
: What we conclude today is that important weaknesses and risks remain with some of the most central/cross-cutting measures, such as the newly established integrity authority or the rules on asset declarations/conflict of interest 1/3


· · mirror-bot · 2 · 1 · 0

These are all issues which have a horizontal effect. If they don’t work, this weakens the entire budgetary protection.

That is why we maintain our original proposal from 18 September to suspend 65%, which is the equivalent of 7.5 bn EUR, of three cohesion programmes. 2/3


If the Council adopts the budgetary protection measures, we continue to monitor w/a view to solve the outstanding issues as soon as possible.

Important to stress that we are guided in our assessment by the regulation + the intention to achieve improvements f. the 🇭🇺 citizens.3/3


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