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RT by @RobertaMetsola: Hier, par la voix de sa Présidente @RobertaMetsola, le Parlement européen a rendu hommage à Michèle Rivasi, en présence de sa famille, de ses proches et de nombreux collègues.

Nous gardons en mémoire la femme de conviction qu’elle était, engagée avec passion pour la protection de l’environnement, de la santé et de la vie.

C’est une voix forte qui nous quitte.


[2024-01-17 11:25 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: La promesse de l’Europe consiste à trouver des solutions et à les concrétiser. C'est la raison pour laquelle chaque vote compte.

🇪🇺🇧🇪 @alexanderdecroo @EU2024BE

De belofte van Europa gaat over het vinden van oplossingen en het waarmaken ervan. Daarom is elke stem belangrijk.


[2024-01-16 11:49 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Could everyone please share this advertisement to everyone they know . The documentary about Nicole (coco) fox and my journey bringing Coco's law into Ireland. Its on 22nd January @ 10.35 on RTE 1 and on thr RTE PLAYER . @BrendanHowlin @EPPGroup @RobertaMetsola @MariaWalshEU


[2024-01-15 21:58 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Verità e giustizia per Giulio .

Nel giorno del 36° compleanno, e a 8 anni dal suo omicidio in Egitto, @europarl_it ribadisce il nostro appello affinché la verità venga a galla e giustizia sia fatta.

Per i suoi genitori, per i suoi connazionali, per tutti gli europei.


[2024-01-15 09:42 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Engaging dialogue with @RobertaMetsola, President of the @europarl_en, discussing collaborative efforts across European institutions & national parliaments. Together, we're committed to shaping a secure, democratic, and prosperous future for the EU and beyond. 🇱🇹🇪🇺


[2024-01-13 10:42 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: A special day for @europarl_en as it receives the Freedom Prize from the Republic of Lithuania.

Accepting the prize in Vilnius, @EP_President @RobertaMetsola said that this award inspires Parliament to continue to stand up for Europe.

Read her speech:!HdNy7y


[2024-01-13 10:57 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: On Freedom Defenders' Day in Lithuania, with one of the world's strongest defenders of freedom and democracy @Tsihanouskaya.

Reiterated Europe’s support for the democratic opposition and a free Belarus.

All political prisoners must be released and re-united with their families.


[2024-01-13 12:36 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Dear Roberta, it was wonderful to welcome you to my office. Your energy & compassion inspire us to keep fighting. Thank you for meeting with former political prisoners & their families. We must do everything in our power to secure the release of all who are unjustly detained.


[2024-01-13 12:51 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: The Day of the Defenders of Freedom reminds us to never take democracy for granted.

With @LRSeimas Speaker @VCmilyte in Vilnius, we remember and honour 14 European heroes who lost their lives in their fight for independence 🇪🇺🇱🇹


[2024-01-13 08:10 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Full house in EP President Metsola meeting with Lithuanian youth at the ISM University, Vilnius. Strong messages of @EP_President on continuation of 🇪🇺 support for Ukraine, upcomming European elections and many more issues.
Watch the discussion in full⬇️


[2024-01-12 16:33 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Deeply honoured to accept the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

Grateful to President @GitanasNauseda & the people of Lithuania for this prestigious accolade.

It will serve as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom & values.


[2024-01-12 15:44 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: A pleasure to be in Vilnius to join the people of Lithuania to commemorate the Day of the Defenders of Freedom.

It is that same spirit & courage that should remain our driving force today as we reinforce democracy & protect liberty.

@IngridaSimonyte 🇪🇺🇱🇹


[2024-01-12 14:07 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Welcoming @europarl_en President @RobertaMetsola to snowy ! ❄️
Historically highest 🇱🇻 citizen support for membership. For two decades, we've been at the 🇪🇺 decision-making table – let's shape the future of Europe together in the @europarl_en elections on June 8!


[2024-01-12 11:05 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Startskottet för 'GET THE VOTE OUT'-turnén har gått! Parlamentets president @RobertaMetsola sparkar nu igång sin turné genom EU-länderna för att väcka entusiasmen inför Europaparlamentsvalet den 9 juni. Det kommer bli spännande månader framöver! 🇪🇺 🇸🇪


[2024-01-12 12:42 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Excellent meeting with President @edgarsrinkevics at Riga Castle.

Since day one of Russia's aggression, Latvia's support to Ukraine has been remarkable.

Two years later, it is as strong as ever.

Grateful for Latvia’s leadership 🇪🇺🇱🇻


[2024-01-12 08:53 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: European unity is not only our past, but also our present and our future.

My message here in Latvia is for people to go and vote and to be part of our European democracy.

@EvikaSilina 🇪🇺🇱🇻


[2024-01-12 09:04 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: A few weeks ago, @TIME's @adamrasmi sat with @EP_President @RobertaMetsola to speak about her first two years as President of @europarl_en.

24 months of challenges, reforms and decisions.

Here’s how the conversation went:


[2024-01-11 16:28 UTC]

RT by @RobertaMetsola: Ricomincia con una puntata speciale in diretta dall'Ambasciata italiana a Bruxelles. Ospiti di @RenatoCoen ci saranno Roberta Metsola (@EP_President), @PaoloGentiloni e @Antonio_Tajani . Questa sera alle 19.10 all'interno di Tg Mondo


[2024-01-10 10:14 UTC]

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