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Montreal biodiversiteit

Ik herinner Commissaris @VDombrovskis eraan dat we nog steeds wachten op inzage in aanvullende documenten voor ratificatie van handelsdeal.

De deal heeft enorme gevolgen voor milieu en mensenrechten, daarom willen wij NU inzage.


RT @Kujawski_E: Farmer Paul François who got poisoned with a synthetic & won a legal case VS Bayer-Monsanto is taking the floor in front of their EU headquarter : « I’m the proof that those who claim chemicals are not harmful are wrong! »


Big congrats 🎉
RT @etuc_ces: 🔴Esther Lynch is the new General Secretary of the ETUC, completing a journey from factory union rep to the top of the European labour movement

Improved pay for workers in the face of the cost of living crisis will be her priority


RT @europeangreens: @GreensEFA @marietouss1 @TerryReintke @msaraswati @javorbenedek @EstherLynchs @BasEickhout @etuc_ces 💬 @msaraswati at :

"Now we have a plan to go to 100% renewables but I am worried about ensuring a Green & just transition because what we've seen in the past is that the poorest are left behind, and a lot of money goes to those who don't really need it."


is de kans om bescherming en herstel van natuur wereldwijd te verbeteren. Overheden moeten een sluiten.

Mijn collega's
zijn daarom van 14-17 dec in Montreal.

Meer over onze eisen ⬇️


RT @GreensEFA: 🌳🥳 Good news for forests! The reached a historic agreement to ban imports of products linked to deforestation.

This is 1 more step towards more protection as kicks off in 🇨🇦.

We keep on working to stop deforestation & violations.


RT @ERGO_Network: The should be affordable for all!

We need solutions to get everyone 🙌

Join the campaign calling for a Directive on adequate to guarantee no one is left behind!

More on @ERGO_Network work:


RT @GreenEUJournal: At our parallel session on cost of living and solidarity in an age of shocks, we discussed the need for a socially just Green transition!

Big thanks to our panelists and everyone who attended the session! 💚



RT @FrancesDiBi: “Green e social devono andare insieme” @BasEickhout “Mi ha sorpresa che von der Leyen nel suo discorso (soteu) non abbia affrontato la crisi sociale” @msaraswati “va riformato il mercato; privatizzare è catastrofe” @EstherLynchs {Congresso europei } @GreensEFA


"We need to make sure social concerns aren’t just an afterthought. The green transition needs to be connected with & . We must ensure that the supports those who need it the most." Honored to represent @GreensEFA at


RT @europeangreens: 📈 At our parallel session on cost of living and solidarity in an age of shocks, Jamie Kendrick from @GreenEUJournal sat down with @msaraswati, @Cbessermann and @fmarcellesi to discuss the need for a socially just Green transition.



RT @europeangreens: 📣 LIVE NOW! Our plenary session on the Greens’ solutions on the energy crisis is hosted by @GreensEFA at and features @marietouss1, @TerryReintke, @msaraswati, @javorbenedek, @EstherLynchs & @BasEickhout.

👀 Watch Live


We hebben ook het controlesysteem voor andere soorten afval versterkt.
Al het afval dat buiten de EU wordt geëxporteerd, moet volgens EU-normen worden verwerkt.
Nieuw en onafhankelijk controlesysteem moet ervoor zorgen dat milieu beter wordt beschermd en dat vervuiler betaalt.


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Exportverbod zal radicale verandering zijn voor industrie, omdat het investeringen in nieuwe recyclage zal stimuleren.

Samen met ambitieuze doelstellingen voor recyclage, hergebruik & preventie van plastics ben ik overtuigd dat we onze eigen rommel zelf kunnen opruimen. (3/4)


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EU heeft de plicht om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen, we zijn perfect in staat om ons plastic afval zelf te verwerken.
@EU_Commission heeft belangrijke 1e stap gezet met voorstel, wij hebben het nog verder aangescherpt door uitvoerverbod op plastic afval uit EU in te voeren.(2/4)


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BREAKING: mijn werk vandaag in @EU_ENV gestemd: Europees exportverbod voor plastic afval in de EU!
Decennialang hebben we ons plastic afval uitbesteed, vaak aan landen die al verzuipen in het vele afval.

🛑Dit moet stoppen!🛑


We also beefed up the monitoring system for other waste streams.
We ensured all waste exported outside the EU will have to be treated according to EU standards.
A new independent auditing system will have to make sure that environmental protection is preserved & polluters pay


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