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The free world is in awe of the dignity and bravery of .

Honoured to meet President @ZelenskyyUA in to show Europe’s resolve and commitment to continue supporting Ukrainians.

We acknowledge Ukraine’s European aspirations. Ukraine belongs to our European family.


Я також започатковую проект вартістю 7,5 мільйонів євро на підтримку проведення розшуку і збору даних про осіб, зниклих безвісти. 3/3


Наша Консультативна місія @EUAM_Ukraine надаватиме підтримку Офісу Генерального прокурора України в проведенні навчання, забезпеченні обладнанням заради розслідування і збору доказів. 2/3


На власні очі бачив жахливі сцени у сьогодні з прем’єр-міністром @Denys_Shmyhal

Руйнування, звірства, вчинені Росією, та невимовна ціна, яку заплатив невинний український народ.

Воєнні злочини Росії, скоєні в Бучі та інших місцях, мають бути розслідувані. 1/3


I am also launching a project worth €7.5 million to support data collection of missing persons. 3/3


Our civilian mission @EUAM_Ukraine will be supporting the Ukrainian Prosecutor General in providing training and equipment to support investigation and collection of evidence. 2/3


We bear witness to harrowing images in today with Prime Minister @Denys_Shmyhal
atrocities committed by Russia & the unspeakable price paid by innocent Ukrainian people.
The Russia committed in Bucha & elsewhere must be investigated+prosecuted. 1/3


Latest sanctions follow the atrocities committed by Russian armed forces in Bucha and other places under Russian occupation.

The aim of our sanctions is to stop the reckless, inhuman and aggressive behaviour of 's troops and the illegal aggression against .
RT @EUCouncilPress: .@EUCouncil agrees on 5th package of individual & economic sanctions in response to ’s aggression against

Incl. bans on: …


I strongly condemn this morning’s indiscriminate attack against a train station in by Russia, which killed dozens of people and left many more wounded. This is yet another attempt to close escape routes for those fleeing this unjustified war and cause human suffering


Nobel Peace Price laureate & @novaya_gazeta chief editor Dmitry Muratov was attacked in Moscow.

This is completely unacceptable and yet another assault on safety of journalists and media freedom in .

The EU will continue supporting Russian independent journalism.


The grave crimes committed by Russian forces against the Ukrainian civilian population are incompatible with membership of a UN body which defends and promotes human rights.

Today’s decision by UNGA to suspend Russia from @UN_HRC sends this clear message.


We cannot stand idly by as hunger threatens the world because of Russia’s war against Ukraine. My new blog post on the growing food insecurity and the EU’s action:!rYv84w


Foreign Minister Hayashi of Japan and I stand together with .

In the @G7 context and beyond, we and other like-minded partners cooperate to uphold the rules-based international order.


The EU and Australia are united in our support to .

Discussed with @MarisePayne in the margins of the @NATO ministerial today how we can further enhance our assistance to Ukraine bilaterally and in the multilateral arena.


Good to discuss with @SecBlinken next steps in our coordinated response to Russia’s war of aggression against .

What is happening will shape the world for the coming years. The global rules based order is under attack.

We are defending it.


Crucial efforts and progress made between and to work towards lasting peace and a stable and secure South Caucasus.

In the current geopolitical context it is more important than ever to find ways to engage and to diplomatically solve conflicts.
RT @eucopresident: Productive evening with @presidentaz and @NikolPashinyan with concrete and tangible results. Commitment to work on the preparation of a future pea…


With @G7 Foreign Ministers & @jensstoltenberg, we discussed with @DmytroKuleba how we can further step up our support to

The war on Ukraine has global security implications, concerning all of us.

Count on our continued international mobilisation and coordinated support


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