RT @vonderleyen: Putin is using energy as a weapon by cutting supply and manipulating our energy markets.
He will fail.
Europe will prevail.
The @EU_Commission is preparing proposals to help vulnerable households and businesses to cope with high energy prices.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1566826577081638914
RT @EPPGroup: 🚀 Aaaand we’re off!
Hundreds of young people from all over the EU have just arrived in Brussels to participate in the EPP Group #Youth Week.
They will get opportunities to:
🔵 learn new skills
🔵 share their knowledge
🔵 talk to Members of @europarl_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1566824372509229064
RT @ansaeuropa: .@Agenzia_Ansa @dpa @AFP tra i partner del progetto dell'Ue che verrà inaugurato martedì prossimo presso la sede dell'agenzia di stampa @BelgaNewsAgency a Bruxelles insieme ai vice presidenti della Commissione europea @MargSchinas e @VeraJourova https://www.ansa.it/europa/notizie/rubriche/altrenews/2022/09/02/nasce-newsroom-europea-agenzie-alleate-contro-le-fake-news_0c356f5c-4f77-4bd3-a003-3f9e8b06fb60.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565750380046258177
Preparedness, cooperation and effective response now needed to successfully face COVID-10 during autumn and winter.
Taking action now is the only way to limit the pressure on healthcare systems, disruptions of the economies and challenges for society. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_5302
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565680240579551233
Φιλική συνάντηση στο Κίεβο με τον Μανώλη Ανδρουλάκη, τώρα επικεφαλής της ελληνικής πρεσβείας στην Ουκρανία.
Ο Μανώλης ήταν ο γενναίος πρόξενος, τελευταίος ευρωπαίος διπλωμάτης που έφυγε από τη μαρτυρική πλέον πόλη της Μαριούπολης, διασώζοντας 82 Έλληνες στην αρχή του πολέμου.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565403717314265088
RT @otkachenkoua: Відкрита підтримка колег з ЄС є сигналом для ворога, що ми вже ніколи не зійдемо зі шляху євроінтеграції.
Дякую @MargSchinas за підтримку порятунку української культурної спадщини, готовність допомагати культурній сфері всередині України та нашим медіа.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565396141914595328
RT @NatashaBertaud: VP @MargSchinas in #Kyiv
“We will never forget that Ukraine is the only place on this continent where people were shot and killed for waiving the European flag.
This was not in vain. It is my firm wish and conviction that Ukraine take its rightful place in the European Union.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565369933650952192
Culture is not just collateral damage but a deliberate target of Russian aggression.
Thank you @otkachenkoua for your tireless work to protect Ukraine’s rich cultural legacy and the memory of victims.
The EU will mobilise an additional €5m for cultural heritage preservation.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565369624564203522
Powerful meeting with Speaker @r_stefanchuk at the Parliament in Kyiv.
The resilience of Ukraine’s parliamentary democracy can only be admired.
Democracy is our strongest shield against the aggressor.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565352693060685826
RT @r_stefanchuk: Про роль @ua_parliament у здійсненні реформ в 🇺🇦 говорив з @MargSchinas. Вкрай важливо відчувати підтримку тих ініціатив, які впроваджуються. Зокрема, чути позитивну оцінку прийнятому у першому читанні закону про медіа. Маєм виконати всі умови для повноправного членства в ЄС.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565339568144265216
RT @MattiMaasikas: Vice President @MargSchinas of @EU_Commission could have met 1st of September, the start of the schoolyear, anywhere in Europe. He chose to come to Ukraine where schools sadly need bomb shelters. To make it clear once more: 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇦 are one family.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565314841614622721
Every war is a war against children. With @MON_UKRAINE we mark the start of the school year in Kyiv with a sense of determination.
Starting today, the EU is devoting €10 million to help provide safe physical learning spaces and support Ukraine’s distance learning programme.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565311748105814018
At the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv you see the sheer brutality of Russia’s indiscriminate violence.
But you also feel Ukraine’s resilience - from the humble heroism of the nurses and doctors, to the bravery of the patients.
The EU stands w/ @MoH_Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565264242462363648
Night train to Kiyv.
The reopening of schools at the start of the school year tomorrow bears testament to the determination and fortitude of the Ukrainian people.
Proud to mark the occasion with Ukraine’s leaders, teachers and pupils.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1565045656410103809
RT @EUinPL: Wiceprzewodniczący @MargSchinas w #Gdańsk: Wydarzenia, które miały tu miejsce 42 lata temu, zmieniły bieg historii Europy. Dziś, bardziej niż kiedykolwiek, wśród echa pocisków i bomb ponownie rozbrzmiewających u bram, pamiętamy o pielęgnowaniu i podtrzymywaniu tego dziedzictwa.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564975838461829120
RT @NatashaBertaud: “What happened here, the outcome of a decade's worth of peaceful struggle, changed the course of European history, including my own.”
VP @MargSchinas speech at the #Gdansk shipyard
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564948993767006208
All politics is local. Delighted to exchange with Polish mayors.
Focus on local government’s role in migration, inclusion, energy and cohesion.
Special moments w/ @Dulkiewicz_A @Adamowicz_Magda both exemplifying Gdańsk, a city symbol of freedom, democracy and solidarity.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564946691857457154
RT @NatashaBertaud: Incredibly impressive exhibition at the #Gdańsk European Solidarity Centre as we mark the 42nd anniversary of the signing of the #solidarność agreement
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564940786453602305
A great honour to participate in the anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement of 1980.
Our Union was shaped by the struggles of Solidarnosc and Lech Walesa.
At the historic gate No2 of the Shipyard, their courage still resonates.
Democracy and freedom always prevail over tyranny
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564938580425859072
RT @EUCYPRUS: Tomorrow, Vice-President @MargSchinas will be in Gdańsk, Poland to participate in the commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of the signing of the #Gdańsk Agreement.
📸Lech Wałęsa with the pen with which he signed the agreement.
Ⓒ Zenon Mirota
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargSchinas/status/1564593799048871936
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission Vice-President/Promoting our European Way of Life (Migration, Security, Health, Skills, Education, Culture, Sport, fighting Antisemitism, FoRB)