and reconciliation.

About values that unite us all.

I’m also looking forward to exchanging with the youth of Taizé.

It will be a formidable source of inspiration!


More than 200.000 tons of 🇺🇦 agri produce have been exported via the Black Sea. That is encouraging.

But the Kremlin’s war still threatens global food security.

We continue to help boost exports from 🇺🇦

At the same time, we invest in more resilient food systems worldwide.


Today is the 31st anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

But we also mark 6 months since the beginning of Russia’s atrocious invasion.

Our financial, humanitarian, military support is unwavering.

Ukrainian people are fighting for our values.

They must and they will prevail.


🇺🇦 A proud, emotional moment as we unfurl the Ukrainian flag in the Grand-Place of Brussels, with the Ukrainian community of Belgium.

Today we all look towards the future.

A future where our Ukrainien friends can live in a free and independent Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini!


Шановні громадяни України, наші дії ніколи не будуть співмірні тим жертвами, на які ви йдете щодня.

Але ми можемо і будемо стояти на вашому боці.

ЄС був із вами в цій боротьбі від самого початку. І залишатиметься доти, доки буде необхідно.


Dear citizens of Ukraine, we can never match the sacrifices you are making every day.

But we can and will stand by your side.

The EU has been with you in this fight from the very beginning. And we will be for as long as it takes.


24 серпня світ відзначає День Незалежності України.

Тож сьогодні ввечері @EU_Commission із гордістю вбралася у жовто-блакитне, щоб показати нашу підтримку Україні.

Ми гордо стоїмо пліч-о-пліч із нашими 🇺🇦 друзями у їхній боротьбі за вільне, незалежне та європейське майбутнє


🇺🇦 On 24 August, the world celebrates Ukraine Independence Day.

So tonight, the @EU_Commission proudly wears yellow and blue, to show our support to Ukraine.

We proudly stand with our Ukrainian friends in their fight for a free, independent and European future.


The EU will never recognise the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by Russia.

We work tirelessly with Ukraine to expose human rights violations, hold those responsible accountable and support the victims.

My address @crimeaplatform ↓


It is with deep sorrow that I learnt of the passing of Mauro Petriccione, our Director General for Climate Action.
Mauro was a dear, respected colleague. His work earned him respect and friendships in Europe & beyond

My thoughts are with his family & friends in these sad times


Today we honour the victims of totalitarian regimes.

We are inspired by those who stood up to injustice then and we support those who do it today, as the horrors of war are back in Europe.

Ukrainians are giving their lives to protect the values on which our Union is built.


Saving energy can start at home.

EU ecodesign rules and energy labelling have made the appliances we use in our daily lives way more energy efficient.

We all have a role to play – let’s save energy by replacing inefficient appliances with more efficient ones.


Renewable energy makes us more independent from Russian gas.

Last year 34 GW of renewable energy capacity was added to the EU energy mix, saving about 7 bcm of natural gas

All EU countries should make efforts in this field and seize the investment opportunities of


L’Europe est de tout cœur avec la France et les français face aux incendies qui font rage.

Via le mécanisme de protection civile, l’UE a dépêché avions, camions et plus de 400 pompiers.

Merci à 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇬🇷🇮🇹🇵🇱 🇷🇴🇸🇪 pour leur solidarité exemplaire.


Η σημερινή ημέρα σηματοδοτεί το τέλος της ενισχυμένης εποπτείας για την 🇬🇷

Χάρη στην αποφασιστικότητα και τη δύναμη της Ελλάδας και των Ελλήνων, η χώρα κλείνει πλέον αυτό το κεφάλαιο και ατενίζει το μέλλον με αισιοδοξία.

Η 🇪🇺 πάντα στο πλευρό σας.


🇬🇷 Today marks the last day of the enhanced economic surveillance of Greece.

Thanks to the determination and resilience of Greece and its people, the country can close this chapter, and look to the future with confidence.

The EU will always stand by your side.


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