RT by @SocEntEU: 🎆🎊Happy New Year! Wishing you a successful 2024 in life and business.🥳

Thanks for following us in 2023. We look forward to making Europe greener, more digital & more competitive, together!🎊🎆

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EU_Growth/status/174

[2023-12-31 23:01 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 🗓️DO NOT MISS OUT: You can contribute to our survey on around Socially Responsible Public procurement in Europe until the 31st December.

▶ Here is the link:

Check the post below for more information 👇

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/AEIDL/status/1731603

[2023-12-04 09:17 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: ⁉️Are you a contracting authority or a actor? Do you know that through public purchasing you can achieve social goals?

✍️Your knowledge is wanted! Take this survey on practices (<10 min!)


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/AEIDL/status/1729889

[2023-11-29 15:46 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: We are waiting for you on Wednesday 29/11 in for our Workers Buyouts conference: what are the keys and skills to save companies with cooperatives created by workers?
✍️ program and registration cecop.coop/works/conferen…

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/GiuseppeGuerin1/stat

[2023-11-25 06:48 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 🌿 Happy ! 🌍

Today, instead of rushing to buy things we might not really need, let's take a moment to reflect on the impact of our choices. 🛒💚

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/LechKaniuk/status/17

[2023-11-24 13:10 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 📢 Great news for enthusiasts: Today marks the start of Social Finance Vibe 2023: Empowering the Future! >>> bit.ly/sfv23 📅

Join today and tomorrow for an extraordinary virtual experience ! @MFC_Network

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EIBINSTITUTE/status/

[2023-11-21 09:01 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 🇪🇺19 Member states for social economy in San Sebastián
👉 An ambitious implementation of EU action plan
👉 Access to finance and market
👉 Involvement at all territorial levels

🇪🇸 Felicitaciones a la Presidencia Española del Consejo de la UE por la declaración y adelante !

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MaximeBaduel/status/

[2023-11-15 11:23 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 🏆

👉El último premio institucional es para @NicolasSchmitEU, comisario de Empleo y Derechos Sociales @EU_Social

🏆Recoge el premio en su nombre y de la @ComisionEuropea, Karel Vanderpoorten, DG >@EU_Growth

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/CEPES2/status/172452

[2023-11-14 20:14 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: Nuestra enhorabuena a las empresas, entidades y personas premiadas en los European 🏆 2023 de @SocialEcoEU
Entre ellas @portalento_ @HobbyLobby @Ecooo_ @sven_giegold @Yolanda_Diaz_
Gran colofón a la Conferencia Europea de en

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/CIRIEC_Esp/status/17

[2023-11-15 07:53 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: Transforming challenges into opportunities is a talent of cooperatives. International institutions recognized the important role of the social economy. It's a favorable moment, now it's our turn to bridge the gap between the high level of recognition and the concrete realization.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/GiuseppeGuerin1/stat

[2023-11-14 15:38 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: 🕑 Today 14:15, our director @AgnesMathis & board member @GiuseppeGuerin1 join Stanislas d'Hebermont (@REScoopEU ), @petrisalminen, & @AnAthaEU 🤝

Discussing: "cooperatives and social entrepreneurship: from fringe to mainstream" at during 🌍💡

Join us!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/CoopsEurope/status/1

[2023-11-14 10:40 UTC]

R to @SocEntEU: @AdvocatingE @AIM_Healthcare @ItaCooperativa @AMICE_Mutuals @CECOP_coops @CEPES2 @Diesiseu @ensienetwork @EMNMicrofinance @ESS_France @Eurodiaconia @FEBEAethicalfin @philea_eu @REVESNetwork @TechSoup @The_Wheel_IRL @coopseu

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/SocEntEU/status/1719

[2023-10-31 14:02 UTC]

RT by @SocEntEU: REVES meeting of Regions @hubbrussels&REVES board: Two days of intense&open exchange on public policies around worker buy-outs, digital transition, common goods,... @barbaratrachte @EU_Social @SocEntEU >@OECD_local

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/REVESNetwork/status/

[2023-10-27 17:34 UTC]

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