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RT @FardadFarahzad: آیا قطعنامه پارلمان اروپا علیه جمهوری‌اسلامی توسط کمیسیون اروپا قابل اجراست؟
گفتگو با اوین اینجیر نماینده سوئد در پارلمان اروپا در برنامه


RT @johanssonmorgan: Skriver med @ernkrans och @evinincir om att regeringen i sin roll som EU-ordförande nu måste agera med kraft mot förtrycket och de avskyvärda avrättningarna i Iran.


Writing in @Aftonbladet together with @johanssonmorgan and @ernkrans

Enough with silence from the @sweden2023eu We Social Democrats demand actions against the regime in Tehran

‼️ Adopt the European Parliaments demands on

RT @ABDebatt: Världen över hör vi protester mot mullornas förtryck i Iran. Men från svenska regeringen råder tystnad. En tystnad som de inte får exportera till EU under tiden som ordföran…


RT @Global_Bar: EU-parlametet kräver hårdare tag mot Iran

Irans säkerhetstjänst bör tas upp på EU:s terrorlista och Irans politiska ledning och deras familjer måste straffas med EU-sanktioner. @europarl_en @evinincir @Utrikesdep @rparsi @Palmecenter @annasundstrom77


RT @IranIntl_En: Dutch MEP @thijsreuten and Swedish MEP @evinincir have, in a letter to EU Foreign Ministers, urged them to add IRGC & Basij to EU's terrorist list & sanction Khamenei & Raisi as "these aren't EP's request alone, but the calls of tens of millions of Iranians fighting for freedom."


3/3 The lack of leadership in the Council couldn’t be clearer! Instead of fighting for the rights of the brave demonstrators, they bow for the regime! It is a disgrace!

Act now and stop bowing for this brutal regime!


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2/2 Instead of taking the resolution seriously @sweden2023eu the Swedish EU Presidency, through MFA Tobias Billström, seems to try to undermine our demands by stressing to the brutal regime of Iran that the EP resolution was non binding. Is this true @TobiasBillstrom ?


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1/3 The European Parliament demands from the European Council to designate the as terrorists and to sanction the leadership of the regime of the Mullahs.

On Monday the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs are gathering. At that meeting we demand actions!


RT @IranIntl_En: "History has shown that when the EU Parliament is united, the EU member states can't close their eyes to (MEPs') demands," Swedish MEP @evinincir told @IranIntl's @FardadFarahzad on the possibility of EU's designation of Iran's IRGC as a terrorist group after MEPs' resolution.


After this week’s overwhelming vote in the European Parliament, @thijsreuten and I urge the EU Foreign Ministers to do the right thing when they meet on Monday.

✊Add to the EU terrorist list
✊Sanction Supreme Leader Khamenei, President Raisi and PG Montazeri


RT @dr_walladbegi: The German parliament has today recognised the genocide carried out against Kurdish Yazidis by the terrorists of ISIS!
Gravely important step towards the right direction for the rest of the EU to follow!


Resolution on adopted with unanimity in @europarl_en 💪🏼

The whole resolution 👇🏼

The @sweden2023eu must take on board the parliaments position! Stop bowing for the regime!


RT @IranIntl_En: "We want to consign Iran's regime to the dustbin of history... It's time to go from words to actions. EU leaders have been talking nicely but we see lack of actions. We at @europarl_en must ensure we see a real change," Swedish MEP @evinincir told @IranIntl's @Mehran10029785.


RT @shekarabi: Nu är det klart. Europaparlamentet har beslutat att ta ställning för terrorstämpling av det islamiska revolutionsgardet. Stort steg för frihetskampen i Iran. Enormt tack till @evinincir & alla andra parlamentariker som kämpat för detta. Era insatser betyder mycket


RT @PES_PSE: Iranians have had enough of decades of oppression. We agree with
@evinincir: we need to send a clear message and the EU needs to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organisation and sanction the leaders of the regime.
More info:


In the middle of the vote on the report on the EU common foreign and security policy. Parliament voted for calling for a designation of 💪🏼

Tomorrow the vote will take place on the Iran report.


RT @IranIntl_En: Swedish MEP @evinincir: "Time is now to consign the brutal regime of Iran to the dustbin of history. Actions crucial to stop delaying freedom.
🔴EU must designate the IRGC as terrorists
🔴EU must sanction the leadership of Iran's regime, including their families."


Time is now to consign the brutal regime of to the dustbin of history. Actions crucial to stop delaying freedom.

🔴EU must designate the
🔴EU must sanction the leadership of the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran, including their families


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