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RT @Confagricoltura: L’ bolognese pronta a ripartire, ma servono nuovi strumenti, il presidente di Confagricoltura Bologna Garagnani: “ e per dare più competitività alle nostre aziende”


🚨 Reject laws which are bad for European agriculture!

This afternoon, on the initiative of the EPP Group, the @EP_Agriculture rejected the planned legislation.

Read @AnneSanderElue and @HerbertDorfmann’s statement⬇️


RT @PetePakarinen: Proposals of the commission turn out very poor, we need motivated farmers and we don't get this if we criticize the farmers every single day, says @HerbertDorfmann @EPPGroup


"Sad to see how left, greens and Renew rejected @EPPGroup proposal to change title of a plenary debate into listening and respecting farmers. Lack of respect couldn't be clearer"


@Antonio_Tajani @MinColonna @GDarmanin Caro Ministro. Scelta dolorosa ma più che giusta. Il governo Macron sta dimostrando sempre di più di essere populista e di sinistra. Giusto rispondere in maniera forte.


RT @EPPGroup: 🚨European Commission, listen to farmers!

There is an urgent need to listen to & respect our farmers when shaping EU policies.

We are calling for a debate at the plenary session of the European Parliament next week!

Read @ManfredWeber & @HerbertDorfmann’s view⬇️


@AndrejWerth 😂😂😂😂 dreimal falsch. Der Titel Onorevole steht neben den Mitgliedern des Abgeordnetenhauses nur den Mitgliedern der Assemblea Siciliana zu. Südtiroler Landtag nix. EP auch nix 😂😂😂😂


The were created to support Ukrainian food export and food security in third countries. The agri commissioner @jwojc should ensure their proper working, not to let them disturb markets in Ukraine´s neighbourhood. @EPPGroup


@EddyWax Don t worry Eddy. I‘m enjoying the service of @DB_Bahn Couldn’t be worst. Prefer a bored man next to me rather than a boring service


Nach der x-ten absurden @DB_Bahn Fahrt bleibt mir eigentlich nur eine Frage übrig. Schämt ihr euch eigentlich für gar nichts mehr?


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