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I count on the determination of @SergiiMarchenk3, @FedorovMykhailo @StefanyshynaO, @nab_ukr, @verkhovna_rada,
@OlekKorn to tackle these challenges.

For . For . And for joining the . 🇺🇦🇪🇺3/3


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Jointly with @ville_itala, DG @antifraud and @EUAuditors in , we met the government, judiciary, and specialist bodies to boost fraud prevention & budgetary protection.

Issues such as fight against smuggling +ag. corruption need to be reinforced. 2/3


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The will support 🇺🇦for as long as it takes. Also financially.

It is crucial for ‘s defence and for - and citizens alike that funds reach their intended destination.

Be it reconstruction, humanitarian or budget support. 1/3


RT @OlekKorn: My greetings to the EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration @JHahnEU and representatives of the @EUAntiFraud @ville_itala in the @ua_parliament. We are talking about the mechanisms of effective and transparent financial control over the use of partner funds.


RT @StefanishynaO: Was glad to meet 🇪🇺Commissioner @JHahnEU, @EUAntiFraud Director
@ville_itala &member of @EUAuditors Marek Opiola.Agreed to strengthen the efficiency of 🇺🇦🇪🇺cooperation in monitoring &audit of the use of funds. Transparency &accountability are crucial as we work on reconstruction


RT @SergiiMarchenk3: Glad to meet in Kyiv EU Commissioner @JHahnEU . Grateful to @EU_Commission for financial assistance, meeting the most urgent🇺🇦needs. Discussed the implementation of +, anti-corruption reform and ensuring transparency and accountability of the use of budget funds. @EU_Budget


RT @FedorovMykhailo: Great meeting with @JHahnEU in Kyiv. Discussed efficiency of IT systems within institutions, optimization of work, transparency of processes inspired by digital. Feels like we are on the same page. Thanks for support & ready to cooperate more.


Today is the Day of European Authors!📚✨

From 9AM EEST (8AM CEST), join us LIVE 🔴 & follow the conference on reading promotion in Sofia 🇧🇬, with the presence of 🇪🇺 Commissioner @GabrielMariya.

Livestream & full programme :!Kn4cKh


hosting Russian nuclear weapons would mean an irresponsible escalation & threat to European security. Belarus can still stop it, it is their choice.

The EU stands ready to respond with further sanctions.


This week we disbursed €1.5 billion of the Macro-Financial Assistance package to Ukraine.

Our support helps the country on reforms, governance and financial stability and puts Ukraine on its EU path.

We will for as long as it takes.


The lights are off tonight at our headquarters, in support of .

Every year, the world's largest environmental movement @earthhour reminds us that small actions can make a great difference for our planet.

Turn your lights off and join us!


We are switching off the lights in our buildings tonight to raise awareness about .

Join us and people around the 🌍 by turning off the lights in your home.

Switch off. Give an Hour for Earth.
🗓 25th March
⏰ 8.30pm (your local time)

@earthhour @WWF


🇪🇺 EU leaders reiterated their condemnation of Russia's war of aggression and agreed to keep and increase pressure on RU.

They reaffirmed support for Ukraine and its people, including the recent agreement to supply much-needed ammunition to 🇺🇦.

Read the main results 👇


Euro Summit | EU leaders discussed the economic and financial situation in the EU 🇪🇺
✅ highlighted the importance of the economic governance framework
✅ called to take forward the capital markets union and complete the banking union

Main results 👉!WDRtt8


🇺🇦🤝🇪🇺 Earlier this week, the @EU_Commission disbursed €1.5 billion to Ukraine, the 2nd part of our €18 bn MFA+ package for 2023.
This provides Ukraine with crucial support to keep their public services running.
📎 This is how the supports 🇺🇦:!JMVNd6


.@AVList is the world’s leading independent mobility technology company combining development,simulation & testing in the automotive industry +other sectors

The company is also a flagship, participating in more than 200 projects as partner or coordinator 2/2


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Impressed by the pioneering spirit of the team at @AVL_List under the leadership of CEO .

Grateful for the interesting presentations and the valuable exchange on the future of sustainable mobility at @AV_List Headquarter in . 1/2


Wir 🇪🇺🇦🇹 investieren ins Reparieren 🔨: 130 Mio € aus dem EU-Aufbauplan fließen in den Reparaturbonus.

@JHahnEU 🇪🇺 hat heute gemeinsam mit @lgewessler, @k_edtstadler & Christopher Drexler das Unternehmen Hirschmann in Graz besucht, das Elektrogeräten eine 2. Chance gibt.


Sehr beeindruckt vom Reparatur-Betrieb .

Die Reparatur von Haushaltsgeräten allein in diesem KMU führt zu einer Einsparung v. 52 Tonnen Elektroschrott pro Monat!

Dieses Geschäftsmodell ist voll auf Linie unseres aktuellen -Vorschlags “Recht auf Reparatur”


RT @EUKommWien: Wir bauen auf Europa 🇪🇺🇦🇹. Und wir bauen die Koralmbahn aus 🚅 mit - 543 Mio € aus dem EU-Aufbauplan .

@JHahnEU: Wir diskutieren derzeit intensiv über die Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Europa 🇪🇺. Eine Grundvoraussetzung ist, dass die Infrastruktur funktioniert.


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