RT @Energy4Europe: Latest from the #exchangeEU programme 👉 a study visit to Upper Nitra Region/ Prievidza 🇸🇰 from Eastern Cohesion Region 🇸🇮 & Jiu Valley 🇷🇴. Highlights incl. site visits to diversification projects, a #DistrictHeating workshop & common #JustTransition challenges & best practices.
Dnes o 9:00 h. sa uskutoční podujatie REPower Slovensko🇸🇰🇪🇺: Ako budú vyzerať naše budovy po roku 2026?
Zapojte sa do diskusie na https://t.co/UGPSN7VbPt🔓 #REPowerBudovy.
▶️Sledujte online na https://m.facebook.com/events/717236602943588
@bpb_sk @SK_Recovery
RT @kmathernova: European flag over Maidan Square in Kyiv tonight. A joyous moment to celebrate 🇺🇦 receiving candidate status to join EU. Rare great news amid the terrible war and sacrifices of heroic Ukrainians. 🇪🇺🤝🇺🇦
RT @EU_Commission: Today is a good day for Europe!
Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Moldova 🇲🇩 are granted the candidate status to become part of the European family.
Georgia 🇬🇪 is given the perspective to become a member of the EU.
RT @vonderleyen: Today is a good day for Europe.
Congratulations to President @ZelenskyyUA President @Sandumaiamd and Prime Minister @GharibashviliGe
Your countries are part of our European family.
And today’s historic decision by Leaders confirms that.
RT @EIB: Next stop📍of the #InvestEU roadshow: Bratislava🇸🇰! Join us on 29/6 to discover how this new 🇪🇺programme will give a boost to digitalisation, sustainable #innovation and job creation across Europe, triggering more than €372bn in strategic investments
V 2020 sa podľa @EU_Eurostat domácnosti podieľali 27 % na konečnej energetickej spotrebe v EÚ.
Väčšina tejto energie v EÚ je pokrytá zemným plynom (31,7 %) a el. energiou (24,8 %).
Najviac energie sa v domácnostiach spotrebuje na vykurovanie (62,8 %).
RT @ZdenekCechEU: Right now a #ThinkTankEuropa debate @ZEKvSR on how to deliver better policies in🇸🇰 tru impact assessment and evaluation. Hands-on experience from @EU_Commission shared by Bernard Naudts (EC Regulatory Scrutiny Board). #RecoveryPlan
RT @euractivsk: 🌍 Ako podporiť obce, mestá a miestne samosprávy v tvorbe zelených politík?
Diskutovať o tom budú ZAJTRA:
🎙 @PeterPollak8, poslanec EP
🎙 @VladimirSucha, @ZEKvSR
🎙 MARTINA PAULÍKOVÁ, Združenie Slatinka
Zaregistrujte sa dnes: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehkkVKzOCBrLQrVm1UKURdnotus9ikn7xIduDOsJkwVs8gZA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2P2GD6_unOrdeavyLsr0JzFgxcylOV3r8fTdvID2NAQsMPX4TX52sHbdk ✍️
RT @DirectNitra: Regióny južného a východného Slovenska ešte neobjavili svoj potenciál - @VladimirSucha
Pozrite si rozhovor s prof. Vladimírom Šuchom, vedúcim Zastúpenie Európskej komisie na Slovensku o inováciách v regiónoch.
Link na video ( rozhovor ):
Nevieme, ako bude vyzerať nový svet, ale vieme, aké zručnosti nám pomôžu sa i nemu dostať.
@VladimirSucha na @ITAPA_SK
“Spolu to zvládneme. Ak nebudeme mať spoluprácu v rámci Európy, budúcnosť nezvládneme.”
Aby sme prežili, musíme sa zmeniť. Aj pozitívne zmeny budú mať na spoločnosť disruptívny dopad.
@VladimirSucha dnes hovorí na @ITAPA_SK o mega trendoch.
RT @vonderleyen: 🇸🇰 Very happy to talk to Slovak PM @eduardheger.
Slovakia’s solidarity with Ukraine is remarkable.
We both look forward to next week’s #EUCO discussion, in particular on continued support to Ukraine and on strengthening the EU’s resilience.
RT @MarosSefcovic: There is no legal, nor political justification whatsoever for unilaterally changing an international agreement.
The UK bill is extremely damaging to mutual trust and respect between the EU and the UK.
🔎 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_22_3758
RT @EUClimateAction: #ModernisationFund 🚨
The Fund invested €2.4 billion to 7 beneficiary countries 🇨🇿🇷🇴🇭🇷🇱🇹🇭🇺🇸🇰🇵🇱 to help modernise their energy systems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy, industry and transport, & support them to become climate neutral.
More: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_3488
RT @MarosSefcovic: EU-UK relationship must be based on the full respect of our legally binding commitments.
My statement to the UK government's decision to table legislation disapplying core elements of the Protocol on IE/NI 👉 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_22_3698.
V 2020 bol počet rokov zdravého života pri narodení v EÚ 64,5 roka pre ženy a 63,5 roka u mužov.
Najvyšší počet rokov zdravého života pri narodení dosiahli:
🇸🇪 72,7 rokov u ♀️ a 72,8 u♂️
🇲🇹 70,7 r. a 70,2 r.
🇮🇹 68,7 r. a 67,2 r.
Na 🇸🇰 to bolo iba 57,1 r. u ♀️ a 56,3 r. u ♂️.
RT @MarosSefcovic: Spoke to @trussliz earlier where she informed me of 🇬🇧legislation to unilaterally disapply the Protocol. The EU has always paid utmost attention to the impact Brexit has on NI, offering workable solutions. Unilateral action is damaging to mutual trust & a formula for uncertainty.
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine, a solid parliamentary democracy, was already on a good track before Russia invaded.
This war is an enormous stress test.
And the whole country is stepping up.
The same spirit is needed to reform and modernise the country.
And Europe is here to support you.
RT @EUvsDisinfo: We noticed many errors in your recent infographic, @mfa_russia. Here, we fixed it for you.
#StandWithUkraine #DebunkingFakes #DontBeDeceived
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Aktuálne info z Európskej komisie a Zastúpenia Európskej komisie (EK) na Slovensku. RT≠endorsement/ RT príspevkov nevyjadruje stanovisko EK https://slovakia.representation.ec.europa.eu/index_sk