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Die aktuelle Energiedebatte betrifft uns alle und ist in den Regionen besonders präsent.

Gemeinsames und koordiniertes Vorgehen ist entscheidend. Ich appelliere auch an die RegionsvertreterInnen an gesamteuropäischen Lösungen zu arbeiten und gemeinsam Kompromisse zu finden!2/2


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Die Plenarwoche des Ausschusses der Regionen ist immer eine gute Möglichkeit für den Austausch mit VertreterInnen aus den Regionen.

So auch heute mit Landesrat Markus aus Oberösterreich ! 1/2


RT @EU_Commission: We find that Hungary has not progressed enough in its reforms and must meet essential milestones for its Recovery and Resilience funds.

This means that no payment under the RRF is possible until Hungary has fully and correctly implemented 27 super milestones.


RT @EU_Commission: 🙅 Waste no more.

A packaging waste solution is here – with our new proposals to:
🔹 prevent the generation of new waste,
🔹 boosting reuse and refill of packaging,
🔹 make all packaging recyclable by 2030.

Our reflects this shift to


RT @EU_Commission: Russia must pay for its crimes.

We propose to create a new structure to manage frozen Russian public assets, invest them and use the funds for Ukraine.

While supporting @IntlCrimCourt, we are ready to help set up a specialised court to prosecute its crimes.


RT @VDombrovskis: After much work, @EU_Commission endorsed Hungary’s recovery plan. Payments depend on 🇭🇺 carrying out major rule of law reforms.

If these happen, plan will boost:
📌green/digital transitions
📌economic, social, institutional resilience

My remarks 👉


If the Council adopts the budgetary protection measures, we continue to monitor w/a view to solve the outstanding issues as soon as possible.

Important to stress that we are guided in our assessment by the regulation + the intention to achieve improvements f. the 🇭🇺 citizens.3/3


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These are all issues which have a horizontal effect. If they don’t work, this weakens the entire budgetary protection.

That is why we maintain our original proposal from 18 September to suspend 65%, which is the equivalent of 7.5 bn EUR, of three cohesion programmes. 2/3


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: What we conclude today is that important weaknesses and risks remain with some of the most central/cross-cutting measures, such as the newly established integrity authority or the rules on asset declarations/conflict of interest 1/3


RT @MamerEric: Today @EU_Commission approved Hungary's recovery and resilience plan. The plan includes 27 "super milestones" on the rule of law, audit and control, and judicial independence. No RRF payment will be made to🇭🇺 until these are fully and correctly implemented


RT @EU_Commission: The rule of law is the foundation of our Union. Today, we are taking important decisions on EU funds for Hungary.

Press conference by Executive Vice President @VDombrovskis and Commissioners @JHahnEU @dreynders.


Save the date 🗓️! 30/11, +/-12.00h

Today, EVP @VDombrovskis and EU Commissioners @JHahnEU and @dreynders will present the @EU_Commission read-out on the & Plan and the w/regard to Hungary

Follow live: 👉🏾!Jw63DJ


With the successful -bonds auctions,the @EU_Commission has raised nearly €50 bn in bonds in H2 2022, thus delivering on our funding target for the period.

Stay tuned for information about our funding target for H1 2023 in later in December!!8XgtP3


RT @FEFCO: When it comes to , numbers speak louder than words.

's leading rate is thanks to people putting their packaging in the right bin every day in Europe.

Click to learn how this enables the !


RT @EU_Commission: The and the Commission of the @_AfricanUnion are meeting today to strengthen the partnership between the two continents.

They will discuss the and cross-continent issues, such as food security, energy, climate and security.


RT @vonderleyen: 90 years after the Holodomor, our thoughts are with Ukraine as it mourns and remembers, on this day when we came together to fight hunger around the world with President @ZelenskyyUa’s initiative.


RT @EU_Commission: "Women, men and children are freezing in the dark because of Putin's deliberate and barbaric targeting of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure.

The sole purpose is to terrorise Ukrainians.

These acts are war crimes."

— President @vonderleyen, 24 November 2022


RT @EU_Commission: The day we put an end to indifference and impunity.

The day all women and girls can live their lives free of fear.

Safe from violence.

That’s the day we will live in a truly equal world.

Today we


Ich habe mich gefreut, anschliessend mit LH @PeterKaiserSP das neu eröffnete Landesmuseum in Klagenfurt zu besuchen! 2/2


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