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Στη Θεσσαλονίκη, 80 χρόνια από την αναχώρηση του πρώτου συρμού προς την κόλαση του Αουσβιτς που αφάνισε την ιστορική Κοινότητα των Εβραίων συμπολιτών μας.

Με την Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας και τον λαό της Θεσσαλονίκης, Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη μαζί :

Θυμόμαστε, τιμάμε, δεν ξεχνάμε.


Σήμερα στο 1ο Γυμνάσιο Ωραιοκάστρου ωραία συζήτηση με ´Ελληνες, Γάλλους και Γερμανούς μαθητές για την Ευρώπη που θέλουν - και αξίζουν - οι νέοι ευρωπαίοι.

Ευχαριστώ για τη θερμή υποδοχή και τον ζωηρό διάλογο.

Το δημόσιο σχολείο έχει λόγο και ρόλο στη συζήτηση για την Ευρώπη.


RT @CarodeCamaret: Mon invité sur @RFI ce vendredi à 20h40, et ⁦@FRANCE24⁩ samedi à 12h10: ⁦@MargSchinas⁩ , le Vice-président de la ⁦⁦⁦@EU_Commission nous parle , qui divise toujours les 27, d', accident de


RT @alferma1: Reunido en con el vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea @MargSchinas he puesto especial énfasis en la importancia del reparto equitativo de los fondos europeos y la ampliación de la fiscalidad favorable.


Today, we are building a common EU culture of migration management and returns. A system that guarantees protection of our borders, while being fully in line with fundamental rights.

A Union with safe borders but also an asylum destination for those fleeing war and persecution.


Pleased to meet the new Executive Director @LeijtensFrontex .

@Frontex fulfils a critically important role in EU’s border management and security architecture. Anti-smuggling, border surveillance and closer cooperation with third countries key areas for stepped-up engagement.


RT @MinInteriorCY: We would like to thank @EU_Commission and the Vice-President President @MargSchinas for their constant support and continuous efforts towards Cyprus to address the challenges.

@K_Ioannou @CyprusinEU @EUCYPRUS @EUHomeAffairs


Μια ουσιαστική πρώτη συζήτηση με τον νέο Υπουργό @K_Ioannou για τα θέματα μετανάστευσης και ασύλου.

The @EU_Commission will continue to stand by Cyprus with financial support, technical assistance and capacity-building. Migration management requires common European solutions.


.@EUErasmusPlus builds bridges between people, languages and cultures.

Today, we are reinforcing the 2023 Erasmus+ to ensure that the most emblematic EU programme builds bridges to Ukrainians. Solidarity is a component part of the European way of life.


Ωραία συζήτηση με τη Διπλωματική Ακαδημία @GreeceMFA.

Σε μια περίοδο τεκτονικών γεωπολιτικών εξελίξεων, η συμβολή της νέας γενιάς Ελλήνων διπλωματών στην πορεία της χώρας και της Ενωμένης Ευρώπης συνολικά, θα είναι ίσως πιο καθοριστική από ποτέ.

Ευχές για καλή σταδιοδρομία.


RT @DIGITALEUROPE: 🔴 LIVE at : fireside chat between @BonefeldCecilia and @MargSchinas 👇

“Cybersecurity has become a major issue for society”


Delighted to participate in days by @DIGITALEUROPE.

Great discussion with @BonefeldCecilia on our Security Union work, the war in Ukraine, cyber defence and cybersecurity preparedness.

Grateful to industry for supporting our regulatory approach and focus on skills.


RT @CoE_Education: in history is needed for countering disinformation and for developing critical thinking

🇪🇺Innovation Days in History Education opening panel - meaningful remarks from 5⃣speakers

🙏@MargSchinas for making this possible


Today we send a strong message of continued and unwavering support to the Ukrainian people displaced by the war.

One year ago, EU solidarity epitomised by the granting of immediate protection status to over four million people. The EU a place of welcome for as long as it takes.


Delighted to welcome @LSEAAB fellow alumni tonight at the Berlaymont.

Great discussion on the work of the @vonderleyen @EU_Commission, the European Way of Life and the political challenges ahead.

Shared belief that our beloved LSE will always remain a great European school.


We have a deal. Agreement reached on 2023 European Year of skills. EU institutions jointly committed to make the Year a success.

Time has come to shift from policy to reality, from proposals to opportunities.

Collaboration and bottom-up engagement of stakeholders now key.


With @NicolasSchmitEU,
ready for the final negotiations with EP @loucas_fourlas @dragos_pislaru and Council @sweden2023eu on 2023 Year of skills.

We want to boost skills’ development across the EU and we need it now.
Looking forward to a deal and joining efforts to succeed.


New learning opportunities for teachers, at all stages of their careers, thanks to our 16 new @EUErasmusPlus Teacher Academies presented today.

We are enriching both teachers and learners. Yet another concrete step towards the European Education Area.


Excellent discussion with Minister @AnneliesVl on stepping up EU security cooperation to prevent and combat violence and organised crime.

A values-based social contract is the cornerstone of our European way of life; for a Europe that protects and creates opportunities for all.


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