RT @SocialEcoEU: 📢The #Workshop on the #TransitionPathways for the #Proximity and #SocialEconomy is starting NOW!!
➡️This #Participatory Workshop has been co-created by @Diesiseu @SocialEcoEU @EuclidNetwork @Euricse under the coordination of @EU_Growth
RT @mcorpet: Donner la parole à l’économie sociale en Ukraine au forum de Strasbourg sur « L’économie sociale et le futur de l’Europe », c’est un acte fort et qui illustre les engagements que nous prenons dans cette séquence.#ESS #ukraine #Solidarity @jsaddierESS @antoinedetourne @SocialEcoEU
Thanks to @lelabo_ess, @SiliconVilstal, @PLS_News & @KaleidosCOOPsxb for closing the loop between the pioneering French #PTCE and other EU Clusters of Social & Ecological Innovation. How those clusters work? Have a look at the #GECES report: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/1ceb9a1d-6146-11ec-9c6c-01aa75ed71a1/language-en (EN & FR).
RT @lelabo_ess: Atelier « Clusters de l’économie sociale, leviers des transiti…
RT @franceactive: Merci à tous ! Le futur s'écrit maintenant et il sera #solidaire et engagé sur tous les #territoires en Europe.
#strasbourgsummit #socialeconomy4future #PFUE2022
@Febea @label_finansol @SocEntEU @oliviagregoire @europe2022fr @Strasbourg @EU_Commission
L'économie sociale: l'avenir de l'Europe : merci Strasbourg pour cette conférence !
Réactions from the panel to young people expectations to #Socialeconomy
RT @Diesiseu: 🔴NOW Closing Plenary in #Strasbourg: The #SocialEconomy faced with the #green #social #democratic & #digital #transitions #SocialEconomy4Future @SocEntEU @SocialEcoEU @EU_EESC @EU_Commission
🇪🇺 is upskilling for an innovative Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem. We welcome today #PactForSkills partnership for the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem👏. It will promote qualitative learning opportunities and equip professionals with🔑 skills. #EUSkillsAgenda
RT @SocialEcoEU: 🤝Director General #HubertGambs @EU_Growth @SocEntEU, Presidents @GiuseppeGuerin1 & @JeanneBretecher, @asaskogstrom of @IKEA #SocialEconomy & Bernhard Boll from @MannheimStadt exchange on #SocialEconomy as industrial ecosystem, a driver for green & digital transitions
RT @SocialEcoEU: 📢 @SocialEcoEU @_EVPA_ in collaboration with @EU_Growth present the #Pact4Skills
➡️a declaration with #Commitments for #Upskilling and #Reskilling of people to work towards an economy for #People & #Planet
#Skill Alliance is open to #SE actors to ensure #SE a bright future
RT @SocialEcoEU: Honoured to present alongside with Deputy DG @HubertGambs, our President @japedreno & @_EVPA_ the 🇪🇺 #SkillsAlliance 4 #SocialEconomy & proximity
RT @SocialEcoEU: 🗣️@barbaratrachte: in @rbc_bhg we use the tool of the #Donut aimed to develop an economy which is socially #Just and environmentally #Safe
➡️#SocialEconomy has the potential to lead the way for a 💻digital & 🌿green #Transition
Are “industry” and “social economy” contradicting terms? This panel is unisono: social economy is and should be an inevitable actor in the EU industrial landscape. The creation of a proximity&social economy industrial ecosystem is a milestone in that sense #PSEecosystem #SEAP
RT @HuguesSibille: L’Ukraine fera dorénavant partie de #social economy Europe
Annonce lors de la Conférence européenne de Strasbourg par l’émissaire Ukrainien.
L’économie sociale est une économie de la paix
@jsaddierESS @ESS_France @lelabo_ess @oliviagregoire
@VDombrovskis highlights key role of #SocialEconomy4Future. Cooperation and networks to be leveraged in Europe. #Recovery #transitionpathway #skills
@EESC_President mentions #transition will be key for Europe future #Sustainability #SocialEconomy4Future @EU_EESC @EU_Growth
#transition #innovation #proximité: clefs pour #ess. Nombreux acteurs et entreprises sociales aujourd'hui à @StrasbourgESS. 👫👏👏
RT @SocialEcoEU: 📢The first plenary of the #Strasbourg Conference ➡️ the #SocialEconomy, the future of Europe 🇪🇺 is starting NOW!
➡️Follow LIVE the plenary with @JeanneBarsegh, @VDombrovskis, #PetroDarmoris, @PiaImbs, @EESC_President & more
📹Watch HERE👇
Un moment fort de la conférence #socialeconomy à @StrasbourgESS. Ukraine doit être un acteur de #SEAP
RT @EU_Growth: 📢The 2022 European Social Innovation Competition is seeking social innovators working on affordable and sustainable housing districts🏘️ for its challenge prize.
➡️3 x €50,000💶 awards for the best projects.
Apply by 17 May⤵️
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The European Commission policy on the #SocialEconomy and #SocialEnterprises #SocEntEU #SocEnt #SocInn #SocImp #GECES @EU_Growth