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The floods that affected thousands of Italians are a direct consequence of biodiversity loss & climate change.

We need nature's help to limit the impact of the .

@rosadamato634 points to the irresponsibility of those who reject a new EU law to .


Our MEPs joined a protest to stand up for nature as conservative and far-right MEPs try to reject a new law to .

"This law is a plus for farmers and anyone saying differently is probably selling pesticides", @EP_Environment shadow rapporteur @juttapaulusrlp.


How can cities across Europe ensure the digital transition does not hamper the ecological transition?

Join our event with our MEP @DavidCormand and @c_zorn to find out!
📅13 June 3:30-5:30 pm
📍EU Parliament (Strasbourg) & online



"Should we let the Hungarian government set the EU agenda when they do not respect what the EU stands for?" @GDelbosCorfield

Today 5 political groups united to call on @EUCouncil & @EU_Commission to take action as Hungarian government is set to take the EU Presidency in a year:


RT @GDelbosCorfield: Today, our resolution on in Hungary 🇭🇺 has been adopted by a broad majority of @europarl_en.

Once again, 5 political groups are united to call @EUCouncil & @EU_Commission to take action as the Hungarian government is set to take the EU Presidency in a year⤵️


Great news💜

The EP voted with a big majority on proposals to combat in the EU & EU Parliament.

Sexual harassment is criminalised across the EU and must be treated as such!

Read more by our MEPs @sylwiaspurek & @piratkolaja:


RT @europeangreens: On the 1st day of , we Greens reiterate our commitment to continue fighting for:

✋ Protection from violence, hate crimes & discrimination
❌ Banning ‘conversion therapy’
🧑‍⚖️ Legal recognition of gender identity
🏥 Access to healthcare
👩‍👩‍👦 Equal parental rights
& more!


RT @CarolineRooseEU: TRÈS bonne nouvelle aujourd'hui: le Parlement européen vient d'adopter la directive sur le devoir de vigilance des entreprises.

Une victoire pour les , le et la mondiale malgré les attaques de la droite et de l'extrême droite.



🚨Great news!

The Corporate Sustainability & Due Diligence Directive was approved!

Companies must be accountable for their environmental & human rights impact, and binding rules will ensure more responsible business👏

Congrats to our @HeidiHautala for the work on this!
RT @GreensEFA: Tomorrow MEPs vote on the Corporate Sustainability & Due Diligence Directive .

We call on MEPs to support this key step to create an EU law to make companies conduct b…


RT @ciarancuffe: 🚨 is approved!

Corporations should be accountable for their environmental & human rights impact, and binding rules will ensure more responsible business. Thanks to the 100s of constituents who got in touch to support this👇


🔴Vote historique au @Europarl_be. Nous venons d’adopter la directive sur le devoir de vigilance . Texte essentiel pour une économie respectueuse des droits humains, sociaux et environnementaux. On avance!


RT @marietouss1: On a tenu !

Malgré les attaques répétées de la droite et des lobbies, le vient d'adopter sa position sur le devoir de vigilance européen.

Une victoire pour le vivant et les , mais le danger est encore là... Je vous explique 👇


RT @CarolineRooseEU: Merci à Greta Thunberg pour son soutien dans le combat pour la Loi sur la Restauration de la .
Au @Europarl_FR nous nous heurtons à l'opposition de la droite, de l'extrême-droite et d'une partie des libéraux.
On ne lâche rien. Sans Nature pas de Nourriture!


La droite au vient littéralement de quitter la table des négociations sur la restauration de la .

Demain, ils vont tout faire en plénière pour détruire la loi sur le devoir de vigilance.

Au moins leurs intentions sont claires : tuer le .
RT @juttapaulusrlp: +++BREAKING+++
(CDU/CSU) leaves negotiations on EU !
Goal: Sabotage of the Green Deal together with far-right.
Background: revenge of Manfred Webe…


RT @micha_bloss: Protest und Meinungsfreiheit sind ❤️-stück unserer Demokratie.

🔥 ist kein Verbrechen, wir brauchen ihn mehr denn je!
🔥Wir haben den Antrag der Rechten abgeschmettert.

Der Kampf für mehr Klimaschutz geht weiter! @GreensEFA @Gruene_Europa


Tomorrow MEPs vote on the Corporate Sustainability & Due Diligence Directive .

We call on MEPs to support this key step to create an EU law to make companies conduct business responsibly.

It is time to make companies respect human rights, health, environment & climate!


The horrific floods in Italy & their aftermath show us that we are not ready for disasters.

Our Group has requested a debate today in on the social & economic costs of climate change and the need for EU solidarity with Italy.

Our @TerryReintke ⤵️


Yesterday Brazil's Congress voted in favour of a bill that will take land away from indigenous people and dilute the power of the environment- & indigenous ministries.

and its people are again under threat!

We keep on fighting with them ✊🏼


EPP have left the negotiations.

What a shameful display: the biggest group in the European Parliament is playing power games against their own Commission President and the Green Deal.

EPP has lost its moral compass.


@EPPGroup Greens/EFA MEP @juttapaulusrlp is lead negotiator on this file: "A walk out on nature is a walk out on a liveable future for farmers, for nature, for us all! With this action the @EPPGroup shows it is only interested in sabotaging our Green Deal."


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