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Very honoured to receive the Schumpeter prize. Schumpeter’s emphasis on innovation still inspire us. It is important for competition policy as it creates a fairer distribution of new opportunities, while keeping prices low. It makes markets work for people
RT @EUKommWien: Ewald Nowotny hält anlässlich der Verleihung des Schumpeter Preises die Laudatio auf Margrethe @vestager: Ich habe immer ihre Fähigkeit bewund…


Thanks so much for a very constructive meeting 🇺🇦 @FedorovMykhailo. Good to talk about how to enhance ’s cybersecurity, support telecoms & connectivity of refugees, facilitate digital services and not least how to fight Russian disinformation!


Inspiring comments, questions and support for the in the debriefing meeting. Thanks @berndlange
RT @VDombrovskis: Happy to debrief @EP_Trade MEPs on 2nd meeting of EU-U.S. Trade & Tech Council, with @vestager.

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has brought 🇪🇺 & 🇺🇸closer than we have been for decades.

Read about the results & plans in my @europarl_en speech 👉


RT @USAmbEU: A day after the successful U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council () Ministerial, EVP @vestager and I met to discuss further transatlantic cooperation on digital policies.


Love is for all ❤️ No matter who you are and whom you love. Also in 2022. Let’s protect rights in 🇪🇺 and beyond. Let's build a where everyone is safe, free & welcome 🌈


A self-charging pacemaker to avoid multiple operations; the most efficient single photon source in the world 🌎 … just some of the amazing things that can happen in 🇫🇷🇪🇺, with 🇺🇸 collaboration. Thanks @C2N_com!


Nice start of the 🇪🇺🇺🇸 last night. Many thanks to our French hosts @Europe2022FR Obviously the Russian aggression in Ukraine has impacted on the TTC’s priorities, accelerating the urgency of generating concrete results. @VDombrovskis @SecBlinken @AmbassadorTai @SecRaimondo


So good to meet up again. Trust & our strong relationship has already shown results against Russia. Our strong, joint reaction would have been unthinkable without the . Now we build on this for a durable 🇪🇺🇺🇸partnership that delivers @VDombrovskis @AmbassadorTai @SecRaimondo


Mega cool - congratulations on winning the . What a night, what a victory 💛💙
Also thanks for an amazing show and such diversity of great songs @Eurovision


Data free flow with trust, cyber resilience, semiconductor supply chain, access to raw materials… great discussions and conclusions at the . Thanks @Wissing for your leadership and hospitality in amazing
The declaration:


I am thankful for your participation @FedorovMykhailo - Ukraine was very impressive also when it comes to before the war and what you manage now is really impressive. Will do what we can to support @Wissing
RT @FedorovMykhailo: Have an honor to participate in the working session of the G7 digital ministers. Shared our practical experience in dealing with the First World Cyber ​​War. Actually best Ukra…


Go check how a cartel is investigated …. @EU_Competition
RT @EU_Competition: The European Commission opens its doors on Saturday 7th May from 10:00 to 18:00. DG Competition will be present at our stand within the “Digital Village” in the Berlaymont Building. We hope to see you there.


Today the Commission’s building is opening its doors until 18:00 to celebrate 🇪🇺
There are many activities ongoing: you can visit the stands of the pavilion or follow @DigitalEU Instagram Live debate on EU’s at 12:30
RT @DigitalEU: 🇪🇺Let’s celebrate together!🇪🇺

🔴 Tune into our Instagram LIVE tomorrow at 12:30pm➡️

🔵 If you are in Brussels to…


There are 2 sides to everything, only trialogs a have 3 :) Looking forward to the negotiation on the Regulation! Today was a great start @CHansenEU @berndlange @Europe2022FR
RT @CHansenEU: 📢Ready, set, go! Exactly 1 year after publication of the Commission proposal on the instrument on distortive foreign subsidies, we held the initial trilogue today. @europarl_en negotiation team is backed by an exceptionally strong…


EU’s transformation is about empowering citizens through technology and not the other way around. The European Health Data Space will really change how you can travel with your data & how we use 🇪🇺 health data for treatment, research, innovation and policymaking
RT @EU_Commission: 🚀Just launched: the European Health Data Space.

This is a new beginning for the EU’s digital health policy, making health data work for peop…


Very nice discussing with 🇯🇵 Minister for Internal Affairs & Communications Yasushi Kaneko @nekotanchan Intense work is ongoing to strengthen our cooperation, including beyond 5G/6G research & the 🇪🇺🇯🇵Digital Partnership that we hope to finalise very soon!


It was good talking with you. Give me a lot of confidence in our ability to achieve tangible results at the in May. Looking forward!
RT @SecRaimondo: Today, EVP @vestager & I discussed the strength of the transatlantic alliance & our shared objectives for the upcoming 🇺🇸-🇪🇺 Ministerial. I look forward to continuing our work to deepen our partnership & benefit people on both sides of the Atlantic:…


Internet is a part of our daily lives. We need to maximise its opportunities and minimise its risks. Today 🇪🇺🇺🇸🇦🇺🇨🇦🇯🇵🇬🇧 & other partners have signed the Declaration for the : For an Internet that is open, free and secure for all


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