RT @EU_ELA: 🙌🏻Great to welcome Mr @LodewijkA today at ELA´s HQ in BA 🇸🇰, as special advisor to Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit. We discussed the reception and integration of Ukrainian 🇺🇦 refugees in 🇪🇺.
More on #EULabourAuthority activities: https://www.ela.europa.eu/en/support-people-fleeing-ukraine
RT @ZdenekCechEU: Last week started with conference “Security is not a sure thing” @hnonline @GLOBSEC ➡️ “my” panel on energy security mostly on diversification of gas supplies.The stakeholders noted 🇸🇰 should have enough gas for 22/23 winter❄️. The crisis solutions should respect 🇪🇺Single Market!
RT @VladimirSucha: Focus on Roma inclusion with @helenadalli commissioner for equality. Lot of positive examples, but overall emotional is a frustration. It is all so slow and so little. We still have thousands of people living in the conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa.
🇸🇰Výsledky za Slovensko sú o niečo skeptickejšie ako je európsky priemer, no teší nás, že až 84 % Slovákov podporuje euro ako spoločnú menu (v porovnaní s 72% EU27).
🇪🇺Štandardný prieskum #Eurobarometer naznačuje zvýšenú dôveru občanov v EÚ a pokračujúcu silnú podporu reakcii EÚ na ruskú agresiu voči Ukrajine.
🇪🇺Európania sú však čoraz viac znepokojení hospodárskou situáciou v EÚ i vo svojich vlastných krajinách.
RT @helenadalli: I met Slovak Prime Minister @eduardheger to discuss the #EU4Roma framework and Slovakia’s national Roma programme.
I called for human resources for the plenipotentiary for Roma inclusion & the utilisation of #ERDF money for Roma communities.
#UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🇸🇰
RT @helenadalli: I met three Slovak parliamentary committees dealing with social affairs, European affairs and human rights.
A comprehensive equality, inclusion and participation programme is needed to alleviate Slovak marginalised Roma communities from the current dire situation.
#EU4Roma 🇪🇺🇸🇰
RT @helenadalli: I visited Wasco social entreprise in #BanskaBystrica and witnessed how Roma women thrive when their workplace recognises their abilities.
RT @helenadalli: I met with representatives of @WhirlpoolCorp in #Poprad. I commend them for their strong Inclusion & Diversity policy leading to 22% of the workforce being Roma.
#UnionOfEquality #EU4Roma 🇪🇺🇸🇰
RT @helenadalli: I met Roma civil society representatives to learn from their expertise concerning the situation of Roma people in eastern Slovakia & how we can support them to improve it.
We must address segregation, discrimination & antigypsyism systematically.
RT @helenadalli: I met Miroslav Galas-Zaufal, Mayor of #Kecerovce and school director, Alena Davidova during a visit of a school and a housing programme.
We must tackle the structural discrimination and segregation, while promoting local best practices for the benefit of Roma.
RT @helenadalli: I met Dominik Frajkor, Mayor of #Sečovce and Roma residents in the settlement of Habeš.
In line with the objectives of the EU Roma strategic framework we must create a Europe where Roma can fully participate in political, social & economic life.
#UnionOfEquality #EU4Roma 🇪🇺🇸🇰
RT @EU_Commission: Putin is not interested in peace.
Putin is only interested in escalating the aggression.
The partial mobilisation and the referenda is another sign of his desperation at how the aggression against Ukraine is going.
— Spokesperson @ExtSpoxEU
Každý deň sa mnoho užívateľov sociálnych sietí stretáva s „kremeľskými rozprávkami“.
Kremeľ konštantne klame obyvateľov Ruska, ruská propaganda však zaplavuje verejný priestor aj v Európskej únii.
Máme pre vás návod, ako klamstvá rozoznať.
#factsmatter @EUvsDisinfo
Európa volá po odvahe a solidarite
Aké priority a ciele si stanovila @EU_Commission v Správe o stave únie 2022 #SOTEU?
Diskutujte s nami už tento štvrtok 22/09 o 18h.
Svoje otázky k téme môžete posielať cez http://slido.com a #cafeeuropa.
RT @SKyriakidesEU: With #EUCancerPlan we have set an ambitious objective to develop a new EU Cancer Screening Scheme.
👉Tomorrow, I will present new screening Recommendations to improve early detection and ensure we have strong tools at EU level based on the latest scientific evidence.
RT @CBHH_SK: 📍Dnešný #GrafTýždňa od Polície SR vysvetľuje ako prebiehajú ruské informačné operácie
Je dôležité spomenúť že aj časové naplánovanie bolo účelové. @RusEmbSK #dezinformácie vypustil keď prichádzali novinky o hroboch v #Izium a blížil sa víkend (tj. menšia šanca na reakciu štátu)
RT @SwedeninSK: Very enlightening discussion in Bratislava today on 🇺🇦 grain exports through 🇸🇰, with valuable contributions from 🇺🇦 Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, 🇸🇰 State Secretary @IBrockova, 🇪🇺 Commission rep. @VladimirSucha and many more, hosted by @SwedeninSK & @SweAmbVienna!
"Vesmírny výskum je dôležitou dimenziou nášho spoločenského života, ale aj ekonomiky a je v záujme Slovenska, aby bolo toho súčasťou." @VladimirSucha na dnešnej ITAPA OPEN TALK @ITAPA_SK
Potravinovú krízu spôsobil Putin. EÚ a OSN pracujú na tom, aby ju ukončili.
Aj o tom hovorila @vonderleyen počas diskusie #SOTEU, ktorá nasledovala po jej príhovore o stave Únie.
ℹViac o správe o stave Únie nájdete na našom webe ➡️ http://state-of-the-union.ec.europa.eu
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Aktuálne info z Európskej komisie a Zastúpenia Európskej komisie (EK) na Slovensku. RT≠endorsement/ RT príspevkov nevyjadruje stanovisko EK https://slovakia.representation.ec.europa.eu/index_sk