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Ein Kabel für alles! Gerade haben wir im @Europarl_DE dem einheitlichen Ladekabel für elektronische Geräte ab 2024 zugestimmt. Glückwunsch zu den erfolgreichen Verhandlungen, @anna_cavazzini. Ich freue mich auf weniger Kabelsalat und mehr Umweltschutz.
RT @Gruene_Europa: It's done! Finally! Das Europaparlament hat gerade endgültig und final entschieden: Der Kabelsalat ist Geschichte, das einheitliche kommt! Eine großartige…


On today’s @EP_Fisheries agenda: recommendations of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
One is extending the protection of the fisheries restricted area Jabuka/Pomo Pit - a very effective measure, also supported by fishers. We will monitor this closely 🐟


A far-right govt is a threat to democracy, human rights and Europe as a whole. We‘ll be watching closely. Time for to chose which side they want to be on.


It was an honour to serve the @GreensEFA Group, I thank you wholeheartedly for your continuous support and look back fondly on my time as Group President. I will use my two remaining years in @europarl_en to continue fighting for a greener future!
RT @GreensEFA: Our @SkaKeller is stepping down as Co-President of our Group.

Thank you Ska for co-leading our Group since 2016!💚💚With you in the lead we have grown as a Group in 2019 and d…


RT @GreensEFA: Our duty is to ensure the greed of a few don’t lead to misery for others.

We welcome @vonderleyen's proposal to skim off windfall profits from energy companies - something we've been calling since the start of the energy crisis!




RT @GreensEFA: "As strong supporters of multilingualism and cultural diversity, our group has always supported that Catalan becomes an official language of the EU."
- @SkaKeller

We welcome request by Spain to adopt Catalan as a working language in @europarl_en. 👇


RT @ernesturtasun: .@GreensEFA calls for a transparent a merit-based process for the appointment of the next Secretary General of the @europarl_en

Excellent open letter from my colleague VP @HeidiHautala to @EP_President


RT @anna_cavazzini: Reminder: Am Sonntag @EvaJaehn wählen - für ein klimaneutrales und weltoffenes Dresden! 💚🌻🗳


RT @GreensEFA: ⚠️EU's addiction to gas from Russia is funding ’s war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian MP @InnaSovsun calls on MEPs to vote against the @EU_Commission’s proposal.

📢Call on your MEP to stop greenwashing gas & nuclear:


RT @micha_bloss: BREAKING! 🇺🇦-Botschafter @MelnykAndrij wendet sich mit einer klaren Botschaft an das 🇪🇺-Parlament:

Die Aufnahme von Erdgas in die gefährdet Europas Sicherheit – Russlands Energieunternehmen würden massiv profitieren.

Das Parlament muss sich dagegen wehren.


My @GreensEFA colleagues @FGuerreiroMEP @marietouss1 are at the UN Oceans Summit this week to speak out against ocean destruction, overfishing, pollution, harmful fishing practices & deep-sea mining. If we join forces worldwide, we can !

RT @marietouss1: C'est parti pour le Sommet de Lisbonne sur les océans.

Ceux-ci sont abîmés, sur-péchés, attaqués par les pratiques néfastes, les forages offshore et les poll…


RT @BMUV: „ hilft uns im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise, die Verschmutzungskrise und das Artenaussterben. Deshalb müssen wir vom Reden ins Handeln kommen und dem Schutz der Meere viel höhere Priorität einräumen.“ – @SteffiLemke.


Ahead of next week’s @EU_Commission today presented its Ocean Agenda. It is crucial for 🇪🇺 to be the frontrunner in sustainable marine protection. Only if global & local partners work together, ocean management and restoration can be effective.
RT @VSinkevicius: The Nature Restoration Law will heal 🇪🇺marine life, but we need 🌍 efforts to make all oceans healthy!

Our new International Ocean Agenda is out!



RT @ARD_BaB: "Das rächt sich jetzt" – Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck über Versäumnisse der deutschen Energiepolitik in den letzten Jahren.


in @europarl_en today - we @GreensEFA voted for the compromise on 🇪🇺 CO2 trading. An important step for but still not enough to meet the 1.5 degree target. We continue to fight for ambitious measures for our planet!
RT @micha_bloss: Now it's clear: We as @GreensEFA will vote today for the new compromise on 🇪🇺-Emissoin Trading System.

✅ We have stopped the fossil lobby,
✅ stopped the fossil alliance,
✅ An…


Success! The Environment & Economic Committee just voted against the European Commission’s Taxonomy proposal that would label nuclear & gas as sustainable. They are simply not sustainable and cannot possibly be put on a par with solar and wind power. Now on to plenary!
RT @micha_bloss: BREAKING: Greenwashing von Atomkraft & Erdgas abgelehnt!

Wirtschafts- & Umweltausschuss des EU-Parlaments haben klar 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐧! zum Kommissionsvorschlag g…


RT @r_stefanchuk: Зустрівся зі співголовами групи @greensefa у Європарламенті — @SkaKeller та @ph_lamberts. Дякую за готовність підтримувати🇺🇦 на її шляху до 🇪🇺. Запропонував європарламентаріям «побудувати Європу в Україні», взявши під опіку зруйновані російськими військовими регіони


Oceans act as a huge climate control system, but their health is at a tipping point due to overfishing, pollution and CO2-emissions.
@EU_Commission must include the protection of marine biodiversity & ocean restoration in its .


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