Hearing on and today in the COVI-Committee: It is imperative that ME/CFS finally gets the attention it deserves. Too little has happened to help the people affected. @EU_Commission must finally comply with Parliament's resolution of June 2020. (1/4)

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimon

An estimated 2 million people were affected by ME/CFS in Europe prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic will significantly increase that number, experts say. Many Long Covid patients report symptoms very similar, if not identical, to those of ME/CFS. (2/4)

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimon


The fate of so many people is still overlooked! @EU_Commission must finally take concrete measures to really enable and stimulate research in this area - as our Parliament requested in 2020. (3/4)

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimon

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It is a first step that the Commission has included a call for research into high burden diseases such as ME/CFS in the Horizon Europe work program 2023-2024, but the amount is still far too small given the enormous challenges. (4/4)

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimon

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