This is collective economic suicide.
Council and Parliament tonight have reached a deal on the reform of the EU’s fiscal rules, which will entrench austerity and prioritise arbitrary debt reduction over social spending, public services and much needed investment.


[2024-02-10 08:40 UTC]

Suicide économique collectif.
Conseil & Parlement sont parvenus à un accord ce soir sur la réforme des règles budgétaires de l'UE, qui consacre l'austérité & sacralise la réduction arbitraire de la dette au détriment des dépenses sociales, services publics et des investissements


[2024-02-10 08:41 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Dear Rapporteurs @mmargmarques, @ph_lamberts, @Esther_de_Lange, @joseggusmao, @BillyKelleherEU Don't give up!

Austerity is economically unsound and politically unwise.
Fund our future, don't cut our future


[2024-02-09 08:38 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Discover our new study on how the green transition is being undermined by a lack of public investment.⚠️

The EU's 2050 goals would need only half of what was spent on fossil fuels imports in 2022.

Learn more👇


[2024-01-30 10:30 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: "Time for EU governments to put their money where their mouth is & prioritise public investment to meet the green transition. This study for the first time puts a clear number on the extra investment needed for the green transition." - @ph_lamberts



[2024-01-30 10:37 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Je suis candidat aux élections européennes !

Chaque soutien compte, rejoignez ma campagne:


[2024-01-25 17:05 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Are we going to see the comeback of the harsh economic policies of austerity in 2024?

Center right, with the far-right & even some social democrats, are trying to set strict new .

We cannot let this happen.

Whole video with @ph_lamberts ➡️


[2024-01-12 12:02 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Hungary against Ukraine accession

"If Hungary was a candidate today, it would never enter the EU. Orbán blackmails us because the European Council turned a blind eye on him destroying democracy in his country" @ph_lamberts

Watch all weekend on Euronews.


[2023-12-22 14:17 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Today the EU Parliament & Council reached an agreement on the New .

Regrettably, it undermines the right to asylum, international law & , and fails to consider the reality at the EU’s borders.

We cannot support this Pact.



[2023-12-20 09:06 UTC]

Au lieu de trouver des solutions humaines & fonctionnelles pour gérer la migration, les accords de ce matin entérinent une approche dépassée qui ne tient pas compte de la réalité aux frontières de l'UE et portent atteinte au droit d'asile & droits humains.


[2023-12-20 09:27 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Our MEP @nicustefanuta from Romania was just elected as Vice-President of our Group.👏👏👏

Congratulations and all the best in the new role!💚

Read more:


[2023-12-13 18:09 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Don't let Orbán blackmail rule of law & EU policy, @vonderleyen!⚠️

"Commission is willing to let slide the fact that Hungary is no longer a democracy." - @ph_lamberts

"Orbán is undermining EU decision making & being rewarded for it." - @TerryReintke


[2023-12-13 12:44 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: ⚠️No good news for as @EP_Economics voted tonight for a highly unsatisfactory report without sufficient for & policies (RCV on BE MEP soon). One more reason to join us on Brussels' streets tomorrow ahead of @EUCouncil


[2023-12-11 20:40 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: The @EP_Economics just voted in favour of a reform of the EU’s fiscal rules.

"Today’s vote will make it harder for national governments to borrow & spend on projects that are needed to overcome the crises we face," says our co-president @ph_lamberts.



[2023-12-11 19:05 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: For most, buying a house to invest in the future means taking out loan & paying it off over time.

Same goes for governments. But some politicians obsess over debt reduction at the expense of investments.

We want to stop it:


[2023-12-11 14:49 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Tomorrow 12 December at 11:00, @etuc_ces will gather workers and their unions from across Europe in Brussels to demonstrate .


[2023-12-11 15:10 UTC]

The time has come to be responsible.
The EP's economic affairs committee will tonight vote on new fiscal rules that will bring back austerity & result in another round of misery across Europe.
, it's not too late to say no.


[2023-12-11 15:31 UTC]

RT by @ph_lamberts: Excited to be in Brussels again to push this agenda in the European Parliament together with many amazing allies! @GreensEFA @ph_lamberts


[2023-12-07 15:14 UTC]

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