Starting in 15 minutes: the event will be live-streamed on my Youtube channel:
RT @repasi: The Regulatory Scrutiny Board has the power to postpone legislative proposals before they are sent to Parliament. On 7 June @anna_cavazzini and me will discuss a study that looked into the RSB with the @EUombudsman who opened an investigation. Register:
RT @jcbcp: Competition authority scrutiny of inflation-driving price hikes is "perfectly called for", per @ecb president Christine Lagarde (an ex-competition lawyer herself).
In today's monetary dialogue I asked @Lagarde about profits driving inflation: (1) she acknowledged the existence of this effect, (2) deplored the lack of data on profits and (3) called on competition authorities to look at price behaviours (below the threshold of abuse):👇
RT @IsabellaMWeber: BREAKING: Sellers' inflation is now a Christine Lagarde take.
@IsabellaMWeber @Lagarde My pleasure! I learnt a lot from this paper.
RT @SamuelStolton: .@ecb’s Lagarde calls for competition authorities to investigate the legitimacy of crisis price hikes & whether they’ve been a direct result of inflationary conditions or more ‘concerted’ practices:
@wavesblog Indeed, let's call a child by its name.
@IsabellaMWeber, @sven_giegold, @SDullien, @ruppe_p, @jvtklooster, @jonasfernandez, @MChahim, @TheProgressives, @RasmusAndresen, @etuc_ces, @MonikaSchnitzer
4/ These matters will also be addressed by the Parliament's Annual Competition Policy Report, for which I was the rapporteur and which will be debated and adopted next week in Strasbourg:
3/ An example for that is the proposal to reform the German Cartel Law by @BMWK and @sven_giegold: market investigation and resulting intervention tools:
RT @sven_giegold: 1⃣ Das @Kartellamt kann nach einer Sektoruntersuchung Abhilfemaßnahmen beschließen. Das ist weiteres scharfes Schwert, weil nicht mehr der Missbrauch einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung nachgewiesen werden muss. Schon die erhebliche, fortwährende Störung des Wettbewerbs genügt.
2/ When rising profits are the result of market power, the @ecb cannot do much with its monetary tools. She rightly calls on competition authorities to act and have the necessary tools to intervene even if price increases are not the result of abusive practices.
1/ I fully agree with @Lagarde's understanding of the situation: profits can drive inflation as was also shown in a remarkable paper by @IsabellaMWeber and Evan Wasner for the US:
RT @IsabellaMWeber: Corporate concentration is a possible explanation of price and profit hikes driving inflation. But concentration was high before inflation. So, why can firms hike prices in an emergency? We explore this question in a new working paper. A 🧵https://scholarworks.umass.e…
In today's monetary dialogue I asked @Lagarde about profits driving inflation: (1) she acknowledged the existence of this effect, (2) deplored the lack of data on profits and (3) called on competition authorities to look at price behaviours (below the threshold of abuse):👇
@DariusReinhardt @anna_cavazzini @EUombudsman @BrigittePircher @Arbeiterkammer @ioanniskamp @KlaasEller @knut_krohn @aufmerken @vicky_cann @corporateeurope @lobbycontrol @TI_EU Yes, indeed, you have to.
Happening on Wednesday at 14 o'clock: let's take together with the @EUombudsman and @BrigittePircher a closer look at the back box called 'Regulatory Scrutiny Board' that had influenced the #CSDDD and the #R2R proposals before they were even sent to the legislator. Register now!
RT @repasi: The Regulatory Scrutiny Board has the power to postpone legislative proposals before they are sent to Parliament. On 7 June @anna_cavazzini and me will discuss a study that loo…
This week we have adopted the European Parliament's position on #CSDDD. If you wonder what this position is about, please watch this video, in which I explain the main elements of our position: The adopted text can be found here:
„Eine Ausnahme des Finanzsektors, wie sie im Rat durchgesetzt wurde, haben wir gegen den Widerstand von Konservativen und Rechtsextremen verhindert und damit dem massiven Lobbying der Banken und Investoren einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht.” (
@F_Brito_Bastos One of the conditions in order to participate in the 'equal rotation' could be that a MS is not subject to an Article 7 TEU procedure.
@F_Brito_Bastos Legally speaking, the quick fix is an amendment of the Council Decision 2009/908 of the presidency rotation and moving Hungary to the end of the list. More generally, Art. 16(9) TEU subjects the 'equal rotation' to 'conditions established in accordance with Article 236' TFEU.
RT @rpa_thannisch: Ein guter Tag für gerechtere #Lieferketten und auch für die #Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer*innen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem schönen Erfolg, stellvertretend für Viele an @woelken @gabischoff @repasi
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Ehemann und Papa | Unionsbürger und Sozialdemokrat | Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (@Europarl_DE) und Rechtsprofessor (@erasmusuni) | #IMCO, #ECON, #JURI