Sehr gute Zusammenstellung von Blogbeiträgen zu den juristischen Argumenten bei @Verfassungsblog:
Deutschland möchte eine #cannabislegalisierung. Das stößt auf völker- und europarechtliche Probleme. Die Kommission müsste den EU-Rechtsverstoß tolerieren und einen Gesetzgebungsvorschlag zur EU-weiten Legalisierung einbringen. Mein Gespräch mit dem @DLF:
RT @TheProgressives: We have a deal on the General Product Safety Regulation!
We managed that from now on, for every item imported from a third country and sold to Europeans online, one person physically present in the EU has to take on the legal responsibility.
@repasi 👇
RT @repasi: The trilogue on the General Product Safety Regulation (#GPSR) is finished. We have updated product safety to the challenges of online shopping and cyber security. Online marketplaces will have to check products. Third-country products need all to have a responsible person in EU.
RT @EP_SingleMarket: #DEAL 🤝 After more than 8 hours of negotiations, EP & Council negotiators secured an agreement on the General Product Safety Regulation #GPSR!
🛒 Better protection for online shoppers & vulnerable consumers
👍 Right to recall, replacement, refund & redress guaranteed
RT @anna_cavazzini: Yes!! Wir haben einen Deal zur Produktsicherheit! Im Trilog einigten sich gerade Parlament und Rat. Die neuen Regeln sagen unsicheren Produkten den Kampf an - auch und gerade in Zeiten von mehr Digitalisierung und online Shopping.
There is a deal:
RT @repasi: The trilogue on the General Product Safety Regulation (#GPSR) is finished. We have updated product safety to the challenges of online shopping and cyber security. Online marketplaces will have to check products. Third-country products need all to have a responsible person in EU.
@SPDEuropa, @TheProgressives, @SchaldemoseMEP, @beuc, @vzbv, @EP_SingleMarket, @BiljanaBorzan, @EURACTIV, @POLITICOEurope, @BertuzLuca
In sum, a mixed result that is not decreasing the level of consumer protection already achieved, but making it fit for the challenges of the 21st century. /END
I would have prefered more obligations for online marketplaces (such as "ex ante" checks), in particular SME ones (which are not subject to the #DSA rules). I would also have liked to see harmonised rules for fines in case of non-compliance with the product safety regulation. 4/5
The Product Safety Regulation will also be part of collective redress and added to the annex of the Representative Actions Directive (@beuc). 3/5
That means that there will be an economic operator established in the EU that can be held liable for damages. The precautionary principle remains the leading principle for the entirety of product safety rules (that was an important point for @TheProgressives). 2/5
The trilogue on the General Product Safety Regulation (#GPSR) is finished. We have updated product safety to the challenges of online shopping and cyber security. Online marketplaces will have to check products. Third-country products need all to have a responsible person in EU.
RT @anna_cavazzini: Start des dritten Trilogs zur Produktsicherheit - wir arbeiten hart daran, unsere hohen EU-Standards an die Sicherheit von Produkten in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Online-Shopping anzupassen. Wir sind darauf vorbereitet, die Nacht durch zu verhandeln. Stay tuned!
@anna_cavazzini @kimvsparrentak @EU2022_CZ @EU_Commission @europarl_en @EP_SingleMarket @beuc @charanzova @GreensEFA @dreynders Indeed, stay tuned ...
RT @repasi: Happening today: the last trilogue negotiations on the General Product Safety Regulation (#GPSR) where I participate as shadow rapporteur. It will be about nothing less than whether our safety net for harmful products (esp. from third countries) will have gaps or not. Stay tuned!
Two hours in the trilogue: still exchange about the divergent positions of Council and Parliament (16 points!). No movement at all, it seems to become a long night ...
@DSFEurope, @TheProgressives, @sylvieguillaume, @mebareknora, @AuroreLalucq, @EricAndrieuEU, @rglucks1, @larrouturou, @clergeau, @CelineGeissmann, @knut_krohn
Dans le dernier numéro du @Confront_Europe j'ai écrit sur le retour du politique dans le droit européen de la concurrence. Le droit de la concurrence doit intervenir où la grandeur des intérêts des grandes entreprises implique un obstacle à la réalisation des intérêts publics.
RT @Confront_Europe: Revue | Comment redonner au droit européen de la concurrence, sa dimension politique ?
Retrouvez l'article de @repasi, eurodéputé allemand et rapporteur annuel sur la …
For the French readers amongst you all: In the last edition of @Confront_Europe I wrote a contribution on the return of politics in EU Competition Law. Competition Law must act where the bigness of corporate interests imply a barrier to the achievement of public interests.
RT @Confront_Europe: Revue | Comment redonner au droit européen de la concurrence, sa dimension politique ?
Retrouvez l'article de @repasi, eurodéputé allemand et rapporteur annuel sur la poli…
Happening today: the last trilogue negotiations on the General Product Safety Regulation (#GPSR) where I participate as shadow rapporteur. It will be about nothing less than whether our safety net for harmful products (esp. from third countries) will have gaps or not. Stay tuned!
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Ehemann und Papa | Unionsbürger und Sozialdemokrat | Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (@Europarl_DE) und Rechtsprofessor (@erasmusuni) | #IMCO, #ECON, #JURI