In solidarity with Ukraine, a mural "Grow in Freedom" by Ukrainian and Belgian artists was inaugurated in Brussels today.
The mural is one of the five murals-symbols in Vienna, Berlin, Marseille, Brussels, and Nairobi that are part of the "The Wall" project.
Ukrainians are fighting for their right to choose their future.
And they have already chosen.
They have chosen the European Union.
In these dark times, their hearts are warmed by the confidence that Ukraine will join the EU one day.
1 jaar na de invasie van Rusland laat Oekraïne zijn kracht zien.
Deze tijdlijn belicht de belangrijke stappen die zijn gezet om humanitaire hulp te verlenen, economische en politieke hervormingen te ondersteunen en de integratie van #Oekraïne in de EU te vergemakkelijken.
🔴LIVE: Press conference by President @vonderleyen, Prime Minister @kajakallas & Secretary General @jensstoltenberg
Ukraine will prevail because Ukrainians will neither flinch nor step back.
And because Europe and its partners and allies will stand firm.
Vandaag is het een jaar geleden dat Rusland Oekraïne op brute wijze binnenviel.
Maar we vieren ook 365 dagen dapper Oekraïens verzet tegen de dood en vernietiging door Rusland.
Oekraïne zal vrij zijn, en we zullen doorgaan met #StandWithUkraine zolang het duurt.
We have proudly raised the Ukrainian flag in front of our building in solidarity with Ukraine and its people.
The flag of the brave Ukrainian people will fly high in Brussels everyday when Ukraine joins the EU.
Because Ukraine belongs to our European family.
One year of brutal Russian aggression.
One year of heroic Ukrainian resistance.
One year of European solidarity.
Ahead of us is a future of unity.
You are fighting for freedom, for democracy, and for your place in the European Union.
We are with you, for as long as it takes.
Pleased to meet Madeleine De Cock Buning at @Netflix’s 🇪🇺 headquarters.
We discussed investments in European productions and also increased support to the Ukrainian creative sector.
Thank you for your strong support for the #MediaFreedomAct.
Russian independent media are essential to tell the truth to Russian people about Putin’s war against Ukraine.
The EU is working to create the best conditions for them to work outside their home country.
Good discussion today with Russian independent media based in Amsterdam.
Thank you Mayor Femke Halsema for the warm welcome in Amsterdam, a city standing for freedom.
We discussed how to join forces to make the EU a safe harbour for those who fight for #democracy and are at risk.
Vandaag is het 3500e product met een geografische aanduiding in de EU geregistreerd 🇪🇺: Corrèze-wijnen uit Frankrijk 🇫🇷.
EU-kwaliteitsregelingen beschermen het Europese landbouwerfgoed en helpen consumenten overal kwaliteitsproducten te herkennen: 🔗
Uit de nieuwe #Eurobarometer-enquête blijkt dat na bijna 1 jaar oorlog, Europeanen nog steeds solidair zijn met 🇺🇦Oekraïne. Ook steunen EU-burgers de versnelling van de energietransitie, met name investeringen in hernieuwbare energie. Meer via🔗
RT @VeraJourova: Thank you @dpgmedia_nl for hosting Russian independent media here in Amsterdam.
This is about standing for #mediafreedom and solidarity.
We also discussed safeguards to protect editorial independence and pluralism everywhere in the EU. #MediaFreedomAct
De Commissie schorst het gebruik van de #TikTok-applicatie op alle bedrijfsapparatuur en op alle persoonlijke apparaten die bij de Commissie zijn ingeschreven op. Het doel hiervan is de cyberbeveiliging te verbeteren. Meer via🔗
De helft van de EU-bevolking is ouder dan 44,4 jaar in 2022, dit is 0,3 jaar meer dan in 2021. Meer over de leeftijd van de 🇪🇺 bevolking en per lidstaat via de link👇
RT @EU_Eurostat: 👩👨On 1 January 2022, the median age of the EU’s population reached 44.4 years. In 2012 it was 41.9 years.
Highest increases in:
🇵🇹Portugal (+4.7 years)
🇪🇸Spain (+4.3)
Increases in all Member States except 🇸🇪Sweden (-0.1) and 🇲🇹Malta (no change).
De Commissie registreert een nieuw 🇪🇺burgerinitiatief: 'Ensuring a dignified reception of migrants in Europe'. Het initiatief roept op tot hervormingen binnen 🇪🇺#asiel en #migratie.
De organisatoren krijgen 6 maanden om handtekeningen te verzamelen:🔗
RT @eu__justice: Sign the petition to make the internet #safeforkids:
Vandaag is het de 🇪🇺Europese dag voor slachtoffers van misdrijven.
Kinderen moeten veilig het #internet kunnen gebruiken, daarom delen we deze petitie👇
RT @eu__justice: We all want the same thing - a world where children are safe and can thrive online. Together we can, and must, end child sexual violence in Europe by passing laws that make it hard or impossible for children to be abused online.
Visit to Chemport Innovation Centre @GroningerHavens in Delfzijl & Eenshaven industrial area; good discussion with companies working on chemistry greening
Important to have vision for the future and place based approach to minimise social & economic impact of climate transition
RT @KadriSimson: 👋Welcome to Brussels, @hugodejonge, Minister for Housing & Spatial Planning of the Netherlands🇳🇱
We exchanged views on the ongoing negotiations on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive recast & how #energy savings can help us achieve our #EUGreenDeal 🇪🇺🌿goals.
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