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1/2 Vaknade av nyheter om fruktansvärda jordbävningar som drabbat kurdiska områdena i Turkiet och Syrien. 💔

Har varit i kontakt med min familj som är fysiskt oskadda, men en del har tvingats lämna sina hem pga skador på byggnaderna.

Mina tankar är hos alla drabbade 🙏🏼


RT @ENDFGM_Network: @RenewEurope @TheProgressives @evinincir @sorayarr_ @UNFPABrussels @UNFPA @EUCouncil @MEP_PHF @Birgit_Van_Hout @EU_Commission @carogennez @sweden2023eu @arbetsmarkdep @BelgiumMFA @SweMFA @GreensEFA @Lessan_eV @RolandZanga @AnnaWidegren @sorayarr Panel Moderator @AnnaWidegren discusses with MEP @evinincir @TheProgressives about anti-FGM work: "The goal is to ensure that harmful practices & gender-based violence do not exist in the EU. If and when…


RT @thijsreuten: Legal hurdles are no excuse for inaction against the 🇮🇷 Islamic Republic of Iran

@evinincir and I call on 🇳🇱Foreign Minister @WBHoekstra - strong supporter of the Iranian people - to start the legal procedure to add to the EU terrorist list.


RT @PES_Women: Busy agenda for today's Executive:
- exchange with @evinincir on EU Directive on VAW
- Intern. solidarity w. women & girls in conflict
- an EU Women's Rights Charter & more;
📢we need less impunity, more justice for women’s rights violations
Full PR:


RT @TheProgressives: How can dancing be considered a crime?!

Iran just sentenced a young couple to 10 years prison for dancing in Tehran.

We’re with the Iranian people against this brutal regime.

Art and beauty cannot be jailed. Set Astiyazh Haghighi and Amir Mohammad Ahmadi free!


Strongly condemn the killing of Palestinian by Israel. Urge EU to take leadership to immediately prevent more loss of life! Freeze the EU/Israeli Association agreement if art 2 - respect for international law, human rights and democratic principles - is not respected immediately!


RT @thijsreuten: The 🇮🇷 Islamic Republic just imposed sanctions on me. For demanding basic human rights for the Iranian people. And for calling what they are: terrorists.

The regime in Tehran bizarrely believes they can silence the European Parliament. They cannot. 💚🤍❤️


La violenza di genere e domestica colpisce le donne e spesso anche i bambini che vi assistono, lasciando in loro traumi indelebili. Il contrasto a questo fenomeno è una battaglia di civiltà:ne parliamo oggi al nell'incontro che ho promosso sulla nuova proposta di direttiva UE


RT @CarlMelin: Inte nog med att regeringen har rekordmånga statssekreterare (7 stycken) i statsrådsberedningen. De är samtliga vita män. Och utifrån regeringens "framgångar" är de snarare inkvoterade än valda utifrån kompetens.


Cross-party cooperation works 🤝

Presenting my report on the EU’s proposal for a Directive on combatting violence against women and domestic violence to @TheProgressives this morning.

I look forward to working with all political groups to make this Directive a reality 🇪🇺


RT @EuropeanWomen: The Equality Model has proven to be the most efficient way to reduce demand for prostitution.

It criminalises the purchase of sex and pimping while decriminalising women in prostitution and providing them with exit strategies.

It's time to make women's safety a priority in 🇪🇺.


RT @EuropeanWomen: Women in prostitution are constantly at risk of health issues, violence and harassment, and they are 18 times more likely to be murdered than women of similar age and race who are not in prostitution (@UNODC stat).

It is clear: prostitution is not about sex, it’s about power.


RT @EuropeanWomen: Thousands of women are trafficked and forced into prostitution each year in Europe.

In 🇩🇪, 80% of women in prostitution are migrant women mainly from Eastern Europe, highlighting that poverty and precarity are the leading causes of resorting to prostitution.

This needs to end.


@MikailYuksel_ Alla som citerar dig tillskriver dig uppenbarligen åsikter. Det enda du gör är smutskasta Sverige och glorifiera Erdoğan. Skulle gärna vilja se dej kritisera Erdoğan o Turkiet för en gångs skull. Och att slänga PKK i ansiktet på varje människa som inte tycker som dej är oseriöst.


The regime cracking down on the protest movement in Iran will be further sanctioned by the EU, after the agreed. It's good news, but not enough.

We urge member states to list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group.


@MikailYuksel_ Jag förstår inte din glorifiering av Erdoğan och Turkiet samtidigt som du verkar ogilla Sverige. Sverige gav oss turkar, kurder och andra skyddet vi behövde pga situationen i Turkiet. Skyddet inkluderar också en stark yttrandefrihet som är grundbulten i en fullvärdig demokrati!


👉🏼 The EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs are meeting today under the Chairmanship of Sweden & @TobiasBillstrom

‼️Our @europarl_en demands - designate as terrorist organization & sanction the Mullahs!


RT @ABDebatt: Världen över hör vi protester mot mullornas förtryck i Iran. Men från svenska regeringen råder tystnad. En tystnad som de inte får exportera till EU under tiden som ordförande, skriver Morgan Johansson, Matilda Ernkrans och Evin Incir. @socialdemokrat


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