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📢 EU countries have agreed: Kosovo* passport holders will be able to travel to the EU without a visa.

The new rules need to be adopted by the @europarl_en before entering into force. They will apply by 1 January 2024 at the latest.

More about the EU visa policy ⬇️


RT @TradeEconomista: On this day- and EVERY day, I get to be the very proud Presidette of the most insightful, inspirational and friendly organization I know- @TradeExperettes !

Join us!


RT @LenaGothberg: If you want to hear the female voices of the maritime industry, subscribe to the @Shippingpodcast on your podcast platform of choice. 110 featured. You can listen to a woman every day until June if you like! Happy International Women's Day!


Good reading on this . Trade is not gender neutral
RT @sweboardoftrade: International trade is not gender neutral. There are differences for men and women as employees, entrepreneurs and consumers in high and middle income countries. Find out more and download report here:


RT @FormulaGe: Police using water cannon against peaceful demonstrator waving EU flag outside the Georgian Parliament protesting the adoption of the Russian-style anti-NGO law.


RT @TradeExperettes: On this day we reaffirm our core objectives: championing expertise, offering a platform for engagement, and being a force for
women's empowerment.

Join our community to continue shining a light on women trade experts!


RT @WomenInTradeBxl: @MalmstromEU @TradeExperettes Full support to on

If in on March 9th join us:
@cinemagaleries for great film about women working in EU institutions
as we reflect on roles we all play
all profits go to @PromoteUkraine


RT @PIIE: India's free trade deals to date still spare many sectors it deems sensitive. Its pact with Australia grants duty-free access to 70% of Indian tariff lines after 10 years. Free-trade deals typically cover 95% to 98% of tariff lines, says @ChadBown.


🇪🇺🇨🇦 The visit of President @vonderleyen to Canada underlines the importance of CETA, the EU-Canada trade agreement.

CETA works. CETA delivers:

⏫ more jobs
⏫⏫ more innovation
⏫⏫⏫ more cooperation
⏫⏫⏫⏫ more competitiveness
⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫ more resilient supply chains


RT @CapacityNow: @MalmstromEU @TradeExperettes I am also a proud member of this community & I fully agree with @MalmstromEU - join you too! All of you.


RT @tovehovemyr: Vi kan nu stolt berätta att Foresakademin blir med mentorskapsprogram! 🎓
Varje akademideltagare har tilldelats en mentor som matchats mot personens profil och intressen, för att ge dem fler verktyg i reformbygget.

Årets kanongäng med mentorer hittar ni här:


Detta känns väldigt spännande! Tack @fores_sverige
RT @fores_sverige: Mentorer:
-Ulrica Schenström, vd Fores
-@drbergh, @lundsuni, @ifn_stockholm
-@MalmstromEU, f.d. EU-minister, f.d. EU-parlamentariker
-@cnylander, f.d. riksdagsledamot
-Daniel Barr, tillträdande gd @finansinsp
-@eva_udden @ratio_institute
-@bengtzboe @skattebetalarna



RT @fores_sverige: NYHET: Foresakademin får mentorskapsprogram

– Beslutsfattare kan nu mötas över generationsgränserna, där profiler som format svensk politik i decennier träffar opinionsbildare i början av deras karriärer, säger Fores vd @uschenstrom.

Läs mer:


Good news for Estonia and for Europe. @kajakallas had shown a remarkable leadership during the war in Ukraine . Congratulations Kaja!
RT @martenkokk: Estonia 🇪🇪 has voted. All clear. Current PM Kaja Kallas scored all time record in personal votes (more than 30000) on Parliamentary elections and Reform party will have clear majority for forming different coalitions. Estonian support to Ukraine 🇺🇦 will strengthen! @kajakallas


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