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RT @vonderleyen: Looking back at a decisive year.

We were confronted with so many challenges.

And we work hard to come out stronger and more determined than ever.

To support 🇺🇦 for as long as it takes.
Guarantee our energy independence.
Prepare our climate-neutral future.

🇪🇺 will prevail!


RT @vonderleyen: It is with deep sadness that I have learned of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

She was the world’s longest serving Head of State and one of the most respected personalities worldwide.

I offer my heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the British people.


RT @AdinaValean: Heartfelt condolences to @RoyalFamily and the British people. I’m deeply grateful to have lived in Your time, Your Majesty!


RT @JosepBorrellF: Queen Elizabeth Il’s remarkable reign oversaw key events of the 20th & 21st century. The EU pays tribute to her unique contribution to building peace & reconciliation

While her loss will be felt around the world, our immediate thoughts are with her family & the people of the UK


RT @EU_Commission: A pandemic that tested our healthcare systems and a war on our continent.

The EU has stood united both during the health crisis and by the Ukrainian people while working for a green, digital and fair future.

Ahead of , let’s look back at what we've achieved this year. 👇


Strategia este însoțită de două recomandări referitoare la revizuirea obiectivelor de la Barcelona privind educația și îngrijirea timpurie și la accesul la servicii de îngrijire pe termen lung de înaltă calitate și accesibile din punct de vedere financiar.


CE a publicat cea de a treia evaluare a punerii în aplicare a politicilor de mediu (EIR), un instrument-cheie de raportare care contribuie la asigurarea respectării legislației de mediu.



RT @vonderleyen: The times are tough, especially for vulnerable households and businesses.

But we shall overcome with our European strength - our unity and our solidarity.

Here are the 5 measures that the @EU_Commission will discuss with EU countries at the Energy Ministers meeting on Friday ↓


RT @EU_Commission: Today we have proposed an additional €5 billion in macro-financial assistance for Ukraine.

It will help the country address its immediate financial needs caused by Russia's brutal invasion.

The EU will continue to do its part to ensure that Ukraine prevails.


Comisia a aprobat o contribuție de peste 65 milioane EUR din Fondul de coeziune, perioada 2014-2020, pentru o infrastructură mai bună de apă și de ape uzate în regiunea localităților Mediaș, Agnita și Dumbrăveni din județul Sibiu.



RT @vonderleyen: Russia is manipulating our energy markets and we are confronted with astronomic prices.

So we will table measures to protect vulnerable consumers and businesses.

We have the economic strength, the political will and unity to keep the upper hand.


RT @VSinkevicius: A picture is worth 1000 words.

Europe is facing intense droughts that are only getting worse each year.

This is why we must invest in Nature restoration & halt deforestation.

Let’s put our 🇪🇺 proposals into action without delay.

It’s our best chance to beat this crisis.


RT @CHIRIACRamona1: 🗓️ 1⃣4⃣.0⃣9⃣.2⃣0⃣2⃣2⃣ 👉

A mai rămas doar o săptămână până când președinta Comisiei Europene @vonderleyen va susține discursul privind starea Uniunii 🇪🇺.

Discursul va putea fi urmărit LIVE🔴 pe:
📲 pagina de Facebook și contul de Twitter al @RCERomania
📺 TVR Info


A mai rămas o săptămână până când președinta Comisiei Europene @vonderleyen va susține discursul său privind starea Uniunii.

🗓️ 1⃣4⃣.0⃣9⃣.2⃣0⃣2⃣2⃣

📢Discursul privind Starea Uniunii -

Detalii 👉


RT @DanaSpinant: Latest Eurobarometer survey:

• Positive image of the 🇪🇺 on the rise
• Overwhelming support to EU action in favor of🇺🇦
• Call to invest in renewable
• Highest support for the € ever


O țară precum Rusia, care poartă un război de agresiune, nu ar trebui să poată beneficia de facilitarea eliberării vizelor atât timp cât continuă să își desfășoare politica externă distructivă și agresiunea militară împotriva Ucrainei.



Sondajul Eurobarometru standard din vara anului 2022 arată o încredere sporită a cetățenilor în UE și un sprijin puternic continuu pentru răspunsul UE la agresiunea Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei.

Detalii și fișa de țară pentru România sunt disponibile aici 👇


RT @EU_Commission: 🔴LIVE: Proposal to fully suspend the EU's Visa Facilitation Agreement with Russia, ending privileged access to the EU for Russian citizens.

Watch the press conference by Commissioner @YlvaJohansson


RT @vonderleyen: There can be no business as usual with Russia.

We propose to fully suspend the EU Visa Facilitation Agreement and not to recognise Russian passports issued in occupied 🇺🇦 regions.

Visa facilitation is a token of trust, which Russia's war of aggression has completely shattered


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