RT @GreensEFA: "Colleagues in @EPPGroup & @ManfredWeber be careful whom you partner with! Looking at Italy, you are playing a risky game.
A Group that claims to be part of the democratic majority shouldn't partner with people who wear Putin fan shirts nor parties with fascist logos."
RT @VickySpielfrau: Wichtige Info aus der #eu: Heute stimmt d @EUparliament m 1 Richtlinie über angemessene Mindestlöhne in der Europäischen Union ab. Das ist ein wichtiger & historischer Schritt, für d wir Grüne auf EU Ebene lange gekämpft haben! @MonikaVana @Kozarischer ❤️ https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20220914_OTS0054/vanakoza-zu-abstimmung-ueber-mindestloehne-so-bekaempfen-wir-soziale-ungleichheit
Wichtige Punkte von der #VDL #SOTEU Rede:
🟢 It is my #Commission's duty to protect the #ROL and #budget through the #conditionality #mechanism
🟢 I believe the moment has arrived for a #European #Convention! #COFE
🟢 No autocracy's Trojan horses can attack our democracies!
RT @GreensEFA: "So as this Parliament has called for, I believe the moment has arrived for a European Convention," says @vonderleyen! 💯
YES! It's time to rethink Europe.🇪🇺
RT @GreensEFA: President @vonderleyen, are you calling the Greens visionaries?😉
"We did not get rid of our dependency on oil. Fossil fuels were even subsidised. Only a few visionaries understood that the real problem was fossil fuels themselves, not just their price," says @vonderleyen #SOTEU
RT @dziedzic_ewa: 35 Jahre @GrueneFrauenW feierten wir am Wiener Yppenplatz mit Poetry Slam,Rückblick & Ausblick und tollen Live Acts.Nicht nur als ehem.Frauensprecherin bin froh,dass es diese Organisation mit viel Frauenpower gibt - alles gute für die weiteren Kämpfe! 🧡✊🏾 📸 Stefanie Freynschlag
RT @Austria_CoE: 🇦🇹 Abgeordnete im #Europaparlament und 🇦🇹 im #Europarat treffen sich in #Straßburg - wo sonst! Lebhafte Zusammenschau zu aktuellen Themen aus gesamteuropäischer Perspektive
The Serbian police has banned #EuroPride, but we continue to stand with organisers!
We encourage authorities to find a compromise solution. #BanHateNotPride
RT @GreensEFA: Tomorrow will be a big day for European workers with #MinimumWage.🥳
@europarl_en will vote on the EU minimum wages directive, which will increase wages up to 20% for 25 million workers. #PayUp 💶
Follow the #EPlenary debate live here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
RT @daniel_freund: ‼️
'NO DEAL with the Orban government.'
RT @MetzTilly: Rest in power Malte.
We @GreensEFA will continue to fight #FightTransphobia and to #FightQueerphobia ! 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
Gute Neuigkeiten!🏳️🌈🇪🇺
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 🏳️🌈 On the 1 year anniversary of @EU_Commission initiating infringement procedures against Hungary for its ‘anti-LGBTIQ’ law, it now brings the case to the @EUCourtPress
📢 find below the comments from our Bureau members @TerryReintke (@GreensEFA) and @Pierre_Ka (@RenewEurope)
RT @VeraJourova: The Commission refers Hungary to the ECJ on 🇭🇺 Media Council’s decision to reject Klubradio’s application for a license. We address attacks to independent media via all the tools that we have. And we need to strengthen our toolbox w/ the #MediaFreedomAct.
RT @VeraJourova: The @EU_Commission refers Hungary to the ECJ over violation of #LGBTIQ rights over a Hungarian law which discriminates against people on the basis of their sexual orientation.
RT @RobertSermek: Delegácia regionálneho výboru europarlamentu @EP_Regional na návšteve východného🇸🇰. Stretnutia s rómskou komunitou aj pracovníkmi a dobrovoľníkmi pomáhajúcimi 🇺🇦utečencom @Europarl_SK
RT @CPMR_Europe: 🆕 Regional eligibility system: do we really need to revise the current system? ➡️ A new paper from @CPMR_Europe series on the future of #CohesionPolicy post-27 #TheFutureIsNow
🐆Curious? Check it out https://cpmr.org/the-future-is-now-a-cpmr-reflection-on-post-2027-cohesion-policy/
Ein Sieg im Kampf für #Gleichstellung und #Antidiskriminierung! Auf unsere @GreensEFA/EFA Initiative hin hat das Europaparlament einen progressiven und ambitionierten Bericht zu intersektioneller Diskriminierung angenommen! Goßartige Arbeit @alicebahkuhnke!
RT @GreensEFA: The future of feminism is intersectional!💜
The @europarl_en has just adopted our MEP Alice Kuhnke's report on intersectional discrimination.🎉
This is a huge step…
Morgen stimmen wir gegen #Greenwashing von #Atom und #Gas!
RT @GreensEFA: ⚠️EU's addiction to gas from Russia is funding #Putin’s war in Ukraine.
Ukrainian MP @InnaSovsun calls on MEPs to vote against the @EU_Commission’s #Taxonomy proposal.
📢Call on your MEP to stop greenwashing gas & nuclear: https://act.greens-efa.eu/stopgreenwashing?source=gg_twitter_climate_2022-07-04
RT @CPMR_Europe: 🆕FAST-CARE: a targeted & short-term focused package to address the consequences of war 🇺🇦 BUT how can it influence the future of #CohesionPolicy?
1⃣Level of pre-financing
2⃣EU co-financing rates
3⃣Transition from one period to another
READ our analysis➡️https://cpmr.org/wpdm-package/cpmr-reflection-paper-why-fast-care-matters-for-the-future-of-cohesion-policy/
RT @daniel_freund: Polish government has until TOMORROW to fulfill the EU-Commission milestones. Very much looks like it's not gonna happen.
No recovery money must be the conclusion!
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