Je vois une grande opportunité de développer davantage 🇪🇺🇦🇩 relations dans l'intérêt mutuel, en tenant compte de nos spécificités. J'espère que ma visite en Andorre donnera un élan supplémentaire à nos négociations en vue d'un accord d'association.
🇪🇺🇦🇩 There is significant potential to further develop our relations, as neighbours and like-minded partners. I want our future Association Agreement to be mutually beneficial.
A valuable exchange with Prime Minister @XavierEspot and members of @GovernAndorra.
RT @ANDORRA_EU: Le Chef du gouvernement, @XavierEspot, reçoit le Vice-président de la @EU_Commission, @MarosSefcovic. La journée de travail permettra de montrer la réalité du pays au principal responsable de la négociation de l’Accord d’Association.
W/ Andorra, we share values, interests, challenges, as shown in our support to Ukraine. A future Association Agreement will further foster 🇪🇺🇦🇩 ties & advance integration.
Glad to meet Speaker of Andorra's Parliament R. Suñé, Chairs of legislative commissions & political groups.
Thank you, Cap de @GovernAndorra @XavierEspot, for hosting me in Andorra. An excellent opportunity to deepen our mutual understanding & keep up the pace in our negotiations. Our objective: an ambitious Association Agreement, further boosting 🇪🇺🇦🇩 relationship, by the end of 2023.
By the end of 2022, we'll put together disaster #resilience goals to better anticipate and prepare for large-scale, cross-border risks. Underpinned by scenarios by @EU_ScienceHub, they'll cover key areas of concern.
Addressing #FERMA2022 on #foresight 👉
Glad to have exchanged with @CoR_President on a wide range of issues, incl. the Commission Work Programme as well as our coop on #strategicforesight and smart specialisation. We also need regions and cities to deliver on our #rawmaterials agenda, as Europe goes green and digital.
Deployment of energy storage solutions, like #batteries or power-to-x, must accelerate to boost security of Europe's energy systems & industrial sovereignty.
R&I funding, the right regulatory framework, #rawmaterials & skills action needed.
#ESGE2022 👉
A productive meeting with @ACEA_auto President O. Zipse and leading members. A secure and sustainable supply of critical #rawmaterials on everyone's radar.
Crucial to think big and act with urgency! Our work on the CRMs Act underway.
#EUHaveYourSay 🗣️
A good exchange with @EESC_President @ChristaSchweng. I appreciate @EU_EESC input to the 2023 @EU_Commission Work Programme which will also reflect the outcomes of the Conference on the #FutureOfEurope. Continued citizens' engagement remains important to both our institutions.
Glad to have met National Council President @KaelinIrene and Council of State President Thomas Hefti to discuss EU-Swiss relations. The EU's door remains open to constructive engagement, with commitment and clarity being central to our approach.
Good conversation w/ @JamesCleverly on Protocol on IE/NI.
Both sides agree to look for solutions around the Protocol, to bring predictability & certainty to people in Northern Ireland. The 🇪🇺 is committed to joint efforts.
Teams will meet soon. James & I will stay in contact.
Ravi d'avoir visité 3X Engineering, une entreprise innovante sur le terrain.
Une journée riche de réunions sur un accord d'association avec Monaco. Il s'agit des modalités de participation au marché intérieur de l'UE et un cadre institutionnel solide. Un changement significatif.
Avec le Ministre d'Etat Pierre Dartout.
Dans le contexte géopolitique actuel, il est impératif de renforcer encore l'unité occidentale. Notre futur 🇪🇺🇲🇨 accord d'association pourrait figurer parmi les accords les plus ambitieux proposés par l'UE à des partenaires extérieurs.
Heureux d'avoir pu échanger à nouveau ce matin avec le Prince Albert de Monaco. Nous partageons le souhait de conclure un accord d'association pour renforcer nos liens et le souci de préparer notre continent à l'objectif de neutralité climatique d'ici 2050.
Ravie d’avoir échangé avec le Président du Conseil National @stephanevaleri et des élus.
Avec Monaco, nous partageons à la fois des valeurs et des défis. Ma visite montre en soi l'importance que la @EU_Commission accorde à nos négociations en vue d'un accord d'association.
#GAC @EU2022_CZ: I presented the @EU_Commission's Letter of Intent, setting the scene for our upcoming 2023 Work Programme, which will clearly reflect outcomes of the Conference on the #FutureOfEurope.
#SOTEU: 2023 to be the European year of education & training to tackle a growing skills gap our economy faces.
In this spirit, we recently launched the #EUBatteryAcademy to roll out training programmes tailor-made for the battery sector. Hope more MS will follow 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇭🇺 in 2023.
Powerful #SOTEU messages by @vonderleyen on critical #rawmaterials: We'll identify strategic projects, from extraction and refining to recycling + We'll build up strategic reserves.
No one better placed than the EU to ensure that this is done under the🔝 sustainable standards.
#SOTEU: We need to replicate the #EUBatteryAlliance success story 🔜 A European Critical #RawMaterials Act, as announced by President @vonderleyen.
With #batteries, we started from scratch 5 yrs ago. Thanks to >110 projects, we're on track to achieving open #strategicautonomy.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission VP for Interinstitutional Relations & Foresight. Coordinating the #EUBatteryAlliance. Co-chair of 🇪🇺🇬🇧 Joint Committee & Partnership Council.