@SMEunited @mhelenadefelipe @employers_EESC @EESC_REX @cepyme_ Congratulations 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Looking forward to seeing you in Prague next week for #SMEAssembly2022
Thank you for the discussion about the #NewEuropeanBauhaus initiative, which took place in the beautiful Villa Tugendhat in Brno. There is no more inspiring place for such an important debate about the future of creative industries in Europe. #creativity
RT @wbogensberger: Schönheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Kulturerbe - das Neue Europäische Bauhaus erweitert den #EUGreenDeal zu einem europäischen Kulturprojekt.
Heute Diskussion aus der Villa #Tugendhat in #Brno mit EU-Kommissarin @GabrielMariya Vize-Minister #VlastislavOuroda und MEP @Mdlabajova
Looking forward to discussing #NewEuropeanBauhaus and on how to best foster talent and #creativity in Europe. Thank you for inviting me! Let's get inspired by an extraordinary venue📌Vila Tugendhat, Brno.
RT @GabrielMariya: 🔜Tomorrow, I will be in Brno🇨🇿
📍Villa Tugendhat - Transformation of places🔄#NewEuropeanBauhaus impact
📖Preservation of cult’ heritage 👉Mendel’s manuscripts
🤝@MinKultury Dep.Minister Ouroda, 🇪🇺@Mdlabajova, Mayor…
🎧 Nový podcast‼️
S herečkou Ladou Jelínkovou o tom, jestli je herecká průprava dobrou kvalifikací k výkonu jiných profesí, nebo o tom, co hercům pomáhá, když jim hraní zrovna nejde.
Celý rozhovor: https://spoti.fi/3URR3Jy
@grudlerch @EU2022_CZ Great job! Congratulations 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
🤝 Congratulations on reaching the compromise! Great job @grudlerch, @ThierryBreton and @EU2022_CZ & @zajicekjaro. Secure connectivity is a crucial part for our digital future. #DigitalDecade #IRIS2 🛰️
RT @EU2022_CZ: #Space | 🤝 DEAL! We have just reached a provisional political agreement between the @EUCouncil and the @europarl_en on the Union secure connectivity programme 🛰️ #IRIS2
Reliable communication is key for the 🇪🇺 strategic…
RT @CzechCentreBxl: 16-11 / Il Boemo at @BozarBrussels as a part of Czech Film Focus🎥
👏 to the reception for the film industry organized by our partners @EFAD_aisbl before the screening
@Film_directors @CzechFilmCenter @Mdlabajova @MEDIAprogEU @europe_creative @MinKultury @CzechMFA and others
🎬 Po dlouhé době v kině. A hned v bruselském #Bozar na filmu Il Boemo.🇨🇿 Před promítáním jsem mluvila se zástupci evropských kinematografických fondů včetně SFKMG. Jejich činnost je pro filmový průmysl klíčová, nezapomínejme na to. Já budu kreativitu a talent podporovat vždy 💪
RT @f_lesache: Chère @Mdlabajova merci pour cet échange avec les députés de l'intergoupe PMEs du Parlement 🇪🇺, membres de @RenewEurope. Des échanges concrets, techniques et directs qui peuvent améliorer la réglementation UE et renforcer notre tissu européen de PMEs. @BusinessEurope
RT @ebsummiteurope: #EBS2022 “In digitalisation we need to find a way how companies are progressing, how citizens are accepting digitalisation and how the public administrations are operating it. We have all these challenges together. It is not about a single legislation.” – @Mdlabajova @europarl_en
RT @ebsummiteurope: 🚨LIVE NOW🚨
Join @ratsosi @EUScienceInnov, @Mdlabajova @europarl_en, @karhubear @AmazonNewsEU and David Schwartz @PepsiCo at #EBS2022 to discuss the potential of the #digitaltransformation for European businesses, moderated by @StefanGrobe1.
🔜 Today I’m speaking at @EBSummit. We have a lot to talk about…🤔 How can businesses be encouraged to adopt new technologies? How can we foster technological innovation by SMEs? And much more to be discussed. 💬#digitaltransformation #EBS2022
RT @ebsummiteurope: Join @ratsosi @EUScienceInnov, @Mdlabajova @europarl_en, @karhubear @AmazonNewsEU and David Schwartz @PepsiCo at #EBS2022 to discuss the potential of the #digitaltransformatio…
RT @diegomingarelli: Giornata di incontri al @europarl_it organizzati da @f_lesache,Presidente Comitato PMI di @BusinessEurope.Abbiamo incontrato @Mdlabajova e avuto un confronto con il team di @ThierryBreton per discutere di temi cruciali per le PMI.L’Europa:un orizzonte vitale per le nostre imprese
RT @ulimuellermdep: Supporting SMEs is a priority. Especially for @RenewEurope. Thanks to @Mdlabajova for her engagement and the Renew Taskforce for SMEs. Support can be achieved only horizontally, through different sectors. #SME
RT @f_lesache: 🇪🇺 In #Brussels to voice the position of @BusinessEurope on #SMEs & the impact of EU regulation. Discussion today with Parliament MEPs (thanks @Mdlabajova for the dialogue), Commission representatives and colleagues from other European Business Unions tomorrow morning.
We need to ensure access to finance for #SMEs, not just for the most innovative ones, but also for those in the cultural and creative sectors as well as for more traditional crafts. All these companies need the same level of support. #SMEIntergroup
Starting a day with the breakfast debate on the #SME Window of #InvestEU, where we will discuss the new financial opportunities for small and medium entrepreneurs to face the current multiple crises. #SMEIntergroup
Lada Jelínková je herečka. Odmalička. Zeptala jsem se jí, jak je to s hereckými propady a vzepětími a povídaly jsme si i o rolích náhody a štěstí či perspektivách adeptů herecké profese.
➡️ Nový díl Je OK být chvíli na dně 🎥 najdete u mě na YouTube https://youtu.be/URFa9Vn5vGQ
@PPetiziol Congratulazioni 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Meritatissimo! Non vediamo l’ora di vedere la FVG Orchestra a Praga fra due settimane! 🤩 @ItalyinCZ @IicPraga
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ CZ Member of European Parliament. @Reneweurope. Coordinator @EP_Industry. Co-Chair SME Intergroup. Creative industries. Research. Innovation. Young people. SMEs