Der #Holocaust war eine europäische Katastrophe. Der Antisemitismus hat zu dieser Katastrophe geführt. Wir dürfen nie vergessen.
Für den #HolocaustMemorialDay haben wir unsere Kollegen aus den Vertretungen der @EU_Commission nach Fotos von Gedenkorten in ihren Ländern gefragt.
RT @vonderleyen: We will always remember the millions of victims murdered during the Holocaust.
But remembrance is not an aim in itself.
We must go a step further.
Let us fight antisemitism, which is on the rise today.
And let us make Jewish life prosper in an open, equal EU society.
The EU welcomes Japan's decision to strengthen sanctions against Russia.
Japan is strengthening its export controls on sensitive technologies as part of an unprecedented, coordinated global effort to ensure the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia.
ℹ️ ↓ #StandWithUkraine
„La Birkenau moartea era cea mai ușoară. Grea era viața.”
Cu ocazia #HolocaustRemembranceDay, am urmărit, la sediul nostru, povestea marcantă de viață a dl. Octavian Fulop, unul dintre puținii supraviețuitori ai Holocaustului, încă rămași în viață în 🇷🇴.
We will always remember the millions of victims murdered during the Holocaust.
But remembrance is not an aim in itself.
We must go a step further.
Let us fight antisemitism, which is on the rise today.
And let us make Jewish life prosper in an open, equal EU society.
The “Made in Europe 🇪🇺” label means quality.
And so much more.
It’s a statement of who we are.
A diverse continent full of creativity, where we protect the environment.
Where workers earn a decent wage.
Where entrepreneurs can thrive and where no one is left behind.
Comisia solicită României și altor 13 state membre să reducă emisiile generate de mai mulți poluanți atmosferici.
De asemenea, Comisia solicită României să își pună la punct rețeaua Natura 2000.
Comisia a decis astăzi, 26 ianuarie, să trimită scrisori de punere în întârziere României și altor 21 de state membre.
România: Proceduri de infringement în domeniul energiei și climei 👉
Detașarea lucrătorilor: Comisia solicită României și altor 16 state membre să respecte Directiva UE privind asigurarea respectării aplicării Directivei privind detașarea lucrătorilor.
RT @EU_Commission: The Kremlin is spreading disinformation to manipulate public opinion, trying to justify the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
However, we won't be swayed by these false narratives.
We #StandWithUkraine️ in its fight for truth and justice.
RT @CopernicusEMS: According to our European Drought Observatory #EDO Combined Drought Indicator (CDI), a soil moisture deficit is reported over large areas of #Romania🇷🇴, #Bulgaria🇧🇬, #Greece🇬🇷 and #Türkiye🇹🇷
⬇️Side-by-side comparison of the CDI in the first 10 days of January 2021 & January 2022
Today we congratulate our Romanian friends, colleagues and followers who are celebrating the Day of Unification of Romanian Principalities🎉🙌
🇷🇴 Ziua Unirii Principatelor Române 🇷🇴
👇Image of #Bucharest acquired by #Copernicus #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ on 31 December 2022
We stand in solidarity with Moldova as shockwaves of Russia’s brutal war continue to impact the country.
Today we propose to top up macro-financial assistance to Moldova by €145 million.
This will greatly support the country's economy and energy security.
We learnt with great sadness that Ritt Bjerregaard, former Commissioner for Environment (1995-1999), has passed away.
At the forefront of environmental issues, she paved the way for the green transition in the EU.
Our thoughts are with her family and friends.
Russia‘s manipulation of the truth has reached another low point.
There is no parallel between Nazi Germany and intl help for Ukraine in defending its territory and people. Holocaust denial, distortion and trivialization are against EU law and EU values.
Scopul schemei este compensarea beneficiarilor eligibili pentru o parte din costurile suplimentare suportate ca urmare a creșterilor de prețuri pentru combustibil, energie și furaje.
RT @EU_Competition: #EUStateAid Commission 🇪🇺 approves €44 million Romanian 🇷🇴 scheme to support the cattle breeders 🐄sector in the context of Russia's war against #Ukraine
🚨 Action against border bribery 🫴
#Eurojust has supported Romania & the Republic of Moldova in an operation against border guards & custom officials who allegedly demanded & accepted bribes.
👮♀️ 8 suspects detained
🏠 45 locations searched
Read more 👉!Xhqxgm
⚠️ REMINDER #NewEuropeanBauhaus ⚠️
🇪🇺 Perioada depunerii candidaturilor pentru Premiile #NewEuropeanBauhaus 2023 se apropie de final!
⏱ Termen-limită: 31 ianuarie 2023
️🏆 Valoarea premiilor: până la 30.000 EUR
Detalii despre înscriere 👇
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România. European Commission Representation in Romania