Podpora včasnej a cenovo dostupnej starostlivosti o duševné zdravie môže mať v týchto náročných časoch zásadný význam.
Dnes je Svetový deň duševného zdravia, no starajme sa lepšie o svoje duševné zdravie každý jeden deň v roku.
RT @vonderleyen: Shocked and appalled by the vicious attacks on Ukrainian cities.
Putin’s Russia has again shown the world what it stands for: brutality and terror.
I know that Ukrainians will stay strong.
We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, with all the means we have.
RT @eduardheger: As stated at the informal #EUCO, it’s absolutely neccessary that @EU_Commission comes up w/ a proposal for setting a cap on gas prices before the next October #EUCO. This should be done in a way that doesn’t threaten sufficient supplies of gas to the 🇪🇺.
RT @KadriSimson: Happy to participate at the award ceremony of @GLOBSEC #tatrasummit22 with 🇸🇰 PM @eduardheger & @fbirol.
Big congratulations to @IEA Dr Birol for the recognition received for the remarkable job he is doing in the current #energycrisis, helping #EU 🇪🇺to weather the storm.
RT @KadriSimson: Good interaction at the @Globsec #tatrasummit22 panel titled Europe’s Grand Energy Pivot: Squaring the Circle?
Interesting discussion complemented by a wonderful environment at the High Tatras in #Slovakia 🇸🇰
RT @ZdenekCechEU: EU fiscal policies in times of distress➡️ topic of side event #TatraSummit🇸🇰 by @Globsec. I contributed into debate for @EU_Commission.All agreed 🇪🇺EMU governance reform is not an easy task. Key issues to address for fiscal rule: flexibility, enforcement and transparency #SGP
@EU_Commission víta prijatie ôsmeho balíka sankcií proti Rusku Radou EÚ. Balík sankcií bol navrhnutý v reakcii na stupňujúcu sa nezákonnú vojnu Ruska proti Ukrajine, a to aj nelegálnou anexiou ukrajinského územia na základe fiktívnych referend.
RT @KadriSimson: Ending my day in #Slovakia 🇸🇰 with a visit to the innovative @gadrilling site.
G.A. stands for #Geothermal Anywhere, and their mission is to bring true baseload #renewable source into the global #energy mix.
RT @ZdenekCechEU: 📸 Great to participate at the debate of @KadriSimson with key 🇸🇰 energy stakeholders! # REPowerEU
RT @KadriSimson: Meeting the members of the Committees on #EU 🇪🇺Affairs & Economy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic 🇸🇰
A fruitful discussion on the current challenges in #Slovakia & on the road ahead. The role of national parliaments is going to be crucial in solving this crisis.
RT @KadriSimson: The era of cheap fossil fuels is over & the faster we move to cheap, clean & home-grown #renewables, the sooner we will be immune to Russia's energy blackmail.
This was my message to the stakeholders I met in Bratislava 🇸🇰 today.
Thank you for an interesting chat & your views!
RT @KadriSimson: The energy crisis in 2009 hit #Slovakia hard & made clear that for #securityofsupply,the #EU has to be better interconnected.
🇸🇰has made progress but is still in a tricky situation as a land-locked country.
I had a good dialogue w/ @eduardheger, PM of 🇸🇰, to discuss next steps.
RT @KadriSimson: Good morning from #Slovakia!
I just had a very good meeting with Karel Hirman, the Minister for Economy.
🇸🇰 is at the centre of the unfolding #energycrisis. I thanked the minister for playing an active & constructive role. Only by acting together we can find a solution.
Komisárka pre energetiku @KadriSimson navštevuje v týchto dňoch Slovensko. Komisárka sa hneď v úvode svojej návštevy stretla so slovenským ministrom hospodárstva Karolom Hirmanon s ktorým hovorila o spoločných celoeurópskych riešeniach energetickej krízy.
RT @Energy4Europe: Commissioner @KadriSimson will be in Slovakia🇸🇰 6-7 October for a series of meetings with policymakers and stakeholders to discuss the current energy ⚡️ situation and EU policies. On Friday she will also join the @GLOBSEC Tatra Summit ➡️ https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/commissioner-simson-slovakia-discuss-energy-situation-2022-oct-05_en #EnergyTourEU
Osamelosť mladých ľudí, podľa ostatných prieskumov, dosahuje až 36%. Pocit osamelosti mladých sa v dôsledku pandémie štvornásobil. Ako by malo vzdelávanie na tento fakt reagovať? Aj na túto otázku sme hľadali odpovede v rámci medzigeneračného dialógu o budúcnosti vzdelávania.
"Nestačí keď bude odolná len ekonomika, ale musíme mať aj odolných ľudí, schopných sa adaptovať nevyhnutným zmenám v spoločnosti", uviedol @VladimirSucha v rámci medzigeneračnej diskusie o budúcnosti vzdelávania.
Dnes mala 20-tka ľudí zo Slovenska jedinečnú príležitosť zapojiť sa do medzigeneračnej diskusie o budúcnosti vzdelávania. Tzv. medzigeneračné dialógy momentálne prebiehajú naprieč EÚ vďaka iniciatíve @dubravkasuica
RT @CBHH_SK: 🚧 ÚV informuje o poškodení plynovodov #NordStream1 a #NordStream2
📣 Príčiny úniku zatiaľ nie sú známe
📣 Dodávky na 🇸🇰 nie sú ohrozené
📣 Očakáva sa možné šírenie #dezinformácie v súvislosti s poškodením
Viac info: https://www.facebook.com/100064418873256/posts/pfbid0EeuS2VabbLpMnGsbKfFYAU82HKWzoFCggW7VWiLVRtH3NVJAXBFjxXgMYksQdugUl/
RT @ZdenekCechEU: With Stanislav Janis (SK union of heat producers), very good exchange of views @ margin of #CEEGasIndustryCongress last week.
The heat sector contributes to overall nat. gas consumption in 🇸🇰with a lion’s share. Facing difficulties with roll-out of renewables. #REPowerEU, #ESIF.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Aktuálne info z Európskej komisie a Zastúpenia Európskej komisie (EK) na Slovensku. RT≠endorsement/ RT príspevkov nevyjadruje stanovisko EK https://slovakia.representation.ec.europa.eu/index_sk